
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Finally!  The Republicans did not blink

   Obama sat there on national TV last week screaming that if the budget cuts were to come through it would either mean cutting funding to starving kids or Kids living in Poverty.  Then later on Friday he comes back and said the cuts would not be that bad.  

   The reality is that Obama and Democrats were  trying to use fear to get what they wanted and for the first time in a long time the Republicans grew a pair and refused to cave in.  Our nation literally is on a Financial cliff, but it is not one created if we start cutting the US Spending Budget and tighten our belts. 

   The real cliff is one that we would go over destroying our future and our children's future if we did not cut spending and cut it now and yes cut it hard and deep.  We were and still are on our way to a depression as bad as what Greece and Italy are facing now and a depression worse than what we saw in the 1930's if our spending is not brought under control now.

   Many American families have lived with the reality that if they overspend we have to tighten our families fiscal belts until we get out of the hole we spent ourselves into since the beginning of this nation.  Its about time that our Government wakes up and see the reality that it faces if it cannot control itself.

   The idea that you can tax the rich to keep spending is a pipe dream at best and not founded on fact.  There are not enough rich people in America to keep taxing.  I had brought up the true historical fact of what happened to Paris a thousand years ago.  A band of Vikings came knocking on the gates of Paris and threatened to Sack the city unless the citizens of Paris gave them Gold.  So the Mayor ran to the cities rich and asked for gold.  They gave it to the Vikings and they went back to their homeland and showed other vikings their spoils and told them what they did.  So band after band of Vikings showed up at Paris's gates demanding gold until one band showed up and the Mayor ran to the Cities rich and they had no more gold to give and thus the Vikings sacked the city killing all, including the mayor and the rich.

   Vikings are beginning to knock at the gates of the US and frankly we do not have that many Rich to pay for our foolish follies.

   Keep in mind that even as we speak with tons of different Governmental programs out there 1/5 of American children go home daily to homes where no food is on the table.  The reason and fault behind this lays solely in the hands of the parents, and there personal choices in their lives.  Keep in mind that the federal government openly admitted just a few weeks back that most welfare checks are cashed at liquor stores and strip clubs.

   As more and more parents realize they can spend foolishly and rely on the federal government to take care of them and their kids more and more parents will stupidly let the government take care of them and not take personal responsibility to take care of themselves and their children.

   A while back 20/20 did a story about 2 25 year old women.  One worked a full time job as a dispatcher and went to college at night.  She made $25,000 a year, things were tight but she was able to pay her bills and live responsibly.  The other had 5 children by 4 different dads, the first being born when she was 16, she had never held down a real job but between welfare, housing assistance, food stamps health insurance, and even an insurance waiver so that she could drive her truck to "job interviews" it was figured that she made $28,000 a year in federal assistance.  Yes she applied for jobs as was demanded of her but she never took the job hunt seriously.  Why should she?  I mean the government both local  county, state and federal were allowing her to live a life of leisure.  

   The reality is that we can no longer play the government as fools.  Americans have to stand up and realize that we are responsible for our own lives and no one else.  We are one of the greatest nations in the world because our founding fathers gave us the tools to pursue our own paths and make our way ourselves in this world instead of having to live off of the table scraps like Europeans were living.

   The problem is too many Americans now think they are entitled to live off of the backs of others and not realize that they themselves are responsible for their future and no one else.

   The reality is that Americans that think that the rich do not deserve what they have are also those that hate what America is and want to destroy it.  I personally think that America is great only because, here in America a person can be born poor but die a well to do person.

   The funniest thing is that Conservatives tend to give far more back in charity than Liberals.  That states a lot.

  As a last side note.  When our nation was its strongest we also made sure that EVERYONE had the best chance possible to become educated.  Today that is not true.   The three worst Cities in terms of Public Education in America also spend the most money.  The reality is that spending money does not solve problems. 

  Only hard work and personal responsibility guarantee that a person will get educated and make something of themselves in this nation.

  As I stated in the beginning of this Obama said that starving kids and kids needing assistance would suffer.  But then Friday he came back on TV, and said it would not be that bad.  So the question is are starving kids really going to starve because of the Budget cuts?

Well if they do it will be because Obama is personally allowing them to starve.  Why???????  Because Congress gave Obama control of how those cuts will be handed out.  The reality is that there are many ways to cut the US budget without cutting Welfare programs or releasing dangerous prisoners early or even weakening our Military.  

   So is Obama willing to take as much time as he does standing before the TV cameras screaming Wolf to study where the US government can cut redundancies in our US government???????????????

   I truly doubt he does.  Managing your spending takes work.  And so far Obama has shown little interest in working that hard. 

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