
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hugo Chavez died today.

     I am not going to applaud Hugo Chavez's death.  Dieing from cancer is not easy and not something I would wish on even my biggest of enemies.  But at the same time it sickens me how some Democrats are praising Chavez.

    The reality is that he basically destroyed Venezuela's economy and even though he said he did it in the name of the poor, doing what he did actually harmed Venezuela's poor even more.  Venezuela at the time of Chavez's death has the highest inflation in the world at 29%. 

   There have been numerous currency devaluations, Chavez nationalized big parts of the Food industry and oil industry and tried to control currency flight out of the nation.  In doing so this has only created large and widespread shortages of basic staples such as Coffee, sugar and flour. 

   In addition Chavez all but silenced opposing views controlling National News Media and Radio, airing a 5 hour news broadcast.

   I guess it should not surprise me that American Democrat Congressmen would be singing his praises since many of the things he implemented and did are the very things that Many Democrats in our nation wanted to implement here.

  I mean they want to keep businesses from leaving US borders for other opportunities, but what they do not understand is that doing such a thing actually kills invention innovation and jobs, instead of creating them or keeping them here.

  Many more liberal democrats also want to silence opposing opinion just as Chavez pretty much succeeded in doing in Venezuela.  Yes this may help keep a person or party in power but in the end only helps destroy a nation.

   Again I  am not happy Chavez died from Cancer.  I do not wish such a death on anyone.  But now maybe just maybe the Venezuelan people will have the ability to move away from the destructive Socialist ideals that created the highest Inflation rate in all of South America and have kept the poor locked in a prison without bars.

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