
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is the Federal Government trying to create a bullet shortage?

     The Department of Homeland security has been caught red handed.  Buying Billions Hollow Point Bullets and thousands of High Powered Weapons that our so honest and above board Master Obama wants to outlaw the common American Citizen from Having. 

    In doing so they have caused a shortage of the bullets and weapons causing a run on any existing stock of bullets out there.  When questioned the Obama Administration has refused to answer.

    Yes certain media outlets that are nothing more than Obama Mouth pieces have offered the extremely weak and very brittle excuse that the Bullets are to be used for nothing more than training purposes, does not fit.

  No Firearms experts and or trainers say they have EVER used Hollow Point Bullets for training purposes.  It would be like using a $100,000 car to train a first time student driver.  NOT SMART.

   So the question is, is the Obama administration buying up all of the bullets to purposely create a shortage of bullets?  Or are they trying to yank bullets off the market by buying them up, since they cannot do so because of the 2nd Amendments Protection of the Average US Citizen?

   This combined with Department of Homeland Securities purchase of thousands of Drones with the ability to watch and listen in on what we do in our private homes, one has to wonder exactly what Obama's intentions really are?

  Is he so bothered by the rights that Americans have, he is determined to destroy all of our rights before he leaves office?

   Does Obama want to create a police state where millions of Americans are afraid to open their mouths out of fear of being labeled a hater?, or a racist?  Or a Bigot? 

     Funny Liberals and even Obama himself already do that now they are arming  themselves and taking all of the bullets out of circulation, and the reality is they are not hiding, nor is the media, or at least the Liberal media even making any form of a fuss out of this.

     I have brought up before that the United States War for Independence was fought over the Private Citizens right to own weapons.  Keep in mind On the night of April 19, 1775 700 British regulars marched towards Lexington and Concord to seize weapons private Colonial Citizens dared own.   Thus started our War for Independence and the US's change of the course of history. 

    Right after the Communists seized control of the Russian Revolution and killed the idiots that started it, Lenin's first order was to outlaw the ownership of Guns by Russian citizens excepting for Communist Party Members.

   Adolph Hitler right after coming to power also outlawed weapons in Germany but only for a small group of Germans.  That would be all German Jews were ordered to give up their guns and Ammo.

   Pol Pot who killed millions of Cambodians in a Genocide rivaling both Hitler and Stalin also outlawed weapons before starting his blood bath.

  History shows us that when a Government tries to remove Guns and weapons in general from the hands of their citizens their citizens are always the ones that end up getting massacred.

   That is the real reason why I am thankful that at least for now the 2nd Amendment stands and our right to arm ourselves exists.

   Jim Carey can act like an idiot mocking Gun Owners and even call Charlton Heston an idiot but in the end if he is at the wrong end of a government owned Gun wouldn't he be the idiot?????????????

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