
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mike and Molly Insult the Navajo Nation

    On Monday Mike and Molly made a joke about Arizona being a Furnace Full of Drunken Indians.  The Navajo Nation was immediately offended and said that Alcoholism was not a laughing matter.

    I only bring this up because I wonder where do we draw the line.  As it stands now.  You can only make fun of white men, in commercials or white women if a Black woman is also in the commercial or black men if Black women are in the commercial, and this is done out of fear of offending some

   The reality is that ALL Jokes.  Let me restate this, ALL Jokes will offend someone.  Mike and Molly is a show about fat people making fun of fat people  Should we outlaw all Jokes including those about fat people??

  Again if it is wrong to offend Alcoholic Native Americans why is it right to insult fat people in the name of a joke??????????

  I am a fat guy.  I do not deny it, I am also not offended by fat jokes.  I realize the reason why those jokes are funny.  The reality is due to my own choices and my own actions I am fat, and thus accept the jokes.

  Alcoholics make choices as well they choose to drink. There are 10's of thousands if not hundreds of thousands and even millions that make a choice daily not to drink.  And not all alcoholics are offended by jokes about drinking.

  So I go back to the fact that ALL Jokes will offend someone.  Should we outlaw all jokes just because someone is going to be offended?????

   We cannot exist as a society that way.   So again where do we draw the line?  I mean outlawing jokes is not going to end the problem of Alcoholism on Reservations and in Society in general.

   Outlawing jokes even just ones making fun of alcoholism will not stop or end alcoholism, it only makes those that feel guilty about there problem to deny they may even have one. 

   I have said this many times in the past.  If you do not like something then you are not forced to attend or even watch it.  If jokes about Drunken Indians offends you then do not watch the show 

   Why is it in our society Americans think that if they are offended by something they have the right to stop something even if someone else may not be offended.

   A while back a Jewish couple.  Meaning just two people threatened a lawsuit in a New Jersey town unless the Christmas Parade's name was changed and Santa Clause was taken out of the parades line up.

   I am a devout Christian, I do not believe in Santa Clause, and will never tell my kids a lie that Santa exists.  But loved what the outcome was.  The cowardly town mayor caved and changed the parade to a "Winter Parade" and cancelled Santa Claus, the reaction was a public uproar and 5000 people showed up to the parade dressed as Santa Claus. 

   The town council and mayor were voted out of office, the new town council restored the Christmas Parade and Santa Clause and told the two idiots to go ahead and sue.  I say if the Jewish community wants to hold parades let them do it to honor their holidays, and I think most Americans would agree.

   The reality is that not everyone is going to do every thing you like and visa versa if you do not like something then do not watch it or support it.  But that does not mean you have the right to demand something stop just because your offended.  That is unless the activity is breaking the law.  Drug use, crimes and or even Sex in public break laws, and deservedly so and you have the right to call the cops and get them stopped.

  I am a happy heterosexual male, but am not going to run to the Phoenix City Hall and demand the Local Gay Pride Parade be cancelled.

   One last example.  Several years back a Colorado Native American Basketball Team called themselves the Fighting Whities and their mascot was a white man in a suite and tie holding a briefcase.  Dozens upon dozens of people called to order T-Shirts.  The Team and its captain who came up with the idea were angered and obviously flustered, because they wanted to offend people instead people saw humor in what they did.  To most people it was funny because a guy in a white shirt tie and black suit is not fierce. 

    Keep in mind when mascots are chosen they are usually chosen for their fierceness and not because someone is trying to insult the group as a whole. 

   In the end whether or not something is offensive is a personal thing for the most part.  Again since whether something is offensive or not is personal it is impossible to scrub society of everything that will offend everyone

  So my question is why do some people have such thin skins and demand everyone conform to their ideals, when I KNOW FOR A Fact that if we demanded they conformed to our ideals that they would scream bloody murder.

  Keep in mind holding a parade or even airing a TV show with jokes is not forcing someone to CONFORM.

  I say grow up to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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