
Friday, March 29, 2013

Mayors against Illegal Guns are pathetically using the relatives of the Newtown 6 year olds and their teachers to push their transparently liberal political views on the rest of us by airing TV Commercials, with these relatives screaming about how we need Gun Registration laws.

  Why is this so pathetic?  Because the worthless pathetic idiot that shot those 6 year olds actually stole the guns he used from his mom after he killed her.  Gun Registration laws would not have helped stop the shooting.

     The Gabby Giffords shooter, in Tucson January 2011, did buy the guns but only after passing an FBI background check.

     The Aurora Colorado, Movie theatre shooting was the same thing, yes he bought the guns but only after passing a back ground check.

    The Columbine shooters in 1999 obtained their guns illegally, by asking someone to buy the guns for them.

   The reality is that Background checks are not going to stop Criminals from getting guns.  If anything these shootings prove the old saying.  "If you outlaw Guns Only Outlaws will have Guns"

   The ironic thing is taking away guns does not stop murder sprees or mass murders.  A while back for one of my posts I had heard of a mass murder in a Chinese school where a man had used a Knife to stab and kill multiple students.

  In doing the search I found out that there were more than one incidence where a mad man in china had used a knife to stab children.

  What are we then supposed to Outlaw knives or at the very least Go Vegetarian, just to save the children????????????????????

  During President Obama's State of the Union Address he invited two parents of a girl, who had marched in Obama's Inaugeration parade just weeks before but then was later shot to death in yet another sense less gun related Death in Chicago.

   He stood their and said her parents DESERVED a vote on Gun Registration. 

   The Ironic thing is that GUNS ARE ALREADY OUTLAWED  in Chicago.

  Meaning there is no need for a vote in Chicago.  Since Guns are already outlawed there, they should not be on the street.

  But the reality is that they are indeed on the street.  And in fact the 3 Cities with the strictest Gun Laws also have the worst Gun Violence in the nation.

   So are we going to let thugs and Bullies try to force us to allow them to take away more of our rights?  Or are we going to stand up to them and shove their lies back into their faces?  

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