
Monday, March 25, 2013

Marriage Equality or forced Acceptance?

     The Supreme Court is taking on the legality of Gay Marriage this week.  I personally, as a christian believe that Homosexuality is a sin.  But as a Christian I also believe in judge not lest ye be judged, God is to judge all in the end and not us.

    That being said, I am adding my two cents to this argument because many in the homosexual community have stated that they only want Gay Marriage to give them legal rights if their gay partner happens to get sick and or even dies. 

   But Reality says this is all Hog Huey!

   Historically Marriage was entirely a religious practice and nothing more.  Religiously even today Heterosexual couples can be denied marriage by one religion or another.  A Jew can be denied marriage within the Catholic Church and a Catholic can be denied in a Baptist Church and so on and so forth.

   Heterosexual Marriage have been occurring since the beginning of recorded time, for thousands of years in every society out there.  Yes there have been historical recordings of gay marriages occurring historically, but they have never been mainstream.

   Even in the Roman Society, Gay Marriage was not openly accepted while Adult/youth couplings were.  I only bring this up to show that in our society today Adult/youth couplings would not be accepted, but many in the Gay Community demand we accept Gay Marriage no questions asked.

  Government involvement in marriage occurred more recently in the last 150 years as divorce started to rear its ugly head in our society.

   As I said earlier, it HOG HUEY, that many in the Gay Community only want Gay Marriage for legal rights.  

   I say its Hog Huey because I have said in the past, great lets remove the Government from the equation and create Civil Unions for all Marriages whether Gay or straight, thus satisfying the Governments need. 

   But when I suggest this, those arguing for Gay Marriage start to scream.  Screaming that they want Marriage.  But they can and do marry now.  So Allowing Civil Unions legally in the eyes of the Government gives them Legal rights while keeping Marriage Religious and societal only.

   Keep in mind thousands of Gay Couples get married daily in the US as  we speak.  Yes they are not recognized by Most State Governments but that does not mean they are not getting married.

   But as I said the Gay Community screams at giving them only legal status and not calling it marriage.  And why do they scream? They are trying to drive forced acceptance in our society as a whole and allowing Gay Marriage Legally, could allow them the ability to force Churches to allow acceptance of and even the performance of those marriages by LAW.

   I offer as additional proof Gay Rights protesters openly disrupting Churches who choose to express their right and say no to Gay Marriage. 

   And before you say But But But Westboro Baptist Church in Wichita is just as guilty.  I say yes your right and the Phelps family and the Westboro Church is just as wrong as the gay community who is trying to force acceptance.

   As I said at the beginning of this post Judge not lest ye be judged.  As Christians we are supposed to recognize what is sin but are not supposed to judge.

But at the same time we have the right to stand up against being forced to accept something that is sin.

  Again as I always say on my posts, if you disagree with me, please tell me how I am wrong.  But please be respectful and I will be respectful of your opinions as well.

   Again as I state if the demand for legalizing Gay Marriage is only to give legal rights to both members of the partnership then why is giving them legal rights in the form of civil unions?

  I am not trying to deny someone marriage, again I am not.  Gay couples get married already in states that do not recognize their state.  And again Marriage historically is a  societal norm and not a legal one.

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