
Friday, March 22, 2013

Is the American Dream Dieing.  And Do many Americans want it to Die?

     I have been thinking of writing a post about the dieing American Dream for the past few months now and decided today I would do it.

     When I sat down and started to type why I think the American dream was dieing, I typed into Google American Dream Definition, and got the following two definitions.

American Dream

the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American.
a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the U.S.
   The reality is that our founding fathers NEVER EVER intended that the American Dream be based on Equality because get this NO ONE EVER BORN onto this planet are EVER equal.
   The founding fathers intended for an equal playing field.  Not that all of the players be equal.  Again something that could never happened.  But they could and did seek for an equal playing field.

   Many who hate what America stands for state that could not be true because the Founding Fathers did not end slavery,  but the reality is that they were smart enough to know they could not do so then, because the political climate was wrong to do so but built the Road to lead to the disolvement and end of slavery in the US states and ultimately did so just 80 years after the United States was founded.  

  But Definition #1 explains allot about where America has gone wrong as of late.  Many Americans, mostly liberal in their thought processes, now believe that we all deserve the same things in life.  That we should not reward victory and keep score in kids baseball and football games and that kids do not need to work hard and do homework to get good grades because they have tried.  To many you do not need to succeed to get the rewards of success, all you need to do is show up.

   Again this explains so much.  We recently had stories hit the Headlines about American Automakers, Chrysler, Chevy and Ford about to go under, but they had Auto Worker Employees making $65,000 a year as a start on the assembly line and the lowest position on the Assembly lines were those that tightened Lug nuts, those with higher end assembly jobs made $150K+.  Their American counterparts working for Non Union Japanese Assembly plants here in the US were getting paid $42K a year  to tighten lug nuts and only Plant management made $150K+ at the Japanese plants on US Soil.

   Secondly we have Longshoremen making 115K+ a year to unload Ships on American Shores.  Examples like these are reasons why more and more things are done Overseas and not on American Shores.  So the question is who is responsible for the degrading of the American Dream?

   Is it the Indian Call Center worker that takes a job getting paid 1/4 what an American Call Center worker gets paid while producing more.  Or is the American that demands more and more and more but works less and less and less and actually considers it an insult that an employer dare demand they shave shower and wear clean clothes to a job that the Employer dares demand you show up on time to.

   My old job at the Text book Publishing Company meant I read many different articles about new trends in society and how they would affect the education arena.  One of those what How many Millions of Echo Boomers (Baby Boomer Offspring) were entering the job arena at the age of 22-23 and never Ever having a job before.  

  The articles I read were how HR departments were now having to hold classes on Daily cleanliness, showers, wearing clothes properly and even how to punch in and how to act around other adults.  

  This truly baffled me.  I mean my dad kicked me out of the house when I was 11, I delivered papers, I mowed lawns.  I grew my own garden.   All to earn money, but apparently many Baby Boomers thought that is a bad and destructive way to raise a kid.  

   The problem is that we US society has to pay the price.  

   Because we now have a complete generation of Kids out there that expect to get paid top dollar and get EVERYTHING they want all while not have to work to get ahead.

  This way of thinking is definitely one way of destroying the American Dream, but I also think that American Greed is destroying the American Dream in a different way.

  A while back a factory was opened in Cambodia and the Average worker in this factory was going to get paid $3.00 a day American, working six days a week 9 hours a day.  What you say SLAVE LABOR and HOW DARE that evil company. 

  But the Cambodians that got the jobs did not consider themselves slaves.  In fact they considered themselves the luckiest people on Earth.  Why????????????????

  Cambodian Per Ca pita income is $200 a year and most Cambodians had to work 7 days in the week, 12 hours a day to get that.

   As one lucky factory worker said he used to have to be in the heat of the sun 7 days a week sun up to sun down, and got pennies a day.  Now he was working in air conditioned comfort, and made 4 times as much providing things for his family he only dreamed of before.  
  So is it wrong to deny that Factory worker the right to provide better for his family all because an American worker wants $20 an hour to do the same work?  And is it really slave labor if he is willing to do it?

   Get this, Americans used to come here because the Laws in this nation built an Atmosphere where Americans could do anything they wanted as long as they worked hard to get it.  

  Now Many Americans Expect the best of everything without doing anything to deserve it.

  Do not get me wrong, I am making half what I did just 2 years ago.   But I also know that if I work hard I will get back to that level.  I am not going to sit here and demand others hand what I want to me.

   America made it to where it was faster and stronger than its European counter parts who were hundreds and in some cases thousands of years older because of our strength, independence and faith in God. 
  I personally want to say that I owe every thing to God and that he has blessed me in many ways and has guided me when I needed guidance.  I have always been amazed at how, God has guided me in times of trouble and strife as well. The reality is that a person must work hard while having faith in God and rely on his guidance.  Again something I think too many Americans are going away from.

I personally do not want the American dream to die.  I will work hard to make sure it does not die.  The question is am I right or wrong??????

Are more Americans more willing to sit around and get things handed to them or are they willing to fight for their own personal happiness and freedom and grab the American dream?

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