
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Obama Leadership through Fear!

     Obama got into office based on and has held onto his office based on Fear.

  Not a Fear of Death and or imprisonment, in the way Hitler led Nazi Germany, or Stalin led the Soviet Union, nor the way Saddam Hussein and other Ruthless dictators have been shown to lead historically.

   But fear none the less.  Many Americans voted for Obama because Obama told them you vote Republican they will take away your Social Security, and take away your welfare and your food stamps.  He had them afraid that they would have their ENTITLEMENTS taken away.

   He told America that we have to spend trillions more in  or else he will not be able to repair the damage that Bush did to the economy.  Many Americans were and still are afraid that Bush and evil Republicans destroyed the Economy.

   He told Americans that a racist video, made by an American was responsible for the Attack on Benghazi that killed the American Ambassador to Libya and not the truth.  The truth was that the Obama administration fell down and did not offer proper protection to an American Ambassador in the employ of the US Government.  Now that the truth has come out Americans by and large do not care any more but they listened intently when Obama and Clinton and Rice and other Obama Administration stooges lied to them.

  Why??????  Because many Americans have bought into this lie of fear that Obama is selling.

  Obama is now out there stating that if the Government shuts down in the next few weeks unless the Republicans cave to his ludicrous idea of spending us into greater debt is the best thing for this nation, Millions of first responders will be laid off and our life as we know it will crumble into Anarchy.

   In reality, I think we should let the government start to shut down.  Our nation is not going to crumble into Anarchy.  Our nation Collects and spends trillions in taxpayer dollars.  If in two weeks Congress can not come  to agreement, that would mean that 85 Billion would have to be cut.  Its but a drop in the bucket, compared to the Trillions already spent.  Our nation would not fall into chaos or anarchy if 85 billion were cut.

But do think that allowing the 85 billion to be cut would teach America as a whole to live within their means.

   The reality is that Conservatives and those that want America to cut back on Spending are not spewing forth fear.  They are stating fact and reality.

  Fear is something that keeps little kids hiding under the covers at night afraid of monsters in the closet or under the bed.  Reality and truth while not fun and often not easy is something that Grown Adults realize they must face in order to grow.

  Lastly Obama invited the parents of a girl who had performed at his inauguration and was later killed in a senseless shooting, stating that they deserved a vote.  What he forgot to state, was that she was killed in Chicago, a city with the toughest Anti Gun laws in America and yet criminals still have guns there.  Again leadership through fear.  And the Gullible continue to buy what he spews.   

   I have posted time and time again that as Self reliance disappears in this nation the more we demand others take care of us.  SO my question is when  are the adults in America going to stand up and shout Obama down and tell him to shut up his mouth and stop spewing his stupidity?  Or is it to late?  And the children are allowing their fears to demand Obama and the Federal Government take over their lives and tell them how to live?


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