
Monday, March 18, 2013

I Rarely if ever blame others for my Lot in life or what my future may Bring. 

   Recently, very recently in the past couple of months we have seen the job market grow.  Fewer and fewer people are unemployed at this point than they have been at any time since 2008.  The American Stock Markets have responded by going on a run we have not seen since 2008 as well. 

   The Truth however is a very ugly thing and if it were occurring while a Republican or Conservative were in the White House the Press Corps would be tearing into them harder and faster than Pirhana at raw meat. 

   The Middle class in America is disappearing.  Yes there are still high paying jobs in America but more and more Americans that were living good honest respectable jobs, living the American Dream in America just 6 years ago, owning their own homes, owning new or newer cars and saving for their retirement are finding it harder and harder to get ahead and even harder just to stay afloat. 

   Yes certain things such as the Housing Bubble bursting, and technology outmoding certain things have caused the job market to change. 

    I myself worked for a textbook publishing company for many years and found that particular industry changing, because students used to go to College bookstores to buy books now get their study material online and for far cheaper than they used to purchase their text books for.

    The record industry is now gone as well, and most likely will never return.  

  Such changes are a reality and always have been historically, shoot a hundred years ago the blacksmith found himself unemployed because of changing technology.

   But the current total destruction of the American Middle Class is not occurring now just because of changes in technology.

   More and more Companies so scared of Obamacare are looking for ways to protect themselves from Obama and the thugs in congress that voted the mess into law that they are now looking to demote more and more full time employees to part time status.


  Because Obamacare does not require companies to provide healthcare for part time employees under 30 hours a week.  

  You idiot liberals can yell and scream all you want about how the rich companies are at fault.  But in reality it is Obama and his ill designed Obamacare that are causing many Americans to scramble to make ends meet.

  Just a few years back I worked one job 60 hours a week but made in the mid $50's now last year I made less than half that working several jobs in part because no one wants to hire me on a full time basis paying me a good legitimate wage.

  And its not just companies looking to move overseas, even companies that have to keep workers here, or want to keep workers here now are seriously looking at ways to cut their work force and all because they cannot afford to pay for Obamacare and the rise in costs associated with it.

   Again I do not blame others for my lot in life.  I always have worked hard and will continue to work hard.  But I am very tired of people hurting my ability to make an income and pursue my personal dream of Hapinesss all because they feel that its the governments right to provide for all in America, even if they have to destroy the American Middle Class to Provide for us

Keep in mind Russian Arristocrats locked Russian Peasants into a Prison of hell for 80 years in 1917 all while trying to help those very Russian Peasants that they ended up subjecting to Communism and its folly.

Are we now going to be locked in a Prison because American Liberals are just as stupid as the Russian Arristocrats were 96 years ago??????????????????

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