
Friday, March 29, 2013

Mayors Against Illegal Guns guilty of deceit and lies, and are Pathetically trying to use the deaths of 20 6 year olds and their Teachers to Propel their political Agenda.   Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Why is it so many Liberals have to resort to deceit and lies when trying arguing their political beliefs??????

     What may you ask has me all fired up?   Well A new Political Group trying to use the Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy to further their weak anti gun Position are airing commercials with Sandy Hook relatives trying to play on the lives of the innocent 6 year olds, to push and bully conservative Politicians and others to start supporting Mandatory Back ground Checks.

   But its a LIE!

   The Sandy Hook Shooter shot all of the kids and their teachers, using Guns owned by his mom and not him.  The pathetic gutless coward did not buy any of the Guns used in the New-town Shooting, meaning mandatory back ground Checks would not have stopped the shootings.

   The Gabrielle Giffords/ Tucson Shooter bought his gun himself but he bought it only AFTER PASSING an already in place mandatory FBI Background check.

  As to the Aurora Colorado shooting, yes he also bought his guns but also legally and after going through LEGAL background checks.

   The Virginia Tech Shooter in 2007, also bought guns after PASSING a Background Check.

   The Columbine shooters obtained their guns illegally and thus background checks would not have stopped them.

   So as it stands now history shows us that back ground checks do not work.  But yet a group of liberal politicians are running to the TV Screens near you and spewing lies.  All in an attempt to take away as many of your rights when it comes to your 2nd Amendment right to own guns, since they cannot actually take away your right to own guns.

   The shootings I list here show that if Guns are outlawed only the Outlaws will have guns.  The question is are we going to stand here and let lying scumbag politicians bully you into believing their lies or are you going to look at the facts and stand up to those lies?

  Earlier this year during the State of the Union Speech, Obama invited the parents of a Chicago teen ager that had marched in his Inaugeration Parade earlier this year but then just weeks later was shot to death by another teenager in Chicago.

   Obama stood there that night while giving his SOTU speech and said her parents deserved a vote on Gun Owner Registration.  But the reality is that there was no need for a Gun Owner registration vote.


Oh yes thats right, Guns are already illegal in Chicago.  Meaning there is no need for Gun Registration.

The Ironic thing is that the three most violent cities in the US in terms of Gun Violence and death are also the ones that have the most strict Gun Laws.  Washington DC, New York and Chicago.

Again stats do not lie.



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