
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Plaintiff's in Gay Marriage Case before the Supreme Court made it sound like they were constantly afraid of being arrested or banned from living the way they want.

  After the US Supreme Court heard the arguments for and against California's Proposition 8, the Attorneys representing the Gay Couples sueing to get rid of California's Propostion  8, held a press conference.  During that press conference the Plaintiffs spoke.  Two couples, one lesbian and one homosexual.  They ALL made it sound like they lived in constant fear of arrest and as one said it she hated looking at her neighbors who were allowed to live their lives as normal US citizens.

   But that is a bold face lie.  No one is threatening to arrest them.  No one is stating they cannot live to gether or even raise kids.  One of the four today said first that they had raised children together but then that they hoped that Prop 8 would be outlawed so that they could raise their kids..........  Um WHAT???????????????????

  They have already said they already have been raising their kids.  Thus this goes back to what I said yesterday, Gay Marriage Proponents are trying to force acceptance and nothing more.

  There is nothing in Proposition 8 that says that a Gay couple cannot live together or even get married in a religious ceremony in a Church.  The only thing Proposition 8 says is that Marriage remain Heterosexual and nothing more. 

   So again why wouldn't the Gay/ Lesbian community be happy with the legal rights and not demand  a change in Marriage?

   The statements that the four plaintiffs before the Supreme Court specifically show just what they want and that they are willing to lie and fudge the facts to get what they want.

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