
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Comparing Gay Marriage to Loving v Virginia? Come on now this is getting ridiculous.

   In addition to all of the signs stating that denying Gay Marriage was killing them.  The Pro Gay Marriage Lawyers and crowd of supporters were comparing Gay Marriage to Loving v Virginia.  This is ludicrous and desperate at best. 

Loving v Virginia was a case in 1967 heard by the Supreme court where Where Mildred and Richard Loving a Black woman and white man were refused a marriage license by the state of VA.  The Supreme Court Ruled in the favor of the Lovings because other than their skin color nothing was different between a black/white female or a white/black male.

   I agree and agree that Loving v Virginia was over turned.  But the reality is and yes it is a BIG reality.  Two males and or two females do not have the same physical make up as one woman and one male. 

   That is why there is no comparison between Loving V  Virginia and Gay Marriage.  You may think Gay marriage should be permitted legally, but again in the end they are different.

   And as I already stated yesterday, the reality is that you can get married as a gay couple in a church in any state in the Union.  And you do not even need to worry about being arrested.

The Lovings did have to worry about getting arrested they could not even think of travelling to VA to visit relatives without getting arrested.  Again a big difference.

   My one suggestion to the Pro Gay Lobby.  Stop making idiotic and inflamatory comments such as your killing us by not allowing us to get married or your preventing us from raising our kids. 

Since no one has been arrested for raising kids with a same sex partner such a statement is false at best.

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