
Friday, April 5, 2013

Why fight so hard to refuse to change the definition of Marriage?????????????????????

  The other day the town of Bisbee, here in Arizona, voted to allow Civil Unions.  During the debate leading up to it I heard one of the persons on the news ask why fight so hard to refuse to change the definition of marriage, what would it hurt to allow Same sex Marriage.

   But the reality is that consequences, often times, are not clear and urgent and dangerous in  their own right but actually open the doors to open the door to other problems. 

   Pandora's Box's definition means that a small or seemingly meaningless action  or event can actually have large, severe and far reaching consequences.

   Changing the definition of marriage to allow gay marriage may seem small or meaningless but in reality it can have a very severe and dangerous and most likely irreversable consequence.

    Many different groups including Polygamists, and even adult practioner's of incest such as Adult mothers/sons, dad's and daughters and even Aunts/Nephews and Uncle's Nieces and or even brothers and sister's are often screaming for and searching for Modern Societies acceptance of what they are doing.

   I have brought this up to many Gay Marriage Advocates and they often try to shove off the argument as saying Polygamy and Incest is illegal.  But so were Gay Sex up until a decade ago in some states.

  Then they say well let them fight for their own Marriage.  That's a weak deflection at best because they want to use the Change in definition to allow Gay Marriage to help argue their cases in the public eye.

   Polygamists have used the advance Gay Marriage advocates have used in the past to help try and build a bridge with modern society even going as far as appearing in Reality TV shows risking being arrested to show off and open up their life styles.

   Keep in mind not to long ago Gay and Lesbian Marriage advocates were doing the same thing. 

   I am not supporting incest, nor am I supporting polygamy, nor am I suggesting Gay sex be made illegal again.

   But I am saying that if you change the law for one group all groups are going to start demanding acceptance and laws and definitions changed for them as well.  Once you allow the change for one group.

Where do you draw the Line?

  Keep in mind parents know that once you say yes to kids it is impossible to go back and say no.  Yes we are talking about adults here, but sometimes adults can act far more childish than most kids.

So again where do you draw the line and how do you say no once you have said yes, we will change the definition??????????

  I say the smartest thing is to not change the definition in the first place.  

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