
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Lefts Desperation and Spin!

     I have mentioned several times in the past that the left likes to throw out emotion to help sway feelings to get their way.  Gabby Giffords gave a 1minute speech which at the beginning of the latest round of Anti Gun Debates in Congress Several weeks back, which was obviously only done to sway emotions and nothing more.

    Now President Obama let a New Town Mom deliver his Radio Address on Saturday morning.  And Connecticut Dem Senator Chris Murphy ran to every news outlet there was, to denounce NASCAR's Saturday night race the NRA 500.  Chris Murphy labelled the NRA as an extremist organization.

   Then Tuesday Morning, the day after the Boston Marathon Bombing and well before any one new anything about the boston Marathon Bombing, I heard one of the Newtown Mom's being interviewed on the News state that if the Background Check Legislation before congress had been passed, then the boston bombing would never have occurred.

   What?????????????????  The boston Bombing was done with a BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All bombs are illegal. They are not Guns.  Thus they would not fall under the the proposed legislation any way.

    The Liberal left in America is trying to use emotions and lies to get what they want.  Which is to take away your and my right to own guns. 

   I posted on April 15th how the US Government could not levy an income tax until the US Constitution was changed to allow it to happen.

   Well get this.  They could use their lies and emotional outcries to convince enough of America that a New Amendment allowing for the Overall outlawing of guns be allowed.

   You think I lie, or am dillussional? 

   Maybe, but why else try and demonize or paint a group as extreme.  A group that is not racist, they have members of all races, a group that is not class specific, they have members of all economic and financial levels.

   What does the NRA do??????????????????  Oh yes, they do one thing.  and one thing only.  They protect your and my right and all Americans right to own Guns under the second Amendment. 

  As of right now the United States is the only nation in the World that allows its citizens gun ownership rights at the level that we have right now.

   Many liberals in this nation want to take that away.  Thus they use emotions to try and win their way.

But the reality is that no matter how many laws you pass the New Town Shooting and the Senator Giffords shooting both still would have occurred.

   The NewTown Shooter shot and killed his mom and stole her guns.  No Amount of Registration or background check would have FORESEEN that, nore would they have stopped it.

  Giffords shooter had his guns taken away by his parents but he still got them back.  IE, he stole them back.

  Again something a registration would not have stopped.

  They are trying to take away our Right to gun ownership and self protection.   We must stand up to them and refuse to be swayed by the lies and emotional games they will try to play with us.

  If not then it is our own fault that they will destroy our rights and forever change what was once one of the freest nations in the world.

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