
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Congressional Aides to be exempt from Obamacare, Why? Oh yes that would be because they cannot Afford it!

    Many of my friends and readers know that I, after working for many many years at the same Text book publishing for many many years found myself, unemployed in July of 2011.  Since then I have sold insurance, Sold cars, working 60-70 hours a week and have worked at times 60-70 hours a week sometimes working 2-3 jobs at a time just make ends meet and pay the bills.

   I have no problem doing this.  I am also working a side family business in hopes that at some point in the future I would be  able to quit the other jobs and work that full time.  That is still a work in progress.

   Many companies are already moving full time employees to part time status.  There are many differing reasons to do this, but the biggest reason of late is because of Obamacare.  Wendy's and other fast food restaurants have been in the news, as of late doing just that.

   Many Liberal pundits and liberal members of Congress are grasping weakly, at the news that, many larger companies are going to keep full time employees on their insurance rolls, when Obamacare kicks into effect.  But what they either are purposely ignoring or are choosing to stay willfully ignorant of is the fact that our nation is changing from a nation of Hardworking full timers to a nation of scared part timers wondering what the future will hold and all because Obama thought he knew better than everybody else.

   As many who read my posts here know, history tends to repeat itself.  The 1917 Russian Revolution was started by Arrogant Rich Young Arristocrats who thought they would start a revolution and improve the lives of the Russian Serfs.  Instead, they were killed, their revolution was taken over by Criminals like Lenin and Stalin and all in the name of Communism.  And instead of being freed, Russians Serfs were locked in an even worse prison for an additional 70 years having to endure Gulags, lack of freedom and Stalin killing millions of Russians in the meantime.

   I am not trying to imply that Obamacare is going to lead to Communism and Genocide.  But the Russian revolution is perfect proof of what arrogance can cause if left unchecked.

    Obamacare is a result of pure unadulterated Arrogance.    No Senator, nor Congressman or woman had the time to read Obamacare before voting on it.  Obama pushed this through not because he thought it would be best for the nation, but instead because he wanted a legacy.  Nothing less nothing more.

   The ironic thing is that Obama sold Obamacare as something to help the Poor and less Fortunate Americans in America.

   But now Congressional aides cannot afford Obamacare?????????????????????????????????????

   Please say someone other than me sees something wrong with this?????????

Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said if OPM decides that the federal government doesn’t pick up “the 75 percent that they have been, then put yourself in the position of a lot of entry-level staff people who make $25,000 a year, and all of a sudden, they have a $7,000 a year health care tab? That would be devastating.”
Burr added: “And that makes up probably about 30 percent of the folks that work on the Senate side. Probably a larger portion on the House side. It would drastically change whether kids would have the ability to come up here out of college.”

This truly is insane.

Again why did we vote Obama back into Office????????????

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