
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Terrorists = Thugs, Bullies, and Cowards.

     I sat there happily watching the news last evening with the rest of America,  watching as the Boston Police brought in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev last evening, bloody, shot and nearly dead.  His capture meant Boston and the US as a whole could breath a bit easier.  Unfortunately however, such thugs and bullies are going to continue.

   In the end Terrorists whether they use Religion, or Economics, or Political views as the reason to kill innocent men women and children are really nothing more than cowards, thugs and bullies.   I do not care about all of the feel good programs intended to end Bullying, in the end only standing up to the bully will get them to stop.  I was bullied when I was younger, but I realized after a while that I and only I could stop it.  I stood up to him.  No we did not become friends, did not want that, but the bullying stopped. 

   After 911 I heard many Americans including many so called Conservatives screaming how they would be willing to give up rights to keep them and their families safe from terrorists.  I say that if that happens the Terrorists (bullies) have won.

  I told them back then and I stated it again earlier this week when people started talking in terms of cancelling future Boston Marathons and other events.  I would rather die at the hands of a terrorists bomb than live while giving up my rights as a US Citizen.

That being said, making sure adequate security and or doing your part by leaving bags and the like at home are smart and unfortunately appropriate.  

  Yes, talk is cheap, but I truly do believe what I state.  Our founding fathers risked their lives, and in many cases destroyed them, and or ruined fortunes and even lost family to gain those rights so why would I want to live to give them away????????????????????????

   So again I am happy we killed one of the cowardly thugs and caught the other one.  But I say that we must continue on stronger and more defiant or else they have won.

  I also personally believe that we must demand Muslims and Islam in general must stand up to the extremists.  I know not all Muslims believe in the Use of Terror to further their religion but it is blatantly obvious that the Extremists are definitely in charge now.

  My question is how many Muslims actually secretly may support the extremists?  I only ask this because after 911 Female Muslims in The UK said they started wearing the Burqa after 911 in support of the 911 terrorists, when they had not worn them before.

  So my question is do some Muslims really want to stand up to the Muslim Extremists, or are they standing their secretly cheering on Muslim Extremists like people sometimes did Dillinger back in the 1920's? 

  Only they can answer that question.  But I do not care what your beliefs are there is no excuse to kill innocent people, especially women and children, all in the name of of your political belief.  Yes I know some Christians and Even Americans have done this in the past.  But that does not make them right to do it and I would stand against them, just as much as I stand against any cowardly, thuggish bully of a terrorist today.


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