
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shame on US??????????????????

   Several days ago on March 28th President Obama basically said shame on us if we allowed the Newtown Shooting to go by without any reaction to it.  In other words passing stricter gun laws and more registration laws.  

   On March 31st Mark Kelly the retired Astronaut and Husband of Gabriel Giffords, of whom I truly believe he is trying to use his wife's shooting to propel him into public office, either Congress or even the White House itself, also went on TV trying to shame the US public and congress into  passing some form of additional Back ground Check laws and other laws reducing the American Publics Gun rights.

   What truly is shameful is trying to shame us the American Public and Congress into passing stupid laws, which is exactly what President Obama and Mark Kelly are trying to do.efore

   I have already stated that many of the mass Shooters in recent history did not obtain their guns legally.  Thus they did not HAVE to go through normal Back ground checks. 

   By the way before I go on.  I never EVER mention the actual names of the shooters of such Mass shootings.  Such cowards do what they do to gain a weird form of notoriety and fame and thus I will not help build their name.  In fact I believe that all news media should mention the shooters of such shootings as shooter X and nothing more.  Thus destroying their search sick distorted quest for fame.

   The Newton Shooter did not OWN the guns he used to kill the first graders at Sandy Hook.  He killed his mom and used her Guns.

  Many other shooters obtained them legally going through legal back ground checks and passed them.  Gabby Giffords shooter in Tucson got his 9 mm that way. 

   The Aurora Movie Theater shooter did it the exact same way. 

   Neither the Giffords shooter and the Aurora shooters mental problems were reported properly and thus did not show up in FBI sponsored back ground checks.

   Again as stated before the statement that you outlaw guns only the Outlaws will have Guns. 

  The three most deadly cities in the US also have the three strictest gun control laws.  Washington DC, NYC, and Chicago.

  I personally think that the ONLY reason why Obama and Mark Kelly are upping up the rhetoric and saying Shame on us is because they truly  want to use this shame to attempt to get bad laws rushed through congress that will only take away more of our rights in terms of Gun Control.

   Remember Our US Congress Rushed to Pass Obamacare without reading it all in the name that Obamacare was what was best for the nation.  SInce then all experts have done nothing but point out the impending storm that is heading our way once Obamacare becomes law.

  As I reminded everyone before History shows us many times what happens when Governments succeed in taking away its citizens Guns.  The American War for Independence was started because King George outlawed out Guns.

  Lenin, as one of his first acts, after killing those that started the Russian Revolution, outlawed Guns by all Russians excepting for Communist party members.  And history shows that because the Russian populous was unarmed Stalin Killed Millions.

  Hitler also outlawed Guns in Germany, after he came to power.  But only one group, the Jews.  And we all know again, historically what happened to Germans Jews.  Millions along with many other million European Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

   Pol pot also used gun control Laws to help kill millions of Cambodians. 

   History shows us that Gun Control laws never help keep the average Citizen of a given country safe.  And again only the criminals have guns when guns are outlawed.

   President Obama says SHAME ON US?????????????????????

   I saw Shame on President Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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