
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Now they target Gun Powder!

     I posted here last week, that just the day after the Boston Marathon Bombing.  A mom of a New Town shooting victim turned Anti Gun Activist was on a Local Phoenix News Show and said that if the legislation that was voted down a day or so before had been passed then Boston would not have occurred.

     I pointed out that the Boston Marathon Bombing used a Bomb, and not a gun.  The legislation did not cover anything remotely related to a bomb.  But yet all of a sudden their legislation could have solved all issues.

   Now the Anti Gun crowd wants to explore outlawing Gun powder, all because it was used in the Boston Marathon bombing.  I say what they heck lets go all out.  Lets outlaw pressure cookers and and remote control cars since they were also used in the Boston Bombing. 

   The reality is that outlawing things does not make the world safer.  Bad and evil men will just find a way to work around the law.  Both Chicago and New York City have the toughest gun control laws in the nation but both also have some of the highest gun related violence in the US.  In China, a nation with extreme Anti Gun laws, multiple men on multiple occasions have stabbed multiple children leaving dozens of Chinese students dead.

   Do we outlaw knives?????????????????????????//

    In reality the Anti Gun Crowd in the US does not really want to keep us safe.  They want to control us.  As I have brought up repeatedly here the US's War for independence was started because British troops were ordered to march to Concord and Lexington to seize Colonial Gun and ammunition stores.

   One of the first moves that Lenin did after seizing control of Russia was to outlaw Gun ownership by all excepting those high up in the Communist party.

   Hitler also outlawed Guns once he came to power but only outlawing Gun ownership by certain people, oh yes that would be right, the JEWS!!!!!!

    I truly wish Obama or Mark Kelly the husband of Gabby Giffords, the Congresswoman who was shot in Tucson in 2011  would have the guts to stand up and state exactly how their legislation would have stopped New Town or Tucson.

  The reality is that their legislation would not have stopped either New Town nor Tucson.  The New Town Shooter shot his mom and stole her guns, thus by passing the background check.  And Gabby Giffords shooter had his guns taken away by his parents, because they did not trust him and he stole them back.

   And I guarantee you outlaw gun powder and the evil people in our world will figure out how to make a bomb without gun powder.  Keep in mind the Oklahoma City Bombing.  They used a rental truck, Gas and fertilizer and not one ounce of gun powder.

   So what do we outlaw the next time???????????????  Fertilizer?  Rider trucks?  Gas Cans?

  The reality is that you can never ever stop the evil in the world.  The best you can do is fight it and passing legislation out of emotion and fear is not fighting against it.  Its allowing their actions to control yours.

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