
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liberals Celebrate Margaret Thatcher's Death!

    Margaret Thatcher was a brave woman who pushed Great Britain through troubling times, and with her vision helped Great Britain emerge from a time of out of control unemployment and a seemingly never ending Recession stronger than it had been in decades.

   She helped re privatize government businesses.  She broke Labor Union Control which was killing the British Economy and she then stood side by side with Ronald Reagan and helped break the Soviet Union.

   These are not my personal opinions on the lady.  These are facts.  History shows that Great Britain is better off for having Margaret Thatcher as its leader and its still benefiting from her leadership.

   But many Liberal Brits do not feel the same way.

       Senior police and politicians are meeting tonight to finalise details for the funeral of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher after fears surfaced that the procession would be disrupted by parties celebrating her death.

Margaret Thatcher death celebrations in Brixton, London
Celebrations over Margaret Thatcher's death in Brixton, London, this week ended in a standoff between revellers and riot police. Photograph: Demotix/Corbis
Nick Clegg has condemned a series of parties celebrating the death of Lady Thatcher as "puerile" and "childish", and not in keeping with the sombre mood of the nation.

Liberals actions over her death only prove what I have been saying all along about liberal thought in general.

They are childish and refuse to accept thoughts and ideas from other sources.

Such actions though do not surprise me at all.  Liberals scream racism when you dare disagree with them.

If you disagree with with President Obama its not because his ideas are bad for America and our freedoms.  No Its because he is black and I am racist.

If you disagree with the bad unprovable science Liberals use to try and push their belief in Global warming, then your an evil Capitalist looking to destroy the earth.

The funny thing is their own actions help show just how stupid they are.  Rioting and celebrating a woman's death is in poor taste and stupid at best.

   A while back I saw a kid wearing a shirt saying I hate Hate, in Rainbow colors.  Yes I know he was protesting those that stood against Gay Marriage but the reality is his T-shirt did not realize just how foolish his t-shirt was.

   I did not like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez but I did not celebrate his death.  I did not agree with him but I would never think of disrupting his funeral, but Liberals think it is appropriate and even after history shows that what Margaret Thatcher did was Good for her Nation. 

Rest in Peace Margaret Thatcher!

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