
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Who Do the Democrats, Obama and Mark Kelly think they are fooling by demanding more extensive background checks?????????????????????????????

     Arizona already has a back ground check system in place, and it is supported by the FBI. 

   When you walk into an Arizona Retail establishment that sells guns, they have you take a few minutes and fill out a form.  Then they take your drivers license and run the information right then and there to see if you have a criminal background or something else that would keep you from being able to buy the Gun legally within the state of AZ.  

   They do it right there while you wait, taking no less than 15-20 minutes.  I know, I have gone through the process.  It is quick and simple and get this.  In the end the feds do not get your information.  They cannot according to current LAW!

   But that is not what Obama, Kelly, and other Liberal Democrats want.  They want to change the laws to create a national registry.  They do not just want to check and make sure that your legal to buy a gun.  They want to keep a running record of which Americans own Guns and what they own and how much of what they own. 

    Which again, right now is illegal.

     I know that Obama and others say they do not want a National Gun Registry, but Obama has a history of lying.  I pointed out just yesterday that he lied about his mom, to get elected and then re elected.

     Why do I state that he and other liberals want a National Gun Registry?

   Well first and foremost they know that right now barring a Constitutional Convention where they could get rid of the second Amendment they are not going to be able to outlaw guns outright.  So the next best thing, in their slimy minds, is to know who in America owns those guns. 

    They also know that every time National Gun Registry's are mentioned the voters respond by voting the Senators and Congressmen that Support such a thing out of office. 

   Secondly the Justice Department did a report in early January suggesting tma hat very thing.  A National Gun Registry.

The memo says requiring background checks for more gun purchases could help, but also could lead to more illicit weapons sales. It says banning assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines produced in the future but exempting those already owned by the public, as Obama has proposed, would have limited impact because people now own so many of those items.

     Yes the justice department report is not exactly glowing in praise of such an idea.  But my point was that the Justice Department studied such an idea in the first place.   Keep in mind that the Justice Department responds directly to President Obama.

    Why would the President want such a President want such a study if he is not thinking of trying to enact a National Gun Registry??????????????????

   Keep in mind since January Obama and others including Mayors against Illegal Guns and other liberals have popped up on TV Using guilt over the New Town CT Shootings to help try and pressure a vote not on a National Gun Registry but instead a vote on Background checks.  But we already have back ground checks.

But the reality is that such background checks have been proven time and time again not to work.  I mean Mark Kelly's own wife, Kathy Giffords was shot point blank in the head by a guy that passed a background check when he bought his gun. 

    So again how would back ground checks stop such shootings??????  

  Answer:  They would not.  But Pushing a vote would allow the passage of a law allowing a National Registry and they would use shame and guilt to pressure Conservative Congressmen and Senators to sign it.

   Hopefully the balls the Republicans recently grew while standing up to the president over the sequestor wont shrink away again.

   We must recognize the lies and stand up to the lies.  It is not wrong to demand an answer from t he President.  It is not wrong to demand the truth and ask him exactly what they want.

   And it is not wrong to vote any Congressman or Senator out of Office that dares change existing laws and create a National Registry.

   Keep in mind as I keep repeating it that our nation won its independence against Great Britain after going to war with them because The King of England wanted to seize the weapons in Concord and Lexington.

   Now we have a self Appointed King wanting bypass the existing laws to find out who owns guns in this nation.

The question is why????????????????   I am betting so that when he thinks he needs to he can come knocking on our doors and seizing them.

Please respond.  I see that I am getting a lot of international viewers, I would like to see your views on what I post.  Thanks. 

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