
Monday, April 15, 2013

US Income Tax, a History!

     First and for most, my heart goes out to those in Boston that suffered from such a cowardly act of bombing defenseless people only trying to engage in an activity meant only to better their lives and nothing more.  I truly do hope they catch the idiot or idiots that were behind the act.

    The US did not have an income tax until 1913, once the 16th Amendment was ratified.  The founding fathers did not allow for an income tax in the constitution and could not implement one until the constitution was modified to allow it.

   The interesting thing is that in the beginning of federal income tax, people sat down and wrote out a check to the Federal government every April 15th.  It was a small amount and there were no loopholes or deductions in those days.

    From 1913 to 1943 taxes went up about 5% in the entire 30 years.  In 1943 Congress voted in the weekly payroll deduction, because they needed to pay for the war quicker. 

    Once they did this, and people began to forget or ignore how much they were actually paying out Federal income taxes went up 150% over the next 60 years. 

    Again people nowadays look at and only pay attention to the amount that they are getting paid in their paycheck and not to the amount being withheld.  So Congress found it easier and easier and even easier to raise taxes.

    Shoot even now, on Jan 1, 2013 Obama repeal of a Payroll tax deduction, the only reason people noticed it is because their paychecks were smaller than t hey were the week before.

     This nation fought the King of England 200 years ago, in part because of overtaxation.

And now Obama and Congress are doing exactly that and we get A large percentage of Americans cheering him on because they figure as he taxes many Americans more and more he will give many Americans more free things like phones and the like without their ever having to work for it.

   This sickens me more than anything.  I have no problem paying taxes.  They are a part of life.  But I do have a problem with Politicians trying to overtax to pay for Campaign promises just to keep getting re elected.

This is disgusting to me no matter if it is a liberal or conservative doing it and trust me, they both do.

    Again my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims in Boston.  I hope they get the coward or cowards that did this.  Thanks. 

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