
Friday, April 12, 2013

 What Religion does a picture of Christ Promote????????????????

     A few days back an Ohio School decided to remove a Picture that has hung in an Ohio Middle School since 1947, because it decided it could not afford to pay the legal fees to fight against an ACLU Lawsuit filed in February on behalf of two families.

  The Lawsuit said that the picture was an unlawful promotion of religion.   My question is what religion.  There are dozens of Christian religions.  The Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Methodists, and even the Mormons all worship Christ as their Savior, but none in the same way, and all are Separate religions.

 The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio and the Madison, Wis.-based Freedom from Religion Foundation had sued on behalf of a student and two parents, calling the portrait an unconstitutional promotion of religion in a public school.

   So the question is what religion does a picture of Jesus Christ promote?    The Answer is it doesn't promote any one religion. 

   Note that the US Constitution promotes a religion of Religion, and not freedom from religion.  This nation's history has a long line of references to religion.  The US Supreme Court has the 10 Commandments stamped in the wooden panels in its chamber. 

   What religion does the 10 commandments represent since more than one religious group follows the 10 Commandments? 

   Note as well that even before the US Capitol building where the US Congress sits, was finished, then President Thomas Jefferson allowed weekly Sunday Sermons as long as no one religion was promoted over another.  Since then for over 200 years since then Pastors, Ministers, Priests, Rabbis and even 1 mullah have all spoken at these Sunday Services before Congress.

   For those of you that follow my posts, you know that I follow history rather closely.  People risked their lives coming across the Atlantic in leaky wooden ships that often sank,300-400 years ago to enjoy religious freedoms that were denied them in many countries in Europe.

Most of them were denied their religious freedoms about how they chose to worship God/Christ in their own way.  That was at the hands of many fellow Christians.

  Now Atheists want to take away those rights.  But what really cracks me up is they are so angered over images of Christ hanging from their schools, but do not have anything bad to say when Muslims demand Prayer rooms in schools when it has already been proven that Muslims can pray privately if the situation demands it ACCORDING to their own religious laws.

  I would think a Muslim prayer room in a public school promotes a specific religion (ISLAM) over a picture of Christ of which dozens of different religions follow.

  In years past people have asked me if I would be willing to have Muslim or Jewish displays in the town square in order to have the nativity scene there.

   I say why not.  I mean putting a Crescent Moon ( The Symbol of Islam) or the star of David (The Jewish Symbol) is not going to force me to take up either of those religions.

  And if seeing such a symbol does cause you to question your preexisting beliefs then maybe you should look at yourself and Ask YOURSELF why your personal beliefs are so weak?????????????????????????

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