
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fourth Grader writes a sub par Essay with spelling and gramatical Errors all over the place but gets praised by the left!

   I keep writing about how Liberals and the left like to use Emotions to and not facts to debate.  A few days ago a  Fourth Grader wrote an Essay filled with Gramatical and spelling errors about Gay Marriage.  His Premise was also wrong.

  The Fourth Grader writes as if Gay People cannot get married.  But the reality is that they can and have been getting married openly  in the United States of America For Decades.  

  This is not the issue.  The issue is whether or not the definition of Marriage should be changed to allow Gay Marriage as well.

  But that has not stopped the Left from praising this kid for what he wrote. 

  The reality is far different than what the kid wrote and what they are praising him for.   But again the left has a long history of allowing emotions to control their thoughts.  The problem is often times when you act upon your actions, what you end up doing is not very smart.

  Note the Statement, "Actions speak for themselves."

  I have repeatedly kept pointing out that the left does not want marriage they want to force acceptance.

  As I keep saying they are allowed to marry now.  And  every time I have brought up the idea of not having legal weddings for either Heterosexual couples or Gay Couples and instead changing everything to civil Unions and taking government out of the Marriage Business most Liberals get mad and storm off.

They do not explain why that would be bad.

   Again Keep in mind Marriage is not at its very nature a matter of legality.  Its a social norm that has existing since the first known Society of Ur and the City of Sumer.  Since then every single society has had legal heterosexual marriage.

   Yes there is a history of Gay Marriage during that same time but Gay Marriage has never been the norm in Societies in general for 5,000 years.

    I have also mentioned before that Ancient Rome approved of Adult / Youth Homosexual alliances but disapproved of Adult/Adult relationships in general society.

  So It truly is up to The Gay Community and their supporters to come up with a reason as to why The definition should be changed and not just because some 4th grader thinks his Grand parents wedding was cool.

  Again as I have said before Polygamous Families,  and adult Incestous couples have hung onto the Homosexual communities coat tales all the way.   As Homosexuals have pushed their way for more and more acceptance they have done the same thing.   Homosexuals are now very common on TV in open relationships.

    And Polygamy and Incestous couples are now trying to force their way into Societies view also on TV.

   So again why should we change the definition of Marriage????????????????????????????

   If we are going to let a 4th grader dictate policy shouldn't we change the definition of Marriage even more and let Incest couples and polygamous couples marry each other legally?  I mean as the 4th grader said if it creeps you out get over it????????????????

   Me personally I Do not let 4th graders dictate how I think.  


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