
Monday, April 29, 2013


Freedom is something that Humans have sought since the beginning of time.  The Spartans really did fight against Xerxes, in the name of Freedom.  They fought along with other Greeks and at the same time The Athenian General Themisticles fought the battle of Artemisium with the Athenian Navy Blocking Xerxes and his massive Persian Navy.

   History and even song have romanticized the notion of freedom from Mel Gibson's not so accurate Freedom Speech in Braveheart, the movie about William Wallace of Scotland.

   Here is the Merriam Webster Definition of "Freedom"

: the quality or state of being free: as
a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence
c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care>
d : ease, facility <spoke the language with freedom>
e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken <answered with freedom>
f : improper familiarity
g : boldness of conception or execution
h : unrestricted use <gave him the freedom of their home>
a : a political right
b : franchise, privilege
The reality is no matter if you have Mel Gibson shouting Freedom in the Movies or King Leonides and his Spartans to their Deaths in the name of Freedom, no two people have the same definition of Freedom.
The United States of America got its start as European Christians fled Europe looking for Religious Freedom and to escape Religious Persecution.   But Ironically ran here and tried to dictate their laws and beliefs on others, themselves.  Just look at the puritans.
   The Vandals said it best, in their song Anarchy Burger.
 America stands for freedom
but if you think you're free
try walking into a deli
and urinating on the cheese
    America has a lot of freedoms that other nations would only dream of.  But America still has laws. But there are some like the Vandals that think being free means you should have the right to go into a deli and Urinate on the cheese.

   The reality is that yes America has laws.  Our Founding Fathers did not intend to create a state of Anarchy.   They knew that Laws were still necessary while trying to give Americans the best chance of being free to pursue their own individual pursuit of Happiness.  

    The most interesting thing is that Americans used to be proud of their freedoms.  Now many wish they could give them all away in hopes of being free from Terror and or to get hand outs from the Federal government in the form of Welfare and not work to succeed on their own.

Statements like these from the Anti Freedom Mayor himself who believes he has the right to police how much soda you and I drink scare me to the core of my being.

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will “have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks.
“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”

Freedom is a fragile thing.  It can be lost easily and very quickly.  That is the scary thing.  I know Muslim Terrorists and other thugs want to take our Freedoms away, but aren't politicians like Bloomberg who want to take away yours and my freedoms in the name of keeping us all Just as Dangerous?????????????????

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fourth Grader writes a sub par Essay with spelling and gramatical Errors all over the place but gets praised by the left!

   I keep writing about how Liberals and the left like to use Emotions to and not facts to debate.  A few days ago a  Fourth Grader wrote an Essay filled with Gramatical and spelling errors about Gay Marriage.  His Premise was also wrong.

  The Fourth Grader writes as if Gay People cannot get married.  But the reality is that they can and have been getting married openly  in the United States of America For Decades.  

  This is not the issue.  The issue is whether or not the definition of Marriage should be changed to allow Gay Marriage as well.

  But that has not stopped the Left from praising this kid for what he wrote. 

  The reality is far different than what the kid wrote and what they are praising him for.   But again the left has a long history of allowing emotions to control their thoughts.  The problem is often times when you act upon your actions, what you end up doing is not very smart.

  Note the Statement, "Actions speak for themselves."

  I have repeatedly kept pointing out that the left does not want marriage they want to force acceptance.

  As I keep saying they are allowed to marry now.  And  every time I have brought up the idea of not having legal weddings for either Heterosexual couples or Gay Couples and instead changing everything to civil Unions and taking government out of the Marriage Business most Liberals get mad and storm off.

They do not explain why that would be bad.

   Again Keep in mind Marriage is not at its very nature a matter of legality.  Its a social norm that has existing since the first known Society of Ur and the City of Sumer.  Since then every single society has had legal heterosexual marriage.

   Yes there is a history of Gay Marriage during that same time but Gay Marriage has never been the norm in Societies in general for 5,000 years.

    I have also mentioned before that Ancient Rome approved of Adult / Youth Homosexual alliances but disapproved of Adult/Adult relationships in general society.

  So It truly is up to The Gay Community and their supporters to come up with a reason as to why The definition should be changed and not just because some 4th grader thinks his Grand parents wedding was cool.

  Again as I have said before Polygamous Families,  and adult Incestous couples have hung onto the Homosexual communities coat tales all the way.   As Homosexuals have pushed their way for more and more acceptance they have done the same thing.   Homosexuals are now very common on TV in open relationships.

    And Polygamy and Incestous couples are now trying to force their way into Societies view also on TV.

   So again why should we change the definition of Marriage????????????????????????????

   If we are going to let a 4th grader dictate policy shouldn't we change the definition of Marriage even more and let Incest couples and polygamous couples marry each other legally?  I mean as the 4th grader said if it creeps you out get over it????????????????

   Me personally I Do not let 4th graders dictate how I think.  


Friday, April 26, 2013

Bible and Quran equally Violent?????

   Since the Boston Marathon Bombing there have been many different members of the Muslim faith some saying Islam is a religion of peace, some saying that the two brothers do not represent Islam as a whole.  And others have made the claim that the Bible is just as violent as the Quran.  I have a problem with this last statement.

   Anyone and everyone that has attended Sunday School when they were young know of the Story of Sodom and Gomorrah and Noah and even of the fall of Jericho. Yes, each of these events led to the deaths of people.  But not because God ordered the Jews to kill all of those that would not convert to Judaism.

   The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were engaging in Acts of sin and were warned.  God then destroyed the cities. 

   The earth was then later covered by a flood because everyone was ignoring God's word.  Note that The entire time Noah and his family built the ark Noah Preached Gods word but no one paid attention. 

   Lastly Jericho was built on the land that God Promised to Abraham.  When the Nation of Israel marched back into the land they asked the residents of Jericho to leave.  They refused to and the Lord helped Israel defeat Jericho.

   At no point did God, in the bible demand Jews, or Christians convert or kill Muslims.  But the Quran does.

Quran Surah 9:5:

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."

Sure sounds like the Quran is saying convert or kill them.  But even if that is not what Surah 9:5 is saying the one thing it is saying is to wage war on all non muslims.  If not then what are Pagans? 

I will keep posting.

Quran Surah 9:6

 "If one amongst the pagans ask you for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of God; and then escort him to where he can be secure."

   Why would a person have to be secured??????   If Islam does not believe in Convert or kill why make sure they are secure after converting them?

   The reality is that at no point does the Bible believe in fighting wars with Non believers specifically to destroy them or convert them.

  But no matter how much you spin it the Quran in Surah 9 truly does say Kill all pagans.

In the end I have nothing against Muslims.  They can worship as they see fit.  They can even put up the Crescent Moon in the Town Square   I do not have a problem with this.  I have no problem with any religious group in the world.

  I do have a problem when Muslim fanatics blow up innocent men women and children at a marathon or in twin towers in New York and or Night Clubs and or African Embassies, all because certain Fanatical Muslims choose to believe that Surah 9:5 should be followed literally.

  As I said a few posts back I read, a few years after 911 that London Female Muslims started wearing Burqas in Public, where they  had not done so before 911, in silent solidarity with the 911 terrorists tells me that many muslims may privately support the Fanatics in their religion more than many would like to state.

   If you believe I am wrong please let me know how.  Thanks.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Congressional Aides to be exempt from Obamacare, Why? Oh yes that would be because they cannot Afford it!

    Many of my friends and readers know that I, after working for many many years at the same Text book publishing for many many years found myself, unemployed in July of 2011.  Since then I have sold insurance, Sold cars, working 60-70 hours a week and have worked at times 60-70 hours a week sometimes working 2-3 jobs at a time just make ends meet and pay the bills.

   I have no problem doing this.  I am also working a side family business in hopes that at some point in the future I would be  able to quit the other jobs and work that full time.  That is still a work in progress.

   Many companies are already moving full time employees to part time status.  There are many differing reasons to do this, but the biggest reason of late is because of Obamacare.  Wendy's and other fast food restaurants have been in the news, as of late doing just that.

   Many Liberal pundits and liberal members of Congress are grasping weakly, at the news that, many larger companies are going to keep full time employees on their insurance rolls, when Obamacare kicks into effect.  But what they either are purposely ignoring or are choosing to stay willfully ignorant of is the fact that our nation is changing from a nation of Hardworking full timers to a nation of scared part timers wondering what the future will hold and all because Obama thought he knew better than everybody else.

   As many who read my posts here know, history tends to repeat itself.  The 1917 Russian Revolution was started by Arrogant Rich Young Arristocrats who thought they would start a revolution and improve the lives of the Russian Serfs.  Instead, they were killed, their revolution was taken over by Criminals like Lenin and Stalin and all in the name of Communism.  And instead of being freed, Russians Serfs were locked in an even worse prison for an additional 70 years having to endure Gulags, lack of freedom and Stalin killing millions of Russians in the meantime.

   I am not trying to imply that Obamacare is going to lead to Communism and Genocide.  But the Russian revolution is perfect proof of what arrogance can cause if left unchecked.

    Obamacare is a result of pure unadulterated Arrogance.    No Senator, nor Congressman or woman had the time to read Obamacare before voting on it.  Obama pushed this through not because he thought it would be best for the nation, but instead because he wanted a legacy.  Nothing less nothing more.

   The ironic thing is that Obama sold Obamacare as something to help the Poor and less Fortunate Americans in America.

   But now Congressional aides cannot afford Obamacare?????????????????????????????????????

   Please say someone other than me sees something wrong with this?????????

Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said if OPM decides that the federal government doesn’t pick up “the 75 percent that they have been, then put yourself in the position of a lot of entry-level staff people who make $25,000 a year, and all of a sudden, they have a $7,000 a year health care tab? That would be devastating.”
Burr added: “And that makes up probably about 30 percent of the folks that work on the Senate side. Probably a larger portion on the House side. It would drastically change whether kids would have the ability to come up here out of college.”

This truly is insane.

Again why did we vote Obama back into Office????????????

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Now they target Gun Powder!

     I posted here last week, that just the day after the Boston Marathon Bombing.  A mom of a New Town shooting victim turned Anti Gun Activist was on a Local Phoenix News Show and said that if the legislation that was voted down a day or so before had been passed then Boston would not have occurred.

     I pointed out that the Boston Marathon Bombing used a Bomb, and not a gun.  The legislation did not cover anything remotely related to a bomb.  But yet all of a sudden their legislation could have solved all issues.

   Now the Anti Gun crowd wants to explore outlawing Gun powder, all because it was used in the Boston Marathon bombing.  I say what they heck lets go all out.  Lets outlaw pressure cookers and and remote control cars since they were also used in the Boston Bombing. 

   The reality is that outlawing things does not make the world safer.  Bad and evil men will just find a way to work around the law.  Both Chicago and New York City have the toughest gun control laws in the nation but both also have some of the highest gun related violence in the US.  In China, a nation with extreme Anti Gun laws, multiple men on multiple occasions have stabbed multiple children leaving dozens of Chinese students dead.

   Do we outlaw knives?????????????????????????//

    In reality the Anti Gun Crowd in the US does not really want to keep us safe.  They want to control us.  As I have brought up repeatedly here the US's War for independence was started because British troops were ordered to march to Concord and Lexington to seize Colonial Gun and ammunition stores.

   One of the first moves that Lenin did after seizing control of Russia was to outlaw Gun ownership by all excepting those high up in the Communist party.

   Hitler also outlawed Guns once he came to power but only outlawing Gun ownership by certain people, oh yes that would be right, the JEWS!!!!!!

    I truly wish Obama or Mark Kelly the husband of Gabby Giffords, the Congresswoman who was shot in Tucson in 2011  would have the guts to stand up and state exactly how their legislation would have stopped New Town or Tucson.

  The reality is that their legislation would not have stopped either New Town nor Tucson.  The New Town Shooter shot his mom and stole her guns, thus by passing the background check.  And Gabby Giffords shooter had his guns taken away by his parents, because they did not trust him and he stole them back.

   And I guarantee you outlaw gun powder and the evil people in our world will figure out how to make a bomb without gun powder.  Keep in mind the Oklahoma City Bombing.  They used a rental truck, Gas and fertilizer and not one ounce of gun powder.

   So what do we outlaw the next time???????????????  Fertilizer?  Rider trucks?  Gas Cans?

  The reality is that you can never ever stop the evil in the world.  The best you can do is fight it and passing legislation out of emotion and fear is not fighting against it.  Its allowing their actions to control yours.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Terrorists = Thugs, Bullies, and Cowards.

     I sat there happily watching the news last evening with the rest of America,  watching as the Boston Police brought in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev last evening, bloody, shot and nearly dead.  His capture meant Boston and the US as a whole could breath a bit easier.  Unfortunately however, such thugs and bullies are going to continue.

   In the end Terrorists whether they use Religion, or Economics, or Political views as the reason to kill innocent men women and children are really nothing more than cowards, thugs and bullies.   I do not care about all of the feel good programs intended to end Bullying, in the end only standing up to the bully will get them to stop.  I was bullied when I was younger, but I realized after a while that I and only I could stop it.  I stood up to him.  No we did not become friends, did not want that, but the bullying stopped. 

   After 911 I heard many Americans including many so called Conservatives screaming how they would be willing to give up rights to keep them and their families safe from terrorists.  I say that if that happens the Terrorists (bullies) have won.

  I told them back then and I stated it again earlier this week when people started talking in terms of cancelling future Boston Marathons and other events.  I would rather die at the hands of a terrorists bomb than live while giving up my rights as a US Citizen.

That being said, making sure adequate security and or doing your part by leaving bags and the like at home are smart and unfortunately appropriate.  

  Yes, talk is cheap, but I truly do believe what I state.  Our founding fathers risked their lives, and in many cases destroyed them, and or ruined fortunes and even lost family to gain those rights so why would I want to live to give them away????????????????????????

   So again I am happy we killed one of the cowardly thugs and caught the other one.  But I say that we must continue on stronger and more defiant or else they have won.

  I also personally believe that we must demand Muslims and Islam in general must stand up to the extremists.  I know not all Muslims believe in the Use of Terror to further their religion but it is blatantly obvious that the Extremists are definitely in charge now.

  My question is how many Muslims actually secretly may support the extremists?  I only ask this because after 911 Female Muslims in The UK said they started wearing the Burqa after 911 in support of the 911 terrorists, when they had not worn them before.

  So my question is do some Muslims really want to stand up to the Muslim Extremists, or are they standing their secretly cheering on Muslim Extremists like people sometimes did Dillinger back in the 1920's? 

  Only they can answer that question.  But I do not care what your beliefs are there is no excuse to kill innocent people, especially women and children, all in the name of of your political belief.  Yes I know some Christians and Even Americans have done this in the past.  But that does not make them right to do it and I would stand against them, just as much as I stand against any cowardly, thuggish bully of a terrorist today.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Lefts Desperation and Spin!

     I have mentioned several times in the past that the left likes to throw out emotion to help sway feelings to get their way.  Gabby Giffords gave a 1minute speech which at the beginning of the latest round of Anti Gun Debates in Congress Several weeks back, which was obviously only done to sway emotions and nothing more.

    Now President Obama let a New Town Mom deliver his Radio Address on Saturday morning.  And Connecticut Dem Senator Chris Murphy ran to every news outlet there was, to denounce NASCAR's Saturday night race the NRA 500.  Chris Murphy labelled the NRA as an extremist organization.

   Then Tuesday Morning, the day after the Boston Marathon Bombing and well before any one new anything about the boston Marathon Bombing, I heard one of the Newtown Mom's being interviewed on the News state that if the Background Check Legislation before congress had been passed, then the boston bombing would never have occurred.

   What?????????????????  The boston Bombing was done with a BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All bombs are illegal. They are not Guns.  Thus they would not fall under the the proposed legislation any way.

    The Liberal left in America is trying to use emotions and lies to get what they want.  Which is to take away your and my right to own guns. 

   I posted on April 15th how the US Government could not levy an income tax until the US Constitution was changed to allow it to happen.

   Well get this.  They could use their lies and emotional outcries to convince enough of America that a New Amendment allowing for the Overall outlawing of guns be allowed.

   You think I lie, or am dillussional? 

   Maybe, but why else try and demonize or paint a group as extreme.  A group that is not racist, they have members of all races, a group that is not class specific, they have members of all economic and financial levels.

   What does the NRA do??????????????????  Oh yes, they do one thing.  and one thing only.  They protect your and my right and all Americans right to own Guns under the second Amendment. 

  As of right now the United States is the only nation in the World that allows its citizens gun ownership rights at the level that we have right now.

   Many liberals in this nation want to take that away.  Thus they use emotions to try and win their way.

But the reality is that no matter how many laws you pass the New Town Shooting and the Senator Giffords shooting both still would have occurred.

   The NewTown Shooter shot and killed his mom and stole her guns.  No Amount of Registration or background check would have FORESEEN that, nore would they have stopped it.

  Giffords shooter had his guns taken away by his parents but he still got them back.  IE, he stole them back.

  Again something a registration would not have stopped.

  They are trying to take away our Right to gun ownership and self protection.   We must stand up to them and refuse to be swayed by the lies and emotional games they will try to play with us.

  If not then it is our own fault that they will destroy our rights and forever change what was once one of the freest nations in the world.

Monday, April 15, 2013

US Income Tax, a History!

     First and for most, my heart goes out to those in Boston that suffered from such a cowardly act of bombing defenseless people only trying to engage in an activity meant only to better their lives and nothing more.  I truly do hope they catch the idiot or idiots that were behind the act.

    The US did not have an income tax until 1913, once the 16th Amendment was ratified.  The founding fathers did not allow for an income tax in the constitution and could not implement one until the constitution was modified to allow it.

   The interesting thing is that in the beginning of federal income tax, people sat down and wrote out a check to the Federal government every April 15th.  It was a small amount and there were no loopholes or deductions in those days.

    From 1913 to 1943 taxes went up about 5% in the entire 30 years.  In 1943 Congress voted in the weekly payroll deduction, because they needed to pay for the war quicker. 

    Once they did this, and people began to forget or ignore how much they were actually paying out Federal income taxes went up 150% over the next 60 years. 

    Again people nowadays look at and only pay attention to the amount that they are getting paid in their paycheck and not to the amount being withheld.  So Congress found it easier and easier and even easier to raise taxes.

    Shoot even now, on Jan 1, 2013 Obama repeal of a Payroll tax deduction, the only reason people noticed it is because their paychecks were smaller than t hey were the week before.

     This nation fought the King of England 200 years ago, in part because of overtaxation.

And now Obama and Congress are doing exactly that and we get A large percentage of Americans cheering him on because they figure as he taxes many Americans more and more he will give many Americans more free things like phones and the like without their ever having to work for it.

   This sickens me more than anything.  I have no problem paying taxes.  They are a part of life.  But I do have a problem with Politicians trying to overtax to pay for Campaign promises just to keep getting re elected.

This is disgusting to me no matter if it is a liberal or conservative doing it and trust me, they both do.

    Again my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims in Boston.  I hope they get the coward or cowards that did this.  Thanks. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

 What Religion does a picture of Christ Promote????????????????

     A few days back an Ohio School decided to remove a Picture that has hung in an Ohio Middle School since 1947, because it decided it could not afford to pay the legal fees to fight against an ACLU Lawsuit filed in February on behalf of two families.

  The Lawsuit said that the picture was an unlawful promotion of religion.   My question is what religion.  There are dozens of Christian religions.  The Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Methodists, and even the Mormons all worship Christ as their Savior, but none in the same way, and all are Separate religions.

 The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio and the Madison, Wis.-based Freedom from Religion Foundation had sued on behalf of a student and two parents, calling the portrait an unconstitutional promotion of religion in a public school.

   So the question is what religion does a picture of Jesus Christ promote?    The Answer is it doesn't promote any one religion. 

   Note that the US Constitution promotes a religion of Religion, and not freedom from religion.  This nation's history has a long line of references to religion.  The US Supreme Court has the 10 Commandments stamped in the wooden panels in its chamber. 

   What religion does the 10 commandments represent since more than one religious group follows the 10 Commandments? 

   Note as well that even before the US Capitol building where the US Congress sits, was finished, then President Thomas Jefferson allowed weekly Sunday Sermons as long as no one religion was promoted over another.  Since then for over 200 years since then Pastors, Ministers, Priests, Rabbis and even 1 mullah have all spoken at these Sunday Services before Congress.

   For those of you that follow my posts, you know that I follow history rather closely.  People risked their lives coming across the Atlantic in leaky wooden ships that often sank,300-400 years ago to enjoy religious freedoms that were denied them in many countries in Europe.

Most of them were denied their religious freedoms about how they chose to worship God/Christ in their own way.  That was at the hands of many fellow Christians.

  Now Atheists want to take away those rights.  But what really cracks me up is they are so angered over images of Christ hanging from their schools, but do not have anything bad to say when Muslims demand Prayer rooms in schools when it has already been proven that Muslims can pray privately if the situation demands it ACCORDING to their own religious laws.

  I would think a Muslim prayer room in a public school promotes a specific religion (ISLAM) over a picture of Christ of which dozens of different religions follow.

  In years past people have asked me if I would be willing to have Muslim or Jewish displays in the town square in order to have the nativity scene there.

   I say why not.  I mean putting a Crescent Moon ( The Symbol of Islam) or the star of David (The Jewish Symbol) is not going to force me to take up either of those religions.

  And if seeing such a symbol does cause you to question your preexisting beliefs then maybe you should look at yourself and Ask YOURSELF why your personal beliefs are so weak?????????????????????????

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liberals Celebrate Margaret Thatcher's Death!

    Margaret Thatcher was a brave woman who pushed Great Britain through troubling times, and with her vision helped Great Britain emerge from a time of out of control unemployment and a seemingly never ending Recession stronger than it had been in decades.

   She helped re privatize government businesses.  She broke Labor Union Control which was killing the British Economy and she then stood side by side with Ronald Reagan and helped break the Soviet Union.

   These are not my personal opinions on the lady.  These are facts.  History shows that Great Britain is better off for having Margaret Thatcher as its leader and its still benefiting from her leadership.

   But many Liberal Brits do not feel the same way.

       Senior police and politicians are meeting tonight to finalise details for the funeral of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher after fears surfaced that the procession would be disrupted by parties celebrating her death.

Margaret Thatcher death celebrations in Brixton, London
Celebrations over Margaret Thatcher's death in Brixton, London, this week ended in a standoff between revellers and riot police. Photograph: Demotix/Corbis
Nick Clegg has condemned a series of parties celebrating the death of Lady Thatcher as "puerile" and "childish", and not in keeping with the sombre mood of the nation.

Liberals actions over her death only prove what I have been saying all along about liberal thought in general.

They are childish and refuse to accept thoughts and ideas from other sources.

Such actions though do not surprise me at all.  Liberals scream racism when you dare disagree with them.

If you disagree with with President Obama its not because his ideas are bad for America and our freedoms.  No Its because he is black and I am racist.

If you disagree with the bad unprovable science Liberals use to try and push their belief in Global warming, then your an evil Capitalist looking to destroy the earth.

The funny thing is their own actions help show just how stupid they are.  Rioting and celebrating a woman's death is in poor taste and stupid at best.

   A while back I saw a kid wearing a shirt saying I hate Hate, in Rainbow colors.  Yes I know he was protesting those that stood against Gay Marriage but the reality is his T-shirt did not realize just how foolish his t-shirt was.

   I did not like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez but I did not celebrate his death.  I did not agree with him but I would never think of disrupting his funeral, but Liberals think it is appropriate and even after history shows that what Margaret Thatcher did was Good for her Nation. 

Rest in Peace Margaret Thatcher!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Who Do the Democrats, Obama and Mark Kelly think they are fooling by demanding more extensive background checks?????????????????????????????

     Arizona already has a back ground check system in place, and it is supported by the FBI. 

   When you walk into an Arizona Retail establishment that sells guns, they have you take a few minutes and fill out a form.  Then they take your drivers license and run the information right then and there to see if you have a criminal background or something else that would keep you from being able to buy the Gun legally within the state of AZ.  

   They do it right there while you wait, taking no less than 15-20 minutes.  I know, I have gone through the process.  It is quick and simple and get this.  In the end the feds do not get your information.  They cannot according to current LAW!

   But that is not what Obama, Kelly, and other Liberal Democrats want.  They want to change the laws to create a national registry.  They do not just want to check and make sure that your legal to buy a gun.  They want to keep a running record of which Americans own Guns and what they own and how much of what they own. 

    Which again, right now is illegal.

     I know that Obama and others say they do not want a National Gun Registry, but Obama has a history of lying.  I pointed out just yesterday that he lied about his mom, to get elected and then re elected.

     Why do I state that he and other liberals want a National Gun Registry?

   Well first and foremost they know that right now barring a Constitutional Convention where they could get rid of the second Amendment they are not going to be able to outlaw guns outright.  So the next best thing, in their slimy minds, is to know who in America owns those guns. 

    They also know that every time National Gun Registry's are mentioned the voters respond by voting the Senators and Congressmen that Support such a thing out of office. 

   Secondly the Justice Department did a report in early January suggesting tma hat very thing.  A National Gun Registry.;sid=77

The memo says requiring background checks for more gun purchases could help, but also could lead to more illicit weapons sales. It says banning assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines produced in the future but exempting those already owned by the public, as Obama has proposed, would have limited impact because people now own so many of those items.

     Yes the justice department report is not exactly glowing in praise of such an idea.  But my point was that the Justice Department studied such an idea in the first place.   Keep in mind that the Justice Department responds directly to President Obama.

    Why would the President want such a President want such a study if he is not thinking of trying to enact a National Gun Registry??????????????????

   Keep in mind since January Obama and others including Mayors against Illegal Guns and other liberals have popped up on TV Using guilt over the New Town CT Shootings to help try and pressure a vote not on a National Gun Registry but instead a vote on Background checks.  But we already have back ground checks.

But the reality is that such background checks have been proven time and time again not to work.  I mean Mark Kelly's own wife, Kathy Giffords was shot point blank in the head by a guy that passed a background check when he bought his gun. 

    So again how would back ground checks stop such shootings??????  

  Answer:  They would not.  But Pushing a vote would allow the passage of a law allowing a National Registry and they would use shame and guilt to pressure Conservative Congressmen and Senators to sign it.

   Hopefully the balls the Republicans recently grew while standing up to the president over the sequestor wont shrink away again.

   We must recognize the lies and stand up to the lies.  It is not wrong to demand an answer from t he President.  It is not wrong to demand the truth and ask him exactly what they want.

   And it is not wrong to vote any Congressman or Senator out of Office that dares change existing laws and create a National Registry.

   Keep in mind as I keep repeating it that our nation won its independence against Great Britain after going to war with them because The King of England wanted to seize the weapons in Concord and Lexington.

   Now we have a self Appointed King wanting bypass the existing laws to find out who owns guns in this nation.

The question is why????????????????   I am betting so that when he thinks he needs to he can come knocking on our doors and seizing them.

Please respond.  I see that I am getting a lot of international viewers, I would like to see your views on what I post.  Thanks. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Why was Obamacare passed again???????????

     I thought the whole reason why Obamacare was passed was to ensure that all Americans would have healthcare.  

     If that is what you believe, then you are believing a lie.   

     The reality is that more and more companies are beginning to realize that Obamacare is going to cost them far less than they originally calculated.  Wendy's is one of the latest companies to come out and state that it will cost them as much as 80% less.

     Great, you may say.  But the reality is not Great.  The reason why it is going to cost them much less is because they now figure that Healthcare insurance Costs are going to be so High that MOST EMPLOYEES will opt to pay the fine that pay for insurance.

They say many employees will decline company-offered insurance, either because they can get insurance through Medicaid or a family member, or because they prefer to pay the penalty for not having health insurance. The penalty next year will be as low as $95, much less than most employees will be asked to pay through company-sponsored insurance plans.

And for those that want to cover their eyes and ears and hum in hopes of ignoring all the bad news Obamacare is going to bring the American Public here is more.

At the end of 2012, Mark Bertolini, the CEO of Aetna, the third-largest health insurer in the country, warned that many consumers would face “premium rate shock” with the advent of Obamacare’s major insurance regulations in 2014. He predicted that unsubsidized premiums would rise 20 to 50 percent, on average.
For some people, premiums would double. “We’re going to see some markets go up as much as 100 percent,” Bertolini told Bloomberg News.
Aetna isn’t the only company forecasting higher health-insurance premiums. In California, Blue Shield has asked regulators to approve premium increases of up to 20 percent. Obamacare’s new regulations were a factor in the request. A spokesperson for the company said the new law “will bring a lot of volatility” into the market.
A shock? Not to those who’ve been paying attention. When Obamacare was making its way through Congress, the Congressional Budget Office warned that premiums in the individual market would increase by 10-13 percent.

So Obama and his minions have screwed up even more.

  Obama Lied in 2008 while campaigning for the job of President and said his mama had to worry about how to pay for her healthcare while she was dying when in fact she had healthcare paid for by her employer.  He said that he did not want other Americans to have to worry about their medical Care.

Here is what he said.

"I will never forget my own mother, as she fought cancer in her final months, having to worry about whether her insurance would refuse to pay for her treatment. And by the way, this was because the insurance company was arguing that somehow she should have known that she had cancer when she took her new job, even though it hadn't been diagnosed yet."

But the truth was that she had her healthcare and treatments covered. 

 Obama's mother, the site said, "was fighting for insurance payments as she was dying, but for disability insurance, not health insurance, as her son said he remembered."

   Obama lied to get Obamacare passed saying he was doing it to help Americans go through what his own Momma went through.  But in fact with the Fines being less than the monthly Payments, it would seem that Obama is actually making it harder on Americans and all to get an additional $95 fine (tax) from Millions of poorer Americans

  Note as well, smokers and the obese are also going to be fined in the thousands of $ EVERY YEAR if they smoke or over eat.

  I am extremely surprised that he was re elected in 2012 and then on top  of that why so many Americans are sitting silently by and letting Obamacare eventually make it harder for them to live the American Dream.

I mean why aren't More Americans Screaming from the roof tops about this???????????

What will it take for  Americans even the most clueless to wake up and realize that Obama's creation is at the very least going to make our lives very Hard in the near future?

    History shows that if they wake up after the law actually goes into effect it will be much harder if not impossible to reverse.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Obama the savior?    The facts say not quite!

     When Obama ran for election in 2008, he promised millions of new jobs all by his hand.   Many in the Green Energy Market.  Instead he ended up costing us Billions in Taxpayer dollars so far and few if any new jobs were ever created.

  Here is a list of the companies that took taxpayer money and then either failed to produce jobs and green energy or went out of business entirely.
  1. Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
  2. SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
  3. Solyndra ($535 million)*
  4. Beacon Power ($43 million)*
  5. Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
  6. SunPower ($1.2 billion)
  7. First Solar ($1.46 billion)
  8. Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
  9. EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
  10. Amonix ($5.9 million)
  11. Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
  12. Abound Solar ($400 million)*
  13. A123 Systems ($279 million)*
  14. Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
  15. Johnson Controls ($299 million)
  16. Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
  17. ECOtality ($126.2 million)
  18. Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
  19. Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
  20. Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
  21. Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
  22. Range Fuels ($80 million)*
  23. Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
  24. Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
  25. Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
  26. GreenVolts ($500,000)
  27. Vestas ($50 million)
  28. LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
  29. Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
  30. Navistar ($39 million)
  31. Satcon ($3 million)*
  32. Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
  33. Mascoma Corp. ($100 million) 
     Keep in mind that Obama waisted Billions of taxpayer funds as you hear that he is giving back 5% of his $400,000.   Yearly income  (an amount totally $20,000) or that they are shutting down the White House Tour office because of the Sequestor.  Even though most of the White House Tour Office employees were either volunteers or worked part time.

   But as bad as these numbers are, this is not why I am typing this post. 

   I am typing this post because The White House was espousing the fact that the Unemployment figures dropped again in March but according to the Governments own information the reason why the Unemployment numbers dropped even a little is because thousands of unemployed fell off the Unemployment rolls because they simply could not find a job while on Unemployment.

   Millions, including myself, are working part time hours because they cannot find full time work.  Yes I am working two jobs to fill that gap but obviously not all are that lucky.

   Construction, Health care, and Hospitality all recorded small increases for the month of March but Retail recorded a massive decrease in jobs in March.

    A decrease caused in part by Obama's own repeal of Bushes Payroll tax reprieve.

    Remember that tax? Remember how Obama said he would only tax the rich but come 1/1/13 all employees, rich and poor alike found them being taxed?

  Well that Obama tax increase is in part what is causing a melt down in retail and movies nation wide.  Yes the amount taken from our checks is a small amount but that small amount can be one less movie and or even one less shirt or socks or something else and that hurts those industries.

   As I keep bringing up Liberals and Obama and his followers tend to forget about the law of unintended consequences.

   Obama did not intend for the Economy to die, nor did he want to cause it.  But his own actions have had that exact effect.

   And what is Obama's line of Goon's Hooligans and kool aid drinkers saying on National TV?   Oh yes that is right because the Rich are still finding too many loop holes to hold onto their money.

   Again as I keep saying, you cannot keep robbing from the Rich to pay for our failures and bad spending.

   Taxation has never and never will push a nation into prosperity.

    Our nation has a long history of success but only when the Government backs off and lets private industry in the US do what it does best.  And that is innovate, innovation creates jobs not the government.

   FDR tried for 12 years to use the government to create new jobs, it never worked.  Only when the Private sector got back on its feet enough, it could and did bring jobs back to the US.

  But yet again Obama now thinks he can do something FDR, Lyndon Johnson and other liberals before him thought they could do.   All with the same amount of FAILURE!


Friday, April 5, 2013

Why fight so hard to refuse to change the definition of Marriage?????????????????????

  The other day the town of Bisbee, here in Arizona, voted to allow Civil Unions.  During the debate leading up to it I heard one of the persons on the news ask why fight so hard to refuse to change the definition of marriage, what would it hurt to allow Same sex Marriage.

   But the reality is that consequences, often times, are not clear and urgent and dangerous in  their own right but actually open the doors to open the door to other problems. 

   Pandora's Box's definition means that a small or seemingly meaningless action  or event can actually have large, severe and far reaching consequences.

   Changing the definition of marriage to allow gay marriage may seem small or meaningless but in reality it can have a very severe and dangerous and most likely irreversable consequence.

    Many different groups including Polygamists, and even adult practioner's of incest such as Adult mothers/sons, dad's and daughters and even Aunts/Nephews and Uncle's Nieces and or even brothers and sister's are often screaming for and searching for Modern Societies acceptance of what they are doing.

   I have brought this up to many Gay Marriage Advocates and they often try to shove off the argument as saying Polygamy and Incest is illegal.  But so were Gay Sex up until a decade ago in some states.

  Then they say well let them fight for their own Marriage.  That's a weak deflection at best because they want to use the Change in definition to allow Gay Marriage to help argue their cases in the public eye.

   Polygamists have used the advance Gay Marriage advocates have used in the past to help try and build a bridge with modern society even going as far as appearing in Reality TV shows risking being arrested to show off and open up their life styles.

   Keep in mind not to long ago Gay and Lesbian Marriage advocates were doing the same thing. 

   I am not supporting incest, nor am I supporting polygamy, nor am I suggesting Gay sex be made illegal again.

   But I am saying that if you change the law for one group all groups are going to start demanding acceptance and laws and definitions changed for them as well.  Once you allow the change for one group.

Where do you draw the Line?

  Keep in mind parents know that once you say yes to kids it is impossible to go back and say no.  Yes we are talking about adults here, but sometimes adults can act far more childish than most kids.

So again where do you draw the line and how do you say no once you have said yes, we will change the definition??????????

  I say the smartest thing is to not change the definition in the first place.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shame on US??????????????????

   Several days ago on March 28th President Obama basically said shame on us if we allowed the Newtown Shooting to go by without any reaction to it.  In other words passing stricter gun laws and more registration laws.  

   On March 31st Mark Kelly the retired Astronaut and Husband of Gabriel Giffords, of whom I truly believe he is trying to use his wife's shooting to propel him into public office, either Congress or even the White House itself, also went on TV trying to shame the US public and congress into  passing some form of additional Back ground Check laws and other laws reducing the American Publics Gun rights.

   What truly is shameful is trying to shame us the American Public and Congress into passing stupid laws, which is exactly what President Obama and Mark Kelly are trying to do.efore

   I have already stated that many of the mass Shooters in recent history did not obtain their guns legally.  Thus they did not HAVE to go through normal Back ground checks. 

   By the way before I go on.  I never EVER mention the actual names of the shooters of such Mass shootings.  Such cowards do what they do to gain a weird form of notoriety and fame and thus I will not help build their name.  In fact I believe that all news media should mention the shooters of such shootings as shooter X and nothing more.  Thus destroying their search sick distorted quest for fame.

   The Newton Shooter did not OWN the guns he used to kill the first graders at Sandy Hook.  He killed his mom and used her Guns.

  Many other shooters obtained them legally going through legal back ground checks and passed them.  Gabby Giffords shooter in Tucson got his 9 mm that way. 

   The Aurora Movie Theater shooter did it the exact same way. 

   Neither the Giffords shooter and the Aurora shooters mental problems were reported properly and thus did not show up in FBI sponsored back ground checks.

   Again as stated before the statement that you outlaw guns only the Outlaws will have Guns. 

  The three most deadly cities in the US also have the three strictest gun control laws.  Washington DC, NYC, and Chicago.

  I personally think that the ONLY reason why Obama and Mark Kelly are upping up the rhetoric and saying Shame on us is because they truly  want to use this shame to attempt to get bad laws rushed through congress that will only take away more of our rights in terms of Gun Control.

   Remember Our US Congress Rushed to Pass Obamacare without reading it all in the name that Obamacare was what was best for the nation.  SInce then all experts have done nothing but point out the impending storm that is heading our way once Obamacare becomes law.

  As I reminded everyone before History shows us many times what happens when Governments succeed in taking away its citizens Guns.  The American War for Independence was started because King George outlawed out Guns.

  Lenin, as one of his first acts, after killing those that started the Russian Revolution, outlawed Guns by all Russians excepting for Communist party members.  And history shows that because the Russian populous was unarmed Stalin Killed Millions.

  Hitler also outlawed Guns in Germany, after he came to power.  But only one group, the Jews.  And we all know again, historically what happened to Germans Jews.  Millions along with many other million European Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

   Pol pot also used gun control Laws to help kill millions of Cambodians. 

   History shows us that Gun Control laws never help keep the average Citizen of a given country safe.  And again only the criminals have guns when guns are outlawed.

   President Obama says SHAME ON US?????????????????????

   I saw Shame on President Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!