
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Resurrection Day!

   My Pastor at West Side Bible Church likes to use the name Resurrection Day instead of Easter.  I like it as well.   Easter itself is derived from an Anglo Saxon Goddess and has nothing to do with the celebration of the Life Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

   But the very word resurrection reminds us of the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ went through to give us, as Christians a path toward Salvation.

  So again Happy Resurrection Day, enjoy your families this weekend and remember what Jesus Christ did to ensure our salvation.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Mayors Against Illegal Guns guilty of deceit and lies, and are Pathetically trying to use the deaths of 20 6 year olds and their Teachers to Propel their political Agenda.   Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Why is it so many Liberals have to resort to deceit and lies when trying arguing their political beliefs??????

     What may you ask has me all fired up?   Well A new Political Group trying to use the Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy to further their weak anti gun Position are airing commercials with Sandy Hook relatives trying to play on the lives of the innocent 6 year olds, to push and bully conservative Politicians and others to start supporting Mandatory Back ground Checks.

   But its a LIE!

   The Sandy Hook Shooter shot all of the kids and their teachers, using Guns owned by his mom and not him.  The pathetic gutless coward did not buy any of the Guns used in the New-town Shooting, meaning mandatory back ground Checks would not have stopped the shootings.

   The Gabrielle Giffords/ Tucson Shooter bought his gun himself but he bought it only AFTER PASSING an already in place mandatory FBI Background check.

  As to the Aurora Colorado shooting, yes he also bought his guns but also legally and after going through LEGAL background checks.

   The Virginia Tech Shooter in 2007, also bought guns after PASSING a Background Check.

   The Columbine shooters obtained their guns illegally and thus background checks would not have stopped them.

   So as it stands now history shows us that back ground checks do not work.  But yet a group of liberal politicians are running to the TV Screens near you and spewing lies.  All in an attempt to take away as many of your rights when it comes to your 2nd Amendment right to own guns, since they cannot actually take away your right to own guns.

   The shootings I list here show that if Guns are outlawed only the Outlaws will have guns.  The question is are we going to stand here and let lying scumbag politicians bully you into believing their lies or are you going to look at the facts and stand up to those lies?

  Earlier this year during the State of the Union Speech, Obama invited the parents of a Chicago teen ager that had marched in his Inaugeration Parade earlier this year but then just weeks later was shot to death by another teenager in Chicago.

   Obama stood there that night while giving his SOTU speech and said her parents deserved a vote on Gun Owner Registration.  But the reality is that there was no need for a Gun Owner registration vote.


Oh yes thats right, Guns are already illegal in Chicago.  Meaning there is no need for Gun Registration.

The Ironic thing is that the three most violent cities in the US in terms of Gun Violence and death are also the ones that have the most strict Gun Laws.  Washington DC, New York and Chicago.

Again stats do not lie.


Mayors against Illegal Guns are pathetically using the relatives of the Newtown 6 year olds and their teachers to push their transparently liberal political views on the rest of us by airing TV Commercials, with these relatives screaming about how we need Gun Registration laws.

  Why is this so pathetic?  Because the worthless pathetic idiot that shot those 6 year olds actually stole the guns he used from his mom after he killed her.  Gun Registration laws would not have helped stop the shooting.

     The Gabby Giffords shooter, in Tucson January 2011, did buy the guns but only after passing an FBI background check.

     The Aurora Colorado, Movie theatre shooting was the same thing, yes he bought the guns but only after passing a back ground check.

    The Columbine shooters in 1999 obtained their guns illegally, by asking someone to buy the guns for them.

   The reality is that Background checks are not going to stop Criminals from getting guns.  If anything these shootings prove the old saying.  "If you outlaw Guns Only Outlaws will have Guns"

   The ironic thing is taking away guns does not stop murder sprees or mass murders.  A while back for one of my posts I had heard of a mass murder in a Chinese school where a man had used a Knife to stab and kill multiple students.

  In doing the search I found out that there were more than one incidence where a mad man in china had used a knife to stab children.

  What are we then supposed to Outlaw knives or at the very least Go Vegetarian, just to save the children????????????????????

  During President Obama's State of the Union Address he invited two parents of a girl, who had marched in Obama's Inaugeration parade just weeks before but then was later shot to death in yet another sense less gun related Death in Chicago.

   He stood their and said her parents DESERVED a vote on Gun Registration. 

   The Ironic thing is that GUNS ARE ALREADY OUTLAWED  in Chicago.

  Meaning there is no need for a vote in Chicago.  Since Guns are already outlawed there, they should not be on the street.

  But the reality is that they are indeed on the street.  And in fact the 3 Cities with the strictest Gun Laws also have the worst Gun Violence in the nation.

   So are we going to let thugs and Bullies try to force us to allow them to take away more of our rights?  Or are we going to stand up to them and shove their lies back into their faces?  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is the Federal Government trying to create a bullet shortage?

     The Department of Homeland security has been caught red handed.  Buying Billions Hollow Point Bullets and thousands of High Powered Weapons that our so honest and above board Master Obama wants to outlaw the common American Citizen from Having. 

    In doing so they have caused a shortage of the bullets and weapons causing a run on any existing stock of bullets out there.  When questioned the Obama Administration has refused to answer.

    Yes certain media outlets that are nothing more than Obama Mouth pieces have offered the extremely weak and very brittle excuse that the Bullets are to be used for nothing more than training purposes, does not fit.

  No Firearms experts and or trainers say they have EVER used Hollow Point Bullets for training purposes.  It would be like using a $100,000 car to train a first time student driver.  NOT SMART.

   So the question is, is the Obama administration buying up all of the bullets to purposely create a shortage of bullets?  Or are they trying to yank bullets off the market by buying them up, since they cannot do so because of the 2nd Amendments Protection of the Average US Citizen?

   This combined with Department of Homeland Securities purchase of thousands of Drones with the ability to watch and listen in on what we do in our private homes, one has to wonder exactly what Obama's intentions really are?

  Is he so bothered by the rights that Americans have, he is determined to destroy all of our rights before he leaves office?

   Does Obama want to create a police state where millions of Americans are afraid to open their mouths out of fear of being labeled a hater?, or a racist?  Or a Bigot? 

     Funny Liberals and even Obama himself already do that now they are arming  themselves and taking all of the bullets out of circulation, and the reality is they are not hiding, nor is the media, or at least the Liberal media even making any form of a fuss out of this.

     I have brought up before that the United States War for Independence was fought over the Private Citizens right to own weapons.  Keep in mind On the night of April 19, 1775 700 British regulars marched towards Lexington and Concord to seize weapons private Colonial Citizens dared own.   Thus started our War for Independence and the US's change of the course of history. 

    Right after the Communists seized control of the Russian Revolution and killed the idiots that started it, Lenin's first order was to outlaw the ownership of Guns by Russian citizens excepting for Communist Party Members.

   Adolph Hitler right after coming to power also outlawed weapons in Germany but only for a small group of Germans.  That would be all German Jews were ordered to give up their guns and Ammo.

   Pol Pot who killed millions of Cambodians in a Genocide rivaling both Hitler and Stalin also outlawed weapons before starting his blood bath.

  History shows us that when a Government tries to remove Guns and weapons in general from the hands of their citizens their citizens are always the ones that end up getting massacred.

   That is the real reason why I am thankful that at least for now the 2nd Amendment stands and our right to arm ourselves exists.

   Jim Carey can act like an idiot mocking Gun Owners and even call Charlton Heston an idiot but in the end if he is at the wrong end of a government owned Gun wouldn't he be the idiot?????????????

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Comparing Gay Marriage to Loving v Virginia? Come on now this is getting ridiculous.

   In addition to all of the signs stating that denying Gay Marriage was killing them.  The Pro Gay Marriage Lawyers and crowd of supporters were comparing Gay Marriage to Loving v Virginia.  This is ludicrous and desperate at best. 

Loving v Virginia was a case in 1967 heard by the Supreme court where Where Mildred and Richard Loving a Black woman and white man were refused a marriage license by the state of VA.  The Supreme Court Ruled in the favor of the Lovings because other than their skin color nothing was different between a black/white female or a white/black male.

   I agree and agree that Loving v Virginia was over turned.  But the reality is and yes it is a BIG reality.  Two males and or two females do not have the same physical make up as one woman and one male. 

   That is why there is no comparison between Loving V  Virginia and Gay Marriage.  You may think Gay marriage should be permitted legally, but again in the end they are different.

   And as I already stated yesterday, the reality is that you can get married as a gay couple in a church in any state in the Union.  And you do not even need to worry about being arrested.

The Lovings did have to worry about getting arrested they could not even think of travelling to VA to visit relatives without getting arrested.  Again a big difference.

   My one suggestion to the Pro Gay Lobby.  Stop making idiotic and inflamatory comments such as your killing us by not allowing us to get married or your preventing us from raising our kids. 

Since no one has been arrested for raising kids with a same sex partner such a statement is false at best.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Plaintiff's in Gay Marriage Case before the Supreme Court made it sound like they were constantly afraid of being arrested or banned from living the way they want.

  After the US Supreme Court heard the arguments for and against California's Proposition 8, the Attorneys representing the Gay Couples sueing to get rid of California's Propostion  8, held a press conference.  During that press conference the Plaintiffs spoke.  Two couples, one lesbian and one homosexual.  They ALL made it sound like they lived in constant fear of arrest and as one said it she hated looking at her neighbors who were allowed to live their lives as normal US citizens.

   But that is a bold face lie.  No one is threatening to arrest them.  No one is stating they cannot live to gether or even raise kids.  One of the four today said first that they had raised children together but then that they hoped that Prop 8 would be outlawed so that they could raise their kids..........  Um WHAT???????????????????

  They have already said they already have been raising their kids.  Thus this goes back to what I said yesterday, Gay Marriage Proponents are trying to force acceptance and nothing more.

  There is nothing in Proposition 8 that says that a Gay couple cannot live together or even get married in a religious ceremony in a Church.  The only thing Proposition 8 says is that Marriage remain Heterosexual and nothing more. 

   So again why wouldn't the Gay/ Lesbian community be happy with the legal rights and not demand  a change in Marriage?

   The statements that the four plaintiffs before the Supreme Court specifically show just what they want and that they are willing to lie and fudge the facts to get what they want.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Marriage Equality or forced Acceptance?

     The Supreme Court is taking on the legality of Gay Marriage this week.  I personally, as a christian believe that Homosexuality is a sin.  But as a Christian I also believe in judge not lest ye be judged, God is to judge all in the end and not us.

    That being said, I am adding my two cents to this argument because many in the homosexual community have stated that they only want Gay Marriage to give them legal rights if their gay partner happens to get sick and or even dies. 

   But Reality says this is all Hog Huey!

   Historically Marriage was entirely a religious practice and nothing more.  Religiously even today Heterosexual couples can be denied marriage by one religion or another.  A Jew can be denied marriage within the Catholic Church and a Catholic can be denied in a Baptist Church and so on and so forth.

   Heterosexual Marriage have been occurring since the beginning of recorded time, for thousands of years in every society out there.  Yes there have been historical recordings of gay marriages occurring historically, but they have never been mainstream.

   Even in the Roman Society, Gay Marriage was not openly accepted while Adult/youth couplings were.  I only bring this up to show that in our society today Adult/youth couplings would not be accepted, but many in the Gay Community demand we accept Gay Marriage no questions asked.

  Government involvement in marriage occurred more recently in the last 150 years as divorce started to rear its ugly head in our society.

   As I said earlier, it HOG HUEY, that many in the Gay Community only want Gay Marriage for legal rights.  

   I say its Hog Huey because I have said in the past, great lets remove the Government from the equation and create Civil Unions for all Marriages whether Gay or straight, thus satisfying the Governments need. 

   But when I suggest this, those arguing for Gay Marriage start to scream.  Screaming that they want Marriage.  But they can and do marry now.  So Allowing Civil Unions legally in the eyes of the Government gives them Legal rights while keeping Marriage Religious and societal only.

   Keep in mind thousands of Gay Couples get married daily in the US as  we speak.  Yes they are not recognized by Most State Governments but that does not mean they are not getting married.

   But as I said the Gay Community screams at giving them only legal status and not calling it marriage.  And why do they scream? They are trying to drive forced acceptance in our society as a whole and allowing Gay Marriage Legally, could allow them the ability to force Churches to allow acceptance of and even the performance of those marriages by LAW.

   I offer as additional proof Gay Rights protesters openly disrupting Churches who choose to express their right and say no to Gay Marriage. 

   And before you say But But But Westboro Baptist Church in Wichita is just as guilty.  I say yes your right and the Phelps family and the Westboro Church is just as wrong as the gay community who is trying to force acceptance.

   As I said at the beginning of this post Judge not lest ye be judged.  As Christians we are supposed to recognize what is sin but are not supposed to judge.

But at the same time we have the right to stand up against being forced to accept something that is sin.

  Again as I always say on my posts, if you disagree with me, please tell me how I am wrong.  But please be respectful and I will be respectful of your opinions as well.

   Again as I state if the demand for legalizing Gay Marriage is only to give legal rights to both members of the partnership then why is giving them legal rights in the form of civil unions?

  I am not trying to deny someone marriage, again I am not.  Gay couples get married already in states that do not recognize their state.  And again Marriage historically is a  societal norm and not a legal one.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Is the American Dream Dieing.  And Do many Americans want it to Die?

     I have been thinking of writing a post about the dieing American Dream for the past few months now and decided today I would do it.

     When I sat down and started to type why I think the American dream was dieing, I typed into Google American Dream Definition, and got the following two definitions.

American Dream

the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American.
a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the U.S.
   The reality is that our founding fathers NEVER EVER intended that the American Dream be based on Equality because get this NO ONE EVER BORN onto this planet are EVER equal.
   The founding fathers intended for an equal playing field.  Not that all of the players be equal.  Again something that could never happened.  But they could and did seek for an equal playing field.

   Many who hate what America stands for state that could not be true because the Founding Fathers did not end slavery,  but the reality is that they were smart enough to know they could not do so then, because the political climate was wrong to do so but built the Road to lead to the disolvement and end of slavery in the US states and ultimately did so just 80 years after the United States was founded.  

  But Definition #1 explains allot about where America has gone wrong as of late.  Many Americans, mostly liberal in their thought processes, now believe that we all deserve the same things in life.  That we should not reward victory and keep score in kids baseball and football games and that kids do not need to work hard and do homework to get good grades because they have tried.  To many you do not need to succeed to get the rewards of success, all you need to do is show up.

   Again this explains so much.  We recently had stories hit the Headlines about American Automakers, Chrysler, Chevy and Ford about to go under, but they had Auto Worker Employees making $65,000 a year as a start on the assembly line and the lowest position on the Assembly lines were those that tightened Lug nuts, those with higher end assembly jobs made $150K+.  Their American counterparts working for Non Union Japanese Assembly plants here in the US were getting paid $42K a year  to tighten lug nuts and only Plant management made $150K+ at the Japanese plants on US Soil.

   Secondly we have Longshoremen making 115K+ a year to unload Ships on American Shores.  Examples like these are reasons why more and more things are done Overseas and not on American Shores.  So the question is who is responsible for the degrading of the American Dream?

   Is it the Indian Call Center worker that takes a job getting paid 1/4 what an American Call Center worker gets paid while producing more.  Or is the American that demands more and more and more but works less and less and less and actually considers it an insult that an employer dare demand they shave shower and wear clean clothes to a job that the Employer dares demand you show up on time to.

   My old job at the Text book Publishing Company meant I read many different articles about new trends in society and how they would affect the education arena.  One of those what How many Millions of Echo Boomers (Baby Boomer Offspring) were entering the job arena at the age of 22-23 and never Ever having a job before.  

  The articles I read were how HR departments were now having to hold classes on Daily cleanliness, showers, wearing clothes properly and even how to punch in and how to act around other adults.  

  This truly baffled me.  I mean my dad kicked me out of the house when I was 11, I delivered papers, I mowed lawns.  I grew my own garden.   All to earn money, but apparently many Baby Boomers thought that is a bad and destructive way to raise a kid.  

   The problem is that we US society has to pay the price.  

   Because we now have a complete generation of Kids out there that expect to get paid top dollar and get EVERYTHING they want all while not have to work to get ahead.

  This way of thinking is definitely one way of destroying the American Dream, but I also think that American Greed is destroying the American Dream in a different way.

  A while back a factory was opened in Cambodia and the Average worker in this factory was going to get paid $3.00 a day American, working six days a week 9 hours a day.  What you say SLAVE LABOR and HOW DARE that evil company. 

  But the Cambodians that got the jobs did not consider themselves slaves.  In fact they considered themselves the luckiest people on Earth.  Why????????????????

  Cambodian Per Ca pita income is $200 a year and most Cambodians had to work 7 days in the week, 12 hours a day to get that.

   As one lucky factory worker said he used to have to be in the heat of the sun 7 days a week sun up to sun down, and got pennies a day.  Now he was working in air conditioned comfort, and made 4 times as much providing things for his family he only dreamed of before.  
  So is it wrong to deny that Factory worker the right to provide better for his family all because an American worker wants $20 an hour to do the same work?  And is it really slave labor if he is willing to do it?

   Get this, Americans used to come here because the Laws in this nation built an Atmosphere where Americans could do anything they wanted as long as they worked hard to get it.  

  Now Many Americans Expect the best of everything without doing anything to deserve it.

  Do not get me wrong, I am making half what I did just 2 years ago.   But I also know that if I work hard I will get back to that level.  I am not going to sit here and demand others hand what I want to me.

   America made it to where it was faster and stronger than its European counter parts who were hundreds and in some cases thousands of years older because of our strength, independence and faith in God. 
  I personally want to say that I owe every thing to God and that he has blessed me in many ways and has guided me when I needed guidance.  I have always been amazed at how, God has guided me in times of trouble and strife as well. The reality is that a person must work hard while having faith in God and rely on his guidance.  Again something I think too many Americans are going away from.

I personally do not want the American dream to die.  I will work hard to make sure it does not die.  The question is am I right or wrong??????

Are more Americans more willing to sit around and get things handed to them or are they willing to fight for their own personal happiness and freedom and grab the American dream?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Obamaphone Fraud shock of All Shock!

   Remember the Obama Program to hand out free phones to Welfare recipients?  The Obama administration found a program that had been in existence for 20 years to help welfare recipients to get land line phones to help with job hunting and turned it around to help buy votes of Welfare recipients for Obama's presidential campaign.  On top of it all Every Taxpayer who pays for a monthly bill for their cell phone service pays $2.50 on every bill for the program.

     Now Many months later the FCC has found close to a Billion dollars in fraud in the program with many welfare recipients getting multiple phones and TracFone and Nexxus Communications walking all the way to the bank.

  What was the problem????????????????????????

   Well the always wise idiots in the Obama administration thought that the Welfare Recipients were honest enough to do their own policing and make sure they did not abuse the system.

    Despite a long documented history of welfare abuse going back 50 years.  But alas how was the Obama administration supposed to know???????????????????

   I mean come on and now half a nation full of people (those who voted Obama in 2012) want to turn our healthcare over to Obama and his idiot minions?????? 

   There were some Welfare recipients that recieved 20+ phones and then turned around selling them to get drugs and other items and services.

    I have said it again and again while the private sector makes makes mistakes the Federal government has never made a success of anything. 

  So again why are we turning our public healthcare over to people like Obama?

  Please I want to hear why so many people think Obama is so smart and wise?  I mean 50+% of the nation voted for Obama so at least one person should be able to explain why Obama is so good and wise for this nation?

   So far to date I have heard nothing but crickets chirp when I ask the question.

   It makes me wonder if people voted for him because they wanted to take advantage of the US government and not because they thought he is so good for the nation over all.

   Again what ever happened to the Train of thought where John F Kennedy said

  " "ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."

Wasn't John F Kennedy a Democrat as well?

What do you think JFK Would think of Democrats and Liberals today?  

Monday, March 18, 2013

I Rarely if ever blame others for my Lot in life or what my future may Bring. 

   Recently, very recently in the past couple of months we have seen the job market grow.  Fewer and fewer people are unemployed at this point than they have been at any time since 2008.  The American Stock Markets have responded by going on a run we have not seen since 2008 as well. 

   The Truth however is a very ugly thing and if it were occurring while a Republican or Conservative were in the White House the Press Corps would be tearing into them harder and faster than Pirhana at raw meat. 

   The Middle class in America is disappearing.  Yes there are still high paying jobs in America but more and more Americans that were living good honest respectable jobs, living the American Dream in America just 6 years ago, owning their own homes, owning new or newer cars and saving for their retirement are finding it harder and harder to get ahead and even harder just to stay afloat. 

   Yes certain things such as the Housing Bubble bursting, and technology outmoding certain things have caused the job market to change. 

    I myself worked for a textbook publishing company for many years and found that particular industry changing, because students used to go to College bookstores to buy books now get their study material online and for far cheaper than they used to purchase their text books for.

    The record industry is now gone as well, and most likely will never return.  

  Such changes are a reality and always have been historically, shoot a hundred years ago the blacksmith found himself unemployed because of changing technology.

   But the current total destruction of the American Middle Class is not occurring now just because of changes in technology.

   More and more Companies so scared of Obamacare are looking for ways to protect themselves from Obama and the thugs in congress that voted the mess into law that they are now looking to demote more and more full time employees to part time status.


  Because Obamacare does not require companies to provide healthcare for part time employees under 30 hours a week.  

  You idiot liberals can yell and scream all you want about how the rich companies are at fault.  But in reality it is Obama and his ill designed Obamacare that are causing many Americans to scramble to make ends meet.

  Just a few years back I worked one job 60 hours a week but made in the mid $50's now last year I made less than half that working several jobs in part because no one wants to hire me on a full time basis paying me a good legitimate wage.

  And its not just companies looking to move overseas, even companies that have to keep workers here, or want to keep workers here now are seriously looking at ways to cut their work force and all because they cannot afford to pay for Obamacare and the rise in costs associated with it.

   Again I do not blame others for my lot in life.  I always have worked hard and will continue to work hard.  But I am very tired of people hurting my ability to make an income and pursue my personal dream of Hapinesss all because they feel that its the governments right to provide for all in America, even if they have to destroy the American Middle Class to Provide for us

Keep in mind Russian Arristocrats locked Russian Peasants into a Prison of hell for 80 years in 1917 all while trying to help those very Russian Peasants that they ended up subjecting to Communism and its folly.

Are we now going to be locked in a Prison because American Liberals are just as stupid as the Russian Arristocrats were 96 years ago??????????????????

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Eric Holder finally responds but why so Long for such a response?

   Today after a 13 hour Filibuster by Senator Rand Paul Eric Holder FINALLY delivered an answer to a question that was first raised a month and a half after it was first Raised.

  What was the question?

“Does the president have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an American not engaged in combat on an American soil?"

Arrogant Egotistical Idiotic thug Senator John McCain and equally idiotic and wimpy Senator Lindsay Graham made fun of Senator Rand Paul for holding the White House to the fire over the question but what both Senators Graham and McCain and the Press at large are ignoring is why did it take so long for the White House to Answer.

  Yes Eric Holder Finally said NO!  But why did it take so long and with so much hemming and hawing in between?

  I mean shoot a there should have been no hesitation.  Instead there was tons of hesitation, which suggests they are holding out the possibility that they could indeed shoot Americans with Weaponized drones on American Soil, not engaged in American Soil.  

  This scares the royal Hog Huey out of me and it should scare the royal hog Huey out of all Americans but for some reason it doesn't I wonder why?????

  Did the president really think at some point he may need to use Weaponized Drones on Americans on US Soil not engaged in Combat and Why?????????????????

   Keep in mind Our Very Own US Congress ok'd the use of Drones over the US.

Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress


Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s … a drone, and it’s watching you. That’s what privacy advocates fear from a bill Congress passed this week to make it easier for the government to fly unmanned spy planes in U.S. airspace.
The FAA Reauthorization Act, which President Obama is expected to sign, also orders the Federal Aviation Administration to develop regulations for the testing and licensing of commercial drones by 2015.
Privacy advocates say the measure will lead to widespread use of drones for electronic surveillance by police agencies across the country and eventually by private companies as well.
“There are serious policy questions on the horizon about privacy and surveillance, by both government agencies and commercial entities,” said Steven Aftergood, who heads the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation also is “concerned about the implications for surveillance by government agencies,” said attorney Jennifer Lynch.
The provision in the legislation is the fruit of “a huge push by lawmakers and the defense sector to expand the use of drones” in American airspace, she added.
According to some estimates, the commercial drone market in the United States could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars once the FAA clears their use.
The agency projects that 30,000 drones could be in the nation’s skies by 2020.

     These drones can be used to help catch criminals.  But they can also be used to spy on every day normal citizens for simple things such as disagreeing with the Administration or even something such as daring to smoke or even over eating.
   SMOKING and OVEREATING?  You ask.   Why would I bring those up?  Well get this Obamacare is set to issue fines for those that would dare smoke and the like if they are on Obamacare.  These fines are in the neighborhood of $5,000 

It would not surprise me if Obama even uses the cost of the purchase of the Drones as the reason to charge such huge fines and taxes.   
  But whether they do or not.  Our freedoms are disappearing yet again and Obama and our Congress including idiots like McCain and Graham are letting them get away with it and our US media is standing by quietly allowing it to occur.
  I guarantee if it was GWB or Reagan or any other Republican President that took this long to answer such a simple question  or ordered 30,000 drones the Media would be blasting that Republican President morning noon and night 25 hours a day and liberal talking points would be sent to ALL democratic talking heads to run to every news outlet including Fox News screaming about the obvious Rights violations.
  So why is the US Media silent now.
   Please! Please!  Please!   Send this to everyone you know.  I do not care about people reading my blog.  We need for every one to know what is about to occur and tell the President and Congress to back off.
   I applaud Rand Paul for bringing this simple question and the Administrations refusal to answer to our attention and shake my head at idiot senators that were willing to let President Obama and his administration to get away with a non answer.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mike and Molly Insult the Navajo Nation

    On Monday Mike and Molly made a joke about Arizona being a Furnace Full of Drunken Indians.  The Navajo Nation was immediately offended and said that Alcoholism was not a laughing matter.

    I only bring this up because I wonder where do we draw the line.  As it stands now.  You can only make fun of white men, in commercials or white women if a Black woman is also in the commercial or black men if Black women are in the commercial, and this is done out of fear of offending some

   The reality is that ALL Jokes.  Let me restate this, ALL Jokes will offend someone.  Mike and Molly is a show about fat people making fun of fat people  Should we outlaw all Jokes including those about fat people??

  Again if it is wrong to offend Alcoholic Native Americans why is it right to insult fat people in the name of a joke??????????

  I am a fat guy.  I do not deny it, I am also not offended by fat jokes.  I realize the reason why those jokes are funny.  The reality is due to my own choices and my own actions I am fat, and thus accept the jokes.

  Alcoholics make choices as well they choose to drink. There are 10's of thousands if not hundreds of thousands and even millions that make a choice daily not to drink.  And not all alcoholics are offended by jokes about drinking.

  So I go back to the fact that ALL Jokes will offend someone.  Should we outlaw all jokes just because someone is going to be offended?????

   We cannot exist as a society that way.   So again where do we draw the line?  I mean outlawing jokes is not going to end the problem of Alcoholism on Reservations and in Society in general.

   Outlawing jokes even just ones making fun of alcoholism will not stop or end alcoholism, it only makes those that feel guilty about there problem to deny they may even have one. 

   I have said this many times in the past.  If you do not like something then you are not forced to attend or even watch it.  If jokes about Drunken Indians offends you then do not watch the show 

   Why is it in our society Americans think that if they are offended by something they have the right to stop something even if someone else may not be offended.

   A while back a Jewish couple.  Meaning just two people threatened a lawsuit in a New Jersey town unless the Christmas Parade's name was changed and Santa Clause was taken out of the parades line up.

   I am a devout Christian, I do not believe in Santa Clause, and will never tell my kids a lie that Santa exists.  But loved what the outcome was.  The cowardly town mayor caved and changed the parade to a "Winter Parade" and cancelled Santa Claus, the reaction was a public uproar and 5000 people showed up to the parade dressed as Santa Claus. 

   The town council and mayor were voted out of office, the new town council restored the Christmas Parade and Santa Clause and told the two idiots to go ahead and sue.  I say if the Jewish community wants to hold parades let them do it to honor their holidays, and I think most Americans would agree.

   The reality is that not everyone is going to do every thing you like and visa versa if you do not like something then do not watch it or support it.  But that does not mean you have the right to demand something stop just because your offended.  That is unless the activity is breaking the law.  Drug use, crimes and or even Sex in public break laws, and deservedly so and you have the right to call the cops and get them stopped.

  I am a happy heterosexual male, but am not going to run to the Phoenix City Hall and demand the Local Gay Pride Parade be cancelled.

   One last example.  Several years back a Colorado Native American Basketball Team called themselves the Fighting Whities and their mascot was a white man in a suite and tie holding a briefcase.  Dozens upon dozens of people called to order T-Shirts.  The Team and its captain who came up with the idea were angered and obviously flustered, because they wanted to offend people instead people saw humor in what they did.  To most people it was funny because a guy in a white shirt tie and black suit is not fierce. 

    Keep in mind when mascots are chosen they are usually chosen for their fierceness and not because someone is trying to insult the group as a whole. 

   In the end whether or not something is offensive is a personal thing for the most part.  Again since whether something is offensive or not is personal it is impossible to scrub society of everything that will offend everyone

  So my question is why do some people have such thin skins and demand everyone conform to their ideals, when I KNOW FOR A Fact that if we demanded they conformed to our ideals that they would scream bloody murder.

  Keep in mind holding a parade or even airing a TV show with jokes is not forcing someone to CONFORM.

  I say grow up to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hugo Chavez died today.

     I am not going to applaud Hugo Chavez's death.  Dieing from cancer is not easy and not something I would wish on even my biggest of enemies.  But at the same time it sickens me how some Democrats are praising Chavez.

    The reality is that he basically destroyed Venezuela's economy and even though he said he did it in the name of the poor, doing what he did actually harmed Venezuela's poor even more.  Venezuela at the time of Chavez's death has the highest inflation in the world at 29%. 

   There have been numerous currency devaluations, Chavez nationalized big parts of the Food industry and oil industry and tried to control currency flight out of the nation.  In doing so this has only created large and widespread shortages of basic staples such as Coffee, sugar and flour. 

   In addition Chavez all but silenced opposing views controlling National News Media and Radio, airing a 5 hour news broadcast.

   I guess it should not surprise me that American Democrat Congressmen would be singing his praises since many of the things he implemented and did are the very things that Many Democrats in our nation wanted to implement here.

  I mean they want to keep businesses from leaving US borders for other opportunities, but what they do not understand is that doing such a thing actually kills invention innovation and jobs, instead of creating them or keeping them here.

  Many more liberal democrats also want to silence opposing opinion just as Chavez pretty much succeeded in doing in Venezuela.  Yes this may help keep a person or party in power but in the end only helps destroy a nation.

   Again I  am not happy Chavez died from Cancer.  I do not wish such a death on anyone.  But now maybe just maybe the Venezuelan people will have the ability to move away from the destructive Socialist ideals that created the highest Inflation rate in all of South America and have kept the poor locked in a prison without bars.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Finally!  The Republicans did not blink

   Obama sat there on national TV last week screaming that if the budget cuts were to come through it would either mean cutting funding to starving kids or Kids living in Poverty.  Then later on Friday he comes back and said the cuts would not be that bad.  

   The reality is that Obama and Democrats were  trying to use fear to get what they wanted and for the first time in a long time the Republicans grew a pair and refused to cave in.  Our nation literally is on a Financial cliff, but it is not one created if we start cutting the US Spending Budget and tighten our belts. 

   The real cliff is one that we would go over destroying our future and our children's future if we did not cut spending and cut it now and yes cut it hard and deep.  We were and still are on our way to a depression as bad as what Greece and Italy are facing now and a depression worse than what we saw in the 1930's if our spending is not brought under control now.

   Many American families have lived with the reality that if they overspend we have to tighten our families fiscal belts until we get out of the hole we spent ourselves into since the beginning of this nation.  Its about time that our Government wakes up and see the reality that it faces if it cannot control itself.

   The idea that you can tax the rich to keep spending is a pipe dream at best and not founded on fact.  There are not enough rich people in America to keep taxing.  I had brought up the true historical fact of what happened to Paris a thousand years ago.  A band of Vikings came knocking on the gates of Paris and threatened to Sack the city unless the citizens of Paris gave them Gold.  So the Mayor ran to the cities rich and asked for gold.  They gave it to the Vikings and they went back to their homeland and showed other vikings their spoils and told them what they did.  So band after band of Vikings showed up at Paris's gates demanding gold until one band showed up and the Mayor ran to the Cities rich and they had no more gold to give and thus the Vikings sacked the city killing all, including the mayor and the rich.

   Vikings are beginning to knock at the gates of the US and frankly we do not have that many Rich to pay for our foolish follies.

   Keep in mind that even as we speak with tons of different Governmental programs out there 1/5 of American children go home daily to homes where no food is on the table.  The reason and fault behind this lays solely in the hands of the parents, and there personal choices in their lives.  Keep in mind that the federal government openly admitted just a few weeks back that most welfare checks are cashed at liquor stores and strip clubs.

   As more and more parents realize they can spend foolishly and rely on the federal government to take care of them and their kids more and more parents will stupidly let the government take care of them and not take personal responsibility to take care of themselves and their children.

   A while back 20/20 did a story about 2 25 year old women.  One worked a full time job as a dispatcher and went to college at night.  She made $25,000 a year, things were tight but she was able to pay her bills and live responsibly.  The other had 5 children by 4 different dads, the first being born when she was 16, she had never held down a real job but between welfare, housing assistance, food stamps health insurance, and even an insurance waiver so that she could drive her truck to "job interviews" it was figured that she made $28,000 a year in federal assistance.  Yes she applied for jobs as was demanded of her but she never took the job hunt seriously.  Why should she?  I mean the government both local  county, state and federal were allowing her to live a life of leisure.  

   The reality is that we can no longer play the government as fools.  Americans have to stand up and realize that we are responsible for our own lives and no one else.  We are one of the greatest nations in the world because our founding fathers gave us the tools to pursue our own paths and make our way ourselves in this world instead of having to live off of the table scraps like Europeans were living.

   The problem is too many Americans now think they are entitled to live off of the backs of others and not realize that they themselves are responsible for their future and no one else.

   The reality is that Americans that think that the rich do not deserve what they have are also those that hate what America is and want to destroy it.  I personally think that America is great only because, here in America a person can be born poor but die a well to do person.

   The funniest thing is that Conservatives tend to give far more back in charity than Liberals.  That states a lot.

  As a last side note.  When our nation was its strongest we also made sure that EVERYONE had the best chance possible to become educated.  Today that is not true.   The three worst Cities in terms of Public Education in America also spend the most money.  The reality is that spending money does not solve problems. 

  Only hard work and personal responsibility guarantee that a person will get educated and make something of themselves in this nation.

  As I stated in the beginning of this Obama said that starving kids and kids needing assistance would suffer.  But then Friday he came back on TV, and said it would not be that bad.  So the question is are starving kids really going to starve because of the Budget cuts?

Well if they do it will be because Obama is personally allowing them to starve.  Why???????  Because Congress gave Obama control of how those cuts will be handed out.  The reality is that there are many ways to cut the US budget without cutting Welfare programs or releasing dangerous prisoners early or even weakening our Military.  

   So is Obama willing to take as much time as he does standing before the TV cameras screaming Wolf to study where the US government can cut redundancies in our US government???????????????

   I truly doubt he does.  Managing your spending takes work.  And so far Obama has shown little interest in working that hard.