
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Caren Teves the mom in the commercials that keeps targeting Jeff Flake, why was it so important to vote for the Bill you keep saying flake Promised to vote for?????????????????????

I mean Jeff Flake in his Letter to you did not promise to that he would vote for that bill, just that he agrees that tightening background checks was necessary.

  The reality is that the Bill that Caren attacks Flake for not voting for, would not tighten background checks but would create a national Gun Registry.

   A National Gun Registry would not have stopped the Aurora Colorado shooting that took her son.   I sympethize with Caren's loss.  I have lost loved ones unexpectedly in the past and know how hard it can be. 

But again how would the bill stopped the Aurora Colorado shooting?  Answer, is it would not have stopped it. 

I understand that yes we do want to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people.  But at the same time it is very important that we keep our 2nd Amendment rights and not loose those rights because of emotions run amok and nothing more.

  Gun Control Activists are frothing at the mouth to get their hands on our guns and take them out of our hands.  History shows why politicians hate an armed populous. 

   Again our nation's war for independence was started when British Soldiers marched to lexington and Concord to sieze what they considered were illegal arms kept by renegade colonials.  But if they had not done so our nation would not be here today.

   Lenin after taking over the Russian Revolution outlawed guns by all Russians but Communist party members.  Stalin then went on  to kill millions of those he feared were against him.

   Hitler outlawed Guns in Germany right after gaining power, but not for all germans, he only outlawed Gun ownership by Jews and other fringe groups.  Groups that just a few years later Hitler killed in the millions in the biggest Holocaust the World has seen to date.

  Pol Pot, the insane leader of Cambodia outlawed Guns and then proceeded to kill and purge the nation of all he felt were unfit to be communist.

 Yes there are bad side effects of allowing Gun ownership by a nations citizens, but history shows that outlawing gun ownership by a countries masses can be far worse.

  The reality is that we can make it a bit harder for the insane to own guns without taking away the rest of the nations rights.

Why does Caren Teves not see this?????????????????????/

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