
Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

      My Dad enlisted in the US Army during the Korean War.  He served for many years both in the US Army, and Kansas National Guard.  He did so out of a love and a respect for this nation.

     The state of Kansas has a Statue dedicated to those in the Kansas National Guard that died in Vietnam.   That is one reason why I was so disgusted when Liberals and others attempted to attack George W Bush's Military record several years back saying Bush's enlistment in the National Guard was his attempt to dodge Vietnam.

    My dad passed away a while back from Luekemia and is burried at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Phoenix, AZ.  We took my mom to see his grave to day as we have done before.

    I was very happy to see a traffic jam getting into the cemetery.  Thousands of family members, freinds and fellow service members showed up to say thanks to all of the thousands of Veterans intured at the cemetary.

   In this day and age where more and more Americans forget what the true meaning of Memorial day is, it is nice to see that so many Americans were happy to take time out of their day on Memorial day and remember their loved ones and pay their respect. 

Happy Memorial Day to all Veterans out there!

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