
Thursday, May 23, 2013

London Terrorists Say they were responding to Western Based Terror. But was it really? Or was it quite simply more Cowardly Fanatical Islamic bullying?

     Two Cowardly Islamic Fanatics ran over an unarmed British Soldier not in Uniform, then started screaming about how this was revenge for Wars in Muslim Countries.

     But is this really revenge or yet another attempt at practicing Violence in the name of Islam, as what many Fanatical Muslims say that the Quran Implies. 

    Quran Surah 9:5

       And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

    Many  Muslims like to say that the bible calls for violence as well.  But at no point does the Bible say to kill all who will not convert to Christianity or even Judaism.  That is exactly what Surah 9:5 is calling for.  

    Secondly, Western Soldiers are only in Muslim lands because Muslims have been both attacking each other and Westerners for Decades.  Fanatical Muslims led by Osama Bin Laden and others have been targeting and attacking fellow muslims and innocent westerners, often not in Uniform and not in battle areas just because these fanatical Muslims cowardly trying to bully their way.

    Keep in mind According to Islam, A muslim can only gain access to heaven if they or a relative dies in a Jihad.  That in part is why so many Muslims are convinced that strapping on a bomb or taking a machete and hacking up an innocent soldier not in Uniform up, is because they hope that they will indeed die in a Jihad and take them to heaven as well as relatives.

   Westerners are only there and involved against Fanatical Muslims because those fanatical Muslims have attacked others, including fellow Muslims.

   Keep in Mind Osama Bin Laden got mad that American and British troops were in Saudi Arabia in 1990.  But we were only there because fellow Muslims, the Kuwaitis had just been invaded by Sadaam Husein and asked America and the British for help pushing him out.

   We only invaded Afghanistan after Osama Bin Laden had several terrorists fly 3 planes into the WTC and the Pentagon as well as a field in Pennsylvania after being stopped by some very brave Americans realizing they were already dead and decided to fight these cowardly bully Muslims themselves.

    Lastly when left to their own devices Fanatical Muslims in Syria, and Egypt are killing fellow Muslims just because they want to get their cowardly, evil way.  

    I am also not totally convinced that all non fanatical Muslims are just too afraid to stand up to the fanatics.  I keep pointing this out but I remember how after 9/11/2001 many Muslim women in London said they started wearing Burkhas in support of the terrorists.

   Maybe we have to ask ourselves why many Muslims refuse to stand up to the fanatical Muslims that are controlling their religion at this time.  Are they really to scared to fight back?  Or are they really secretly supporting the fanatics, thinking that the fanatics are right about their interpretation of the Quran.

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