
Friday, May 17, 2013

Who is really running the Obama Administration????

     I would really hate to be a low Level worker in the Obama Administration.  Because it would seem that they have no real management over them.  I state this because of the Comments Obama has made himself, about all of the scandals bursting forth within the Obama Administration.

   First there was Benghazi, of which Obama has passed all blame about blaming Benghazi on Video, onto low level workers. 

   Second there was the IRS scandal of which Obama again has blamed on Low Level Workers.

   And third but definately not the least is the AP scandal when it was revealed that the Department of Justice siezed two months worth of AP Reporters Home and Cell phone records.  

   The thing that blows my mind the most is that Obama states he has found out about these scandals, at the same time the rest of us do, through the media.   I mean the US President is supposed to have the most efficient and up to date, data gathering personel, so that he knows of things exactly as they happen so that he can prevent any dangers from harming the rest of the US. 

    He is either not doing his job, or his staff, including the US military, the CIA, the FBI and the NSA are all failing badly at there jobs. 

   During the IRS Hearings before Congress, Texas Congressman Republican Kevin Brady revealed that one Tea Party Applicant, a successful business woman in her own right found herself and her business Audited multiple times by the IRS, and then on top of it was visited multiple times by the FBI and OSHA all after applying for a Non Profit Status for the local Tea Party Group she was forming.  And here it is 3 years later she still has not been approved.

  The reality is that its illegal for the IRS to share any information they gain, with other Government agencies.  But that is obviously what happened here.  Steven Miller, the out going IRS head admitted as such. 

“Now, this is a citizen and a small businesswoman who had never been audited by the IRS or any of these agencies until she applied to you for tax-exempt status for her Tea Party. The broader question here: Is this still America? Is this government so drunk on power that it would turn its full force, its full might, to harass and intimidate and threaten an average American who only wants her voice and their voices heard? Mr. Miller, who in the irs is responsible for targeting conservative organizations?”

     I ask how is it possible that the IRS could possibly get the FBI and OSHA involved in investigating her without ANYONE in the Obama innercircle not hearing of this??????????????

     Miller was offended that Brady would dare use the word targeted in his question.  But that is exactly what happened, at least in this case, but am certain that the others were directly targeted as well.

   The interesting thing is that the head of the Cincinnati IRS Office during the time of these illegal targets, not only earned $100K in bonuses while her employees were targeting right wing groups, and she was recently promoted to handle the IRS's new department tasked with Collecting for Obamacare.

  Coincidence?   I doubt it.  I doubt Obama promoted her without knowing what her employees were doing in Cincinnati.  Shoot, I doubt she did not know.  And if she did not know.  Exactly how effective of a manager was she and why did she merrit the $100K in bonuses?

   Either way these scandals make President Obama himself look like an incompetent fool and an ASS. 

   I mean, either Obama knew what was happening and let it happen, or he foolishly hid his head in the sand and cared nothing about what was going on in his administration on all three scandals. 

   Today Obama was out campaigning yet again, why????????  no one really knows.  I mean he has already won the election.  Yes he is out pushing his jobs initiative.  But the reality is that he will not be able to get anything done until he cleans up these messes and shows his HE and HE alone is in charge and that HE and He alone is a competent Chief, Manager and Leader.

   Again why was he elected for a second term?????

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