
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Great Britain arrests people who state things on Face book and Twitter about Islam.

     Thankfully, I do not live in Great Britain, because I think I would already be in Jail.  I am not afraid to state that Islam in the Quran openly states to convert or kill all non Muslims, Surah 9:6.  

     The reality is that Great Britain is so afraid of offending the thugs and bullies and cowards that have taken over Islam that even when Muslims coldly and premeditately kill a British soldier out of uniform in cold blood by hacking him to bloody pieces in front of dozens of witnesses.  They would rather arrest anyone that would dare speak against Islam, than grow balls and confront the fanatical muslims.

     Even with a constitution, the US is in danger of following Great Britains footsteps.  There have already been pushes in different US Communities to allow Shariah Law, Certain school districts now have muslim prayer rooms in schools, while it has been determined that Christian boys and girls cannot pray in schools.

    And note it has already been revealed that Muslims can indeed privately and do not need prayer rooms or Calls to prayer.  How has it been revealed?

    Several years back, about 2006 a group of Muslim Clerics before boarding a plane from Minneapolis to Phoenix engaged in a group prayer before boarding.  Something not all of the Clerics engaged in and then started engaging in strange behavior once on the plane.  Of course they were asked to leave. 

   And of course they screamed racism.  A reporter asked one of the clerics several weeks later if he had flown since 9/11/2001.  He said yes, she went on to ask if he prayed openly before boarding those other flights and he said no he prayed silently to himself because he was afraid of how his fellow passengers would act.

Yes the Cleric tried to make this seem that he was afraid of all the non Muslims on the flight, but instead it revealed that Muslims do not have to or need to have prayer rooms or even public prayer.  They can and do pray privately just like Christians do.

  A few years back Several Christian gentlemen were arrested for handing out flyers outside of a muslim festival in Dearborn Michigan.  The Police claimed they were verbally harrassing people trying to enter the festival. 

   But alas, they video taped themselves and were not close to the entrance to the Festival, nor did they say a word while handing out the flyers. 

   In fact according to the video the only ones harrassing anyone were the Dearborn Police.

   The reality is that a bunch of Muslim cowards killed a British soldier in cold blood and brits cannot speak out against it????????????????????????????????????????

   Hog Huey, I mean if Muslims hate people speaking ill of them, then maybe they should try and silence those within their ranks that cause us to speak ill of Islam.And not try and silence non Muslims when when they speak up.

   I have said this before, but many London Muslim women admitted that they started wearing Burqas after 9/11/2001 when they refused to wear them before, all because they wanted to show support with the 911 terrorists.

    So I still ask how many Muslims are really afraid to stand up to the Muslim Fanatics, or are secretly in full support of them? 

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