
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Obama, Bumps and Glitches = hundreds of companies cutting 10's of thousands full time employees to Part Timers because of ObamaCare!

  Yesterday Obama gave a press conference where he said the following.

“even if we do everything perfectly, there’ll still be, you know, glitches and bumps.” 

    As the title suggests hundreds of Companies have announced that they are cutting back on the hours of 10's of thousands of full time employees basically destroying their American Dream all because the Arrogant President felt the need to push Obamacare on the United States.

      The reality is that Obamacare is the only success this President has had since he was elected into office in 2008, and as the press conference yesterday proved.  Obama is quite gutless. as well.  He cannot stand up and take the blame for anything. 

   He campaigned in 2008 about closing Gitmo but now, yesterday, he said that it was not up to him but instead Congress to shut down Gitmo.  Saying Congress would not let him close it down.

   Obama is mad that his lies about needing Gun Registration was seen as what it was, an attempt to push Nationwide Gun Registry went down in flames.  In fact it went down so hard and fast it made the Hindenburg look like a small flash fire.

He keeps passing the buck saying that he cannot get anything done because Congress is Republican Controlled.

     But get in mind Reagan got his agenda passed even though Congress was Dem Controlled at the time and Clinton got his agenda passed in his second term, despite having a Republican Controlled Congress.

    So is Obama stating he is worthless and cannot or will not fight for what he believes in? 

     If that is the case why did he run for President?  Surely ruining the lives of thousands of American Full timers lives just so he could have Obamacare is not the only reason why he ran for office.


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