
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Democratic Senator Cummings in trying to defend what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/2012 resulting in the death of A US Ambassador, Said What??????????????????

    On September 11, 2012  A preplanned, very organized attack was aimed at the US Embassy in Benghazi Lybia, killing the US Ambassador, and three men tasked with protecting the Ambassador. 

  I am betting the attack was an attempt by Al Qaeda to Embarrass the Obama Administration.   Note the date they chose to do it.  And  they did embarrass Obama and Clinton.  The Obama Admin's incompetence and stupidity became glaringly clear.  At First the Obama administration tried to blame the attack on a supposedly racist Movie. 

   A move that they had to quickly run away from because Al Qaeda quickly came out and screamed that they were responsible for the attack.  Then they said that they had no time to organize a rescue.  But that later became obvious that Obama Clinton  and other Obama Admin Flunkies were lying when it became known that the attack took 8 hours + before Ambassador Stevens was killed.

   In addition, it was later found out that we had a Special Ops 40 person team 2-3 hours away in Europe.  Obama did not mobilize them. Not even to evacuate the Wounded, why?????????????

   So Benghazi at the very least deserves to be investigated, But Democrats and Obama operatives have been trying to stonewall and stop any investigation since that day. 

  We even have Hillary Clinton on Tape saying.

"What difference does it make?"

What difference does it make??????????????

  I dare her to say that to the families of the families killed in the attack.  The reality is that if these persons were killed then people need to be held accountable.

  I mean a President, a sitting president had to resign because he tried to cover up the break in at the Watergate Hotel.

  No One even died there.    So why is it so bad to investigate the deaths of Americans, good honest Americans doing their Job for the Obama Administration and their Country?????????????

That brings me to what US Representative Cummings said today in trying to derail the Benghazi hearings and stop the investigation.

He said the following.

May 8, 2013 - Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, tells Benghazi witnesses that "death is a part of life."

"CUMMINGS: And, as I listen to your testimony I could not help but think of something that I said very recently -- two years ago now -- in a eulogy for a relative. I said that death is a part of life, so often we have to find a way to make life a part of death. And, I guess the reason why I'm saying that, going back to something Mr. Nordstrom said, he wanted, I guess all of you said this, he wanted to make sure we learn from this."

What Hog Huey.  So does that mean that all murders should not be prosecuted because they are a part of Life??????????????????????????????????????????????

Do all accidental deaths not deserve to have justice because they are a part of Life???????????????????

Should Jodi Arias have been found innocent today because Travis Alexanders murder was a part of life?????????????????????????

This disgusts me more than anything. 

  I know full well that the Obama Administration did not plan the attack.  Nor are they supporting Al Qaeda.

  But their incompetence both during the attack and after are nothing more than an embarrassment to this nation and honestly someone should pay for it.

That being said.  I doubt Obama will.  I have learned over the years that Dems and Liberals rarely if ever believe in Honor and doing the right thing.  Shoot Obama cannot even admit he made a mistake by claiming this was the responsibility of a Video.  So I truly doubt that Obama has the guts to admit he was wrong.

Says alot about Obama

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