
Monday, June 3, 2013

IRS Scandal Intensifies, Democrats run to blame Bush.

This last week, the IRS scandal intensified.  The Cincinnati Office Employees accused of targeting right wing Groups started lashing out at Obama Administration comments that they were low level employees working on their own without any direction to do so, say in fact the orders came from IRS Headquarters in Washington.

“…I still hear people saying we were low level employees, so we were lower than dirt, according to people in D.C.  So, take it for what it is.  They were basically throwing us underneath the bus.”
-- Unnamed IRS employee in the agency’s Cincinnati office talking to House investigators about claims that the targeting of conservative groups was the result of rogue agents in the office.

David Plouffe, the architect of Obama's 2012 re election came out swinging calling Issa names and later on ABC's this week told Karl Rove that Bush Illegally used the IRS to target the NAACP.  

An accusation that Karl responded by simply saying Balogny.   Bush  did not illegally target the NAACP, using the IRS.

The NAACP ran political ads attacking GWB in the 2000.  They were investigated since they are registered with the IRS as a Non Profit Non Political group.

     There is a big difference between investigating whether a group broke the law and targeting ALL Groups that have Tea Party or other wording in their names that targets them as Conservative groups.

    Keep one thing in mind the IRS has openly admitted that they broke the law between 2010 and 2012.

     Also keep in mind that the lady that ran the Cincinnati office was also then promoted to run the office collecting for Obama Care until the scandal broke.  And now she has been tossed aside.

   The reality is that the Dem's can call everyone names and can go back to the old Democratic staple of screaming that Bush did it.

   But the reality is that Bush did not do this and that there were indeed laws broken, and the fact that those who did break the laws should be held accountable.  If they are not held accountable, then it will become common place for Presidential Admins to break laws to further their own political agenda's

  Keep in mind that Richard Nixon resigned amid scandal not because he ordered men to break into Watergate, but because he tried to cover it up.

   The Watergate did not even involve the outright blatant breaking of laws in an attempt to bully and take power away from opposing political groups.

   Such actions go AGAINST Every thing this nation was founded upon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Are we just going to stand by and let Obama Get away with it????????????????????????????????

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