
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This just in Cars cause accidents not People!!!!!!!!

   Yes 90% of all of us older than 10 years old know that its the people driving the cars that cause accidents and not the cars. 

    But yet the anti Gun Crowd loves to say that Guns kill people.  Just this last weekend the city of Phoenix, AZ.  Where I live held a gun buy back program, the Police Officer in charge of the buy back as well as many people turning their guns in for Visa Cash Cards all said that there were less guns on the street that could kill or murder more people.

   For those people who may think this is an accurate statement, let me ask you one thing.  Have people only been murdering themselves for only 500 years?????????  I mean that is how long the modern Gun has been in existence.

   While Societies have been in existence for 6000 years.  And get this, even if you choose to ignore Cain murdering Able in the book of Genesis in the Bible, murders have been  occurring on the face of Earth since even before recorded time began. 

    Shoot they have found that Cavemen having been murdered thousands of years before that.  And get this.


Meaning that Guns do not kill people.  People kill people.  A gun is just a tool used to do the killing.  Swords, knives, Screw drivers and yes even cars all can be used to kill people.

  So why are we not trying to outlaw them?  Especially if inanimate objects can now commit murder?

   I have said this multiple times in the past, in China has very strict gun laws, but yet there have been many instances in china where men have gone into Chinese grade schools and killed dozens of students all with knives.

  So again do we outlaw all knives?  Yes it seems foolish, but at the same time that is the thought process that the anti gun crowd is using.

   Again Guns are nothing more than a tool used by humans to kill other humans.  You get rid of Guns, people will turn to knives, you get rid of knives, people will turn to Rocks. 

   Prisoners kill other prisoners in US Prisons daily, without the use of guns.  Again Guns do not kill people.  People do. 

   So back to this  blogs original Cars do not cause accidents, the people driving the cars do.  So do we outlaw cars just because People can use Cars to kill other people??????

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