
Monday, May 20, 2013

Fox News was also targeted by Obama's Justice Department, but a CNN Poll Shows that Obama's Approval rating on Friday was still 53%.

   The scary thing is why, Obama's approval rating as still high.    Obama Supporters do not see the scandals and see them as something Obama did. 

    But the reality is that even if he did not do them, he is still responsible for their actions.   Nixon did not break into the Watergate Hotel, but he was still responsible for what followed.

     Obama may not have actually sat there and physically took part in the IRS targeting of Conservative Groups.  But he definately benefited.  Firstly he made fun of those very Same Conservatives groups claims that they were being targeted during his 2012 campaign speeches.   Something that hurt Romney's chances in the 2012 election.  Keep in mind Romney himself tried to stand up for those conservative groups being targeted and instead Obama again attacked Romney for those claims, making Romney look a bit paranoid.

    Meaning Obama benefited during the 2012 election due to the IRS scandal.

    Then secondly the Justice Department under the direction of Eric Holder went after both the AP and Fox News, basically trying to shut down the first Amendment rights of the US Media.

   Again shutting down Media Scrutiny helps only OBAMA and no one else including Eric Holder.

 The poll via CNN and ORC International reveals that 53% of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance; 45% disapprove. The poll was taken May 17 and 18 with a 3% margin of error.
Before the trio of scandals, an early April CNN poll had Obama’s approval rating at 51%; an early May Gallup poll had his approval rating at 50%.
The poll also determined that while 71% of Americans said the IRS actions against conservatives are inappropriate, 6 in 10 respondents said they trusted Obama’s explanations about it.
Check out the “Not So Bad Week” for Obama below, via CNN:

Critics said the government’s suggestion that James Rosen, Fox News’s chief Washington correspondent, was a “co-conspirator” for soliciting classified information threatened to criminalize press freedoms protected by the First Amendment. Others also suggested that the Justice Department’s claim in pursuing an alleged leak from the State Department was little more than pretext to seize his e-mails to build their case against the suspected leaker.

     Keep in mind, it was Eric Holder and the Justice Department that just a few weeks back could not answer if it was ok to shoot an unarmed US citizen.

   So let me recap.  We have IRS agents engaging in an activity that helped Obama in the 2012 election, plus the IRS Supervisor in charge of those IRS agents targeting Conservatives, was just recently promoted to head the IRS department responsible for collecting/enforcing Obamacare.

  Then on top of that we have Eric Holder and the Justice Department targeting US Journalists, trying to silence them and Obama is not responsible? 

   Can some please explain to me how he is not responsible????????????????? 

    If at the very least he was supposedly in charge while these crimes were committed.  Again if at the very least he has shown himself to be inactive, incompetant and unable to govern America.

So again why is he doing such a good job?

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