
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Caren Teves the mom in the commercials that keeps targeting Jeff Flake, why was it so important to vote for the Bill you keep saying flake Promised to vote for?????????????????????

I mean Jeff Flake in his Letter to you did not promise to that he would vote for that bill, just that he agrees that tightening background checks was necessary.

  The reality is that the Bill that Caren attacks Flake for not voting for, would not tighten background checks but would create a national Gun Registry.

   A National Gun Registry would not have stopped the Aurora Colorado shooting that took her son.   I sympethize with Caren's loss.  I have lost loved ones unexpectedly in the past and know how hard it can be. 

But again how would the bill stopped the Aurora Colorado shooting?  Answer, is it would not have stopped it. 

I understand that yes we do want to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people.  But at the same time it is very important that we keep our 2nd Amendment rights and not loose those rights because of emotions run amok and nothing more.

  Gun Control Activists are frothing at the mouth to get their hands on our guns and take them out of our hands.  History shows why politicians hate an armed populous. 

   Again our nation's war for independence was started when British Soldiers marched to lexington and Concord to sieze what they considered were illegal arms kept by renegade colonials.  But if they had not done so our nation would not be here today.

   Lenin after taking over the Russian Revolution outlawed guns by all Russians but Communist party members.  Stalin then went on  to kill millions of those he feared were against him.

   Hitler outlawed Guns in Germany right after gaining power, but not for all germans, he only outlawed Gun ownership by Jews and other fringe groups.  Groups that just a few years later Hitler killed in the millions in the biggest Holocaust the World has seen to date.

  Pol Pot, the insane leader of Cambodia outlawed Guns and then proceeded to kill and purge the nation of all he felt were unfit to be communist.

 Yes there are bad side effects of allowing Gun ownership by a nations citizens, but history shows that outlawing gun ownership by a countries masses can be far worse.

  The reality is that we can make it a bit harder for the insane to own guns without taking away the rest of the nations rights.

Why does Caren Teves not see this?????????????????????/

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Great Britain arrests people who state things on Face book and Twitter about Islam.

     Thankfully, I do not live in Great Britain, because I think I would already be in Jail.  I am not afraid to state that Islam in the Quran openly states to convert or kill all non Muslims, Surah 9:6.  

     The reality is that Great Britain is so afraid of offending the thugs and bullies and cowards that have taken over Islam that even when Muslims coldly and premeditately kill a British soldier out of uniform in cold blood by hacking him to bloody pieces in front of dozens of witnesses.  They would rather arrest anyone that would dare speak against Islam, than grow balls and confront the fanatical muslims.

     Even with a constitution, the US is in danger of following Great Britains footsteps.  There have already been pushes in different US Communities to allow Shariah Law, Certain school districts now have muslim prayer rooms in schools, while it has been determined that Christian boys and girls cannot pray in schools.

    And note it has already been revealed that Muslims can indeed privately and do not need prayer rooms or Calls to prayer.  How has it been revealed?

    Several years back, about 2006 a group of Muslim Clerics before boarding a plane from Minneapolis to Phoenix engaged in a group prayer before boarding.  Something not all of the Clerics engaged in and then started engaging in strange behavior once on the plane.  Of course they were asked to leave. 

   And of course they screamed racism.  A reporter asked one of the clerics several weeks later if he had flown since 9/11/2001.  He said yes, she went on to ask if he prayed openly before boarding those other flights and he said no he prayed silently to himself because he was afraid of how his fellow passengers would act.

Yes the Cleric tried to make this seem that he was afraid of all the non Muslims on the flight, but instead it revealed that Muslims do not have to or need to have prayer rooms or even public prayer.  They can and do pray privately just like Christians do.

  A few years back Several Christian gentlemen were arrested for handing out flyers outside of a muslim festival in Dearborn Michigan.  The Police claimed they were verbally harrassing people trying to enter the festival. 

   But alas, they video taped themselves and were not close to the entrance to the Festival, nor did they say a word while handing out the flyers. 

   In fact according to the video the only ones harrassing anyone were the Dearborn Police.

   The reality is that a bunch of Muslim cowards killed a British soldier in cold blood and brits cannot speak out against it????????????????????????????????????????

   Hog Huey, I mean if Muslims hate people speaking ill of them, then maybe they should try and silence those within their ranks that cause us to speak ill of Islam.And not try and silence non Muslims when when they speak up.

   I have said this before, but many London Muslim women admitted that they started wearing Burqas after 9/11/2001 when they refused to wear them before, all because they wanted to show support with the 911 terrorists.

    So I still ask how many Muslims are really afraid to stand up to the Muslim Fanatics, or are secretly in full support of them? 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

      My Dad enlisted in the US Army during the Korean War.  He served for many years both in the US Army, and Kansas National Guard.  He did so out of a love and a respect for this nation.

     The state of Kansas has a Statue dedicated to those in the Kansas National Guard that died in Vietnam.   That is one reason why I was so disgusted when Liberals and others attempted to attack George W Bush's Military record several years back saying Bush's enlistment in the National Guard was his attempt to dodge Vietnam.

    My dad passed away a while back from Luekemia and is burried at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Phoenix, AZ.  We took my mom to see his grave to day as we have done before.

    I was very happy to see a traffic jam getting into the cemetery.  Thousands of family members, freinds and fellow service members showed up to say thanks to all of the thousands of Veterans intured at the cemetary.

   In this day and age where more and more Americans forget what the true meaning of Memorial day is, it is nice to see that so many Americans were happy to take time out of their day on Memorial day and remember their loved ones and pay their respect. 

Happy Memorial Day to all Veterans out there!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

London Terrorists Say they were responding to Western Based Terror. But was it really? Or was it quite simply more Cowardly Fanatical Islamic bullying?

     Two Cowardly Islamic Fanatics ran over an unarmed British Soldier not in Uniform, then started screaming about how this was revenge for Wars in Muslim Countries.

     But is this really revenge or yet another attempt at practicing Violence in the name of Islam, as what many Fanatical Muslims say that the Quran Implies. 

    Quran Surah 9:5

       And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

    Many  Muslims like to say that the bible calls for violence as well.  But at no point does the Bible say to kill all who will not convert to Christianity or even Judaism.  That is exactly what Surah 9:5 is calling for.  

    Secondly, Western Soldiers are only in Muslim lands because Muslims have been both attacking each other and Westerners for Decades.  Fanatical Muslims led by Osama Bin Laden and others have been targeting and attacking fellow muslims and innocent westerners, often not in Uniform and not in battle areas just because these fanatical Muslims cowardly trying to bully their way.

    Keep in mind According to Islam, A muslim can only gain access to heaven if they or a relative dies in a Jihad.  That in part is why so many Muslims are convinced that strapping on a bomb or taking a machete and hacking up an innocent soldier not in Uniform up, is because they hope that they will indeed die in a Jihad and take them to heaven as well as relatives.

   Westerners are only there and involved against Fanatical Muslims because those fanatical Muslims have attacked others, including fellow Muslims.

   Keep in Mind Osama Bin Laden got mad that American and British troops were in Saudi Arabia in 1990.  But we were only there because fellow Muslims, the Kuwaitis had just been invaded by Sadaam Husein and asked America and the British for help pushing him out.

   We only invaded Afghanistan after Osama Bin Laden had several terrorists fly 3 planes into the WTC and the Pentagon as well as a field in Pennsylvania after being stopped by some very brave Americans realizing they were already dead and decided to fight these cowardly bully Muslims themselves.

    Lastly when left to their own devices Fanatical Muslims in Syria, and Egypt are killing fellow Muslims just because they want to get their cowardly, evil way.  

    I am also not totally convinced that all non fanatical Muslims are just too afraid to stand up to the fanatics.  I keep pointing this out but I remember how after 9/11/2001 many Muslim women in London said they started wearing Burkhas in support of the terrorists.

   Maybe we have to ask ourselves why many Muslims refuse to stand up to the fanatical Muslims that are controlling their religion at this time.  Are they really to scared to fight back?  Or are they really secretly supporting the fanatics, thinking that the fanatics are right about their interpretation of the Quran.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"I have done Nothing Wrong" Says IRS Officer first in charge of the office that targeted Conservatives.

     But then she invokes the 5th Amendment.  While that may be her right, that definately suggests that she may be guilty of something. 

     Keep in mind Lois Lerner is now in charge of the IRS office that will be forcing compliance and payments for Obama Care.

Lerner, before invoking her Fifth Amendment right, said in a brief opening statement that she had done nothing wrong, even though people might assume that by her decision not to answer questions from the committee. 
"I have not done anything wrong," she said. "I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee."

The good thing is that it looks like Democrats are even beginning to get a bit fed up by the Obama Administrations Antics.

One lawmaker, Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., warned at the top of the hearing that if witnesses did not start to open up, a special prosecutor would be appointed. 
"There will be hell to pay if that's the route that we (choose) to go down," Lynch said. 

  Obama and his minions think they can play Chicago politics on a national scale and get away with it. 

The question is are we Going to allow them to do so??????????????????

Right now it appears that we are. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Fox News was also targeted by Obama's Justice Department, but a CNN Poll Shows that Obama's Approval rating on Friday was still 53%.

   The scary thing is why, Obama's approval rating as still high.    Obama Supporters do not see the scandals and see them as something Obama did. 

    But the reality is that even if he did not do them, he is still responsible for their actions.   Nixon did not break into the Watergate Hotel, but he was still responsible for what followed.

     Obama may not have actually sat there and physically took part in the IRS targeting of Conservative Groups.  But he definately benefited.  Firstly he made fun of those very Same Conservatives groups claims that they were being targeted during his 2012 campaign speeches.   Something that hurt Romney's chances in the 2012 election.  Keep in mind Romney himself tried to stand up for those conservative groups being targeted and instead Obama again attacked Romney for those claims, making Romney look a bit paranoid.

    Meaning Obama benefited during the 2012 election due to the IRS scandal.

    Then secondly the Justice Department under the direction of Eric Holder went after both the AP and Fox News, basically trying to shut down the first Amendment rights of the US Media.

   Again shutting down Media Scrutiny helps only OBAMA and no one else including Eric Holder.

 The poll via CNN and ORC International reveals that 53% of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance; 45% disapprove. The poll was taken May 17 and 18 with a 3% margin of error.
Before the trio of scandals, an early April CNN poll had Obama’s approval rating at 51%; an early May Gallup poll had his approval rating at 50%.
The poll also determined that while 71% of Americans said the IRS actions against conservatives are inappropriate, 6 in 10 respondents said they trusted Obama’s explanations about it.
Check out the “Not So Bad Week” for Obama below, via CNN:

Critics said the government’s suggestion that James Rosen, Fox News’s chief Washington correspondent, was a “co-conspirator” for soliciting classified information threatened to criminalize press freedoms protected by the First Amendment. Others also suggested that the Justice Department’s claim in pursuing an alleged leak from the State Department was little more than pretext to seize his e-mails to build their case against the suspected leaker.

     Keep in mind, it was Eric Holder and the Justice Department that just a few weeks back could not answer if it was ok to shoot an unarmed US citizen.

   So let me recap.  We have IRS agents engaging in an activity that helped Obama in the 2012 election, plus the IRS Supervisor in charge of those IRS agents targeting Conservatives, was just recently promoted to head the IRS department responsible for collecting/enforcing Obamacare.

  Then on top of that we have Eric Holder and the Justice Department targeting US Journalists, trying to silence them and Obama is not responsible? 

   Can some please explain to me how he is not responsible????????????????? 

    If at the very least he was supposedly in charge while these crimes were committed.  Again if at the very least he has shown himself to be inactive, incompetant and unable to govern America.

So again why is he doing such a good job?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Who is really running the Obama Administration????

     I would really hate to be a low Level worker in the Obama Administration.  Because it would seem that they have no real management over them.  I state this because of the Comments Obama has made himself, about all of the scandals bursting forth within the Obama Administration.

   First there was Benghazi, of which Obama has passed all blame about blaming Benghazi on Video, onto low level workers. 

   Second there was the IRS scandal of which Obama again has blamed on Low Level Workers.

   And third but definately not the least is the AP scandal when it was revealed that the Department of Justice siezed two months worth of AP Reporters Home and Cell phone records.  

   The thing that blows my mind the most is that Obama states he has found out about these scandals, at the same time the rest of us do, through the media.   I mean the US President is supposed to have the most efficient and up to date, data gathering personel, so that he knows of things exactly as they happen so that he can prevent any dangers from harming the rest of the US. 

    He is either not doing his job, or his staff, including the US military, the CIA, the FBI and the NSA are all failing badly at there jobs. 

   During the IRS Hearings before Congress, Texas Congressman Republican Kevin Brady revealed that one Tea Party Applicant, a successful business woman in her own right found herself and her business Audited multiple times by the IRS, and then on top of it was visited multiple times by the FBI and OSHA all after applying for a Non Profit Status for the local Tea Party Group she was forming.  And here it is 3 years later she still has not been approved.

  The reality is that its illegal for the IRS to share any information they gain, with other Government agencies.  But that is obviously what happened here.  Steven Miller, the out going IRS head admitted as such. 

“Now, this is a citizen and a small businesswoman who had never been audited by the IRS or any of these agencies until she applied to you for tax-exempt status for her Tea Party. The broader question here: Is this still America? Is this government so drunk on power that it would turn its full force, its full might, to harass and intimidate and threaten an average American who only wants her voice and their voices heard? Mr. Miller, who in the irs is responsible for targeting conservative organizations?”

     I ask how is it possible that the IRS could possibly get the FBI and OSHA involved in investigating her without ANYONE in the Obama innercircle not hearing of this??????????????

     Miller was offended that Brady would dare use the word targeted in his question.  But that is exactly what happened, at least in this case, but am certain that the others were directly targeted as well.

   The interesting thing is that the head of the Cincinnati IRS Office during the time of these illegal targets, not only earned $100K in bonuses while her employees were targeting right wing groups, and she was recently promoted to handle the IRS's new department tasked with Collecting for Obamacare.

  Coincidence?   I doubt it.  I doubt Obama promoted her without knowing what her employees were doing in Cincinnati.  Shoot, I doubt she did not know.  And if she did not know.  Exactly how effective of a manager was she and why did she merrit the $100K in bonuses?

   Either way these scandals make President Obama himself look like an incompetent fool and an ASS. 

   I mean, either Obama knew what was happening and let it happen, or he foolishly hid his head in the sand and cared nothing about what was going on in his administration on all three scandals. 

   Today Obama was out campaigning yet again, why????????  no one really knows.  I mean he has already won the election.  Yes he is out pushing his jobs initiative.  But the reality is that he will not be able to get anything done until he cleans up these messes and shows his HE and HE alone is in charge and that HE and He alone is a competent Chief, Manager and Leader.

   Again why was he elected for a second term?????

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This just in Cars cause accidents not People!!!!!!!!

   Yes 90% of all of us older than 10 years old know that its the people driving the cars that cause accidents and not the cars. 

    But yet the anti Gun Crowd loves to say that Guns kill people.  Just this last weekend the city of Phoenix, AZ.  Where I live held a gun buy back program, the Police Officer in charge of the buy back as well as many people turning their guns in for Visa Cash Cards all said that there were less guns on the street that could kill or murder more people.

   For those people who may think this is an accurate statement, let me ask you one thing.  Have people only been murdering themselves for only 500 years?????????  I mean that is how long the modern Gun has been in existence.

   While Societies have been in existence for 6000 years.  And get this, even if you choose to ignore Cain murdering Able in the book of Genesis in the Bible, murders have been  occurring on the face of Earth since even before recorded time began. 

    Shoot they have found that Cavemen having been murdered thousands of years before that.  And get this.


Meaning that Guns do not kill people.  People kill people.  A gun is just a tool used to do the killing.  Swords, knives, Screw drivers and yes even cars all can be used to kill people.

  So why are we not trying to outlaw them?  Especially if inanimate objects can now commit murder?

   I have said this multiple times in the past, in China has very strict gun laws, but yet there have been many instances in china where men have gone into Chinese grade schools and killed dozens of students all with knives.

  So again do we outlaw all knives?  Yes it seems foolish, but at the same time that is the thought process that the anti gun crowd is using.

   Again Guns are nothing more than a tool used by humans to kill other humans.  You get rid of Guns, people will turn to knives, you get rid of knives, people will turn to Rocks. 

   Prisoners kill other prisoners in US Prisons daily, without the use of guns.  Again Guns do not kill people.  People do. 

   So back to this  blogs original Cars do not cause accidents, the people driving the cars do.  So do we outlaw cars just because People can use Cars to kill other people??????

Sunday, May 12, 2013

IRS Admits to Targeting Conservative Groups. Obama Administration Shocked. What????????

     Obama is in charge and he is shocked?????????????????

      I sincerely doubt that the IRS did this on their own.  But even if they did, wouldn't that show even more incompetence on the part of Obama???? 

      For those that have yet to hear.  Late Friday afternoon, as is the case for Washington nowadays, when politicians have bad news to release, the IRS announced that they had been targeting Conservative Political groups that used tea party or Patriot in their Non profit Applications. 

     This started during 2011 but continued through the 2012 election. 

     Then they had the Gaul to announce that they did not do this for political reasons.

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for subjecting Tea Party groups to additional scrutiny during the 2012 election, but denied any political motive.
Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS unit that oversees tax-exempt groups, said organizations that included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews. Her remarks, which came at an American Bar Association gathering, were first reported by the Associated Press.

     The Obama Administration can lie all they want.  But there is no way this could not have been done for any other reason but for Political ones.

    On top of it all, they are throwing low level IRS employees on the fire stating that they initiated this in the Cincinnati IRS office. 

   During the 2012 election Tea Party Groups and other Conservative organizations complained that they were being Harassed by the IRS.  Obama scoffed at such complaints and even used the complaints in his campaign speeches, pointing out Conservative Paranoia and even suggested in a round about way,  racism.

    But now just 5 months after his inauguration, the accusations are proven to be true.

How much longer are we going to put up with all the lies, arrogance, incompetence and stupidity of the Obama Administration?

  I mean if Bush had been proven to target left wing organizations, we all know that Democrats would be screaming impeachment as they grabbed their pitch forks, and torches to storm the White House.

   I have never voted for Obama and I voted in both 2008 and 2012.  But when will those who did vote for him admit they made a mistake???????????

   Or do Obama supporters actually think it OK that a sitting President would use the IRS to push his political agenda and harass his enemies???


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gun Violence Drops 39% since 1994 According to Justice Department!

     But according to the Obama Administration and the Press they want to make it sound like Gun Violence is up dramatically and unless we take away all Americans 2nd Amendment rights we are going to start to have Shoot outs like The OK Coral.

     In addition the Justice Report states the following.

     School violence is down 29%

     Less than 1% of criminals who used Guns in their crimes obtained their guns at Gun Shows.

     Less than 8% of all inmates arrested for committing Gun related Crimes used Assault Weapons.

    Gun violence dropped dramatically nationwide over the past two decades, but nearly three-quarters of all homicides are still committed with a firearm, the Justice Department said in a report released Tuesday.
The report, by the department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, painted an encouraging picture of long-term trends at a time of divisive political debate over guns and legislation to regulate them. Firearms-related homicides declined 39 percent between 1993 and 2011, the report said, while nonfatal firearms crimes fell 69 percent during that period.

  But Obama and Harry Reid and Mark Kelly and other liberals are intent on spinning Gun violence, in their favor at any turn.

  Shoot this very Article I posted by the Washington Post, while stating the Justice Department report and that Gun Violence has dropped also says this.

    "Yet the document also made clear that when people are killed, it is still most likely to be with a gun" 

That's like saying while Accidental deaths are down most are caused by Cars trying to shock us All.


   I have posted many times that the left tries to legislate based on emotion and not facts. 

The facts this time show that Obama, Mark Kelly, Harry Reid, and other liberals are Lying!

If only to take our rights away.

This should scare all of us to death.  I am surprised it doesn't.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Democratic Senator Cummings in trying to defend what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/2012 resulting in the death of A US Ambassador, Said What??????????????????

    On September 11, 2012  A preplanned, very organized attack was aimed at the US Embassy in Benghazi Lybia, killing the US Ambassador, and three men tasked with protecting the Ambassador. 

  I am betting the attack was an attempt by Al Qaeda to Embarrass the Obama Administration.   Note the date they chose to do it.  And  they did embarrass Obama and Clinton.  The Obama Admin's incompetence and stupidity became glaringly clear.  At First the Obama administration tried to blame the attack on a supposedly racist Movie. 

   A move that they had to quickly run away from because Al Qaeda quickly came out and screamed that they were responsible for the attack.  Then they said that they had no time to organize a rescue.  But that later became obvious that Obama Clinton  and other Obama Admin Flunkies were lying when it became known that the attack took 8 hours + before Ambassador Stevens was killed.

   In addition, it was later found out that we had a Special Ops 40 person team 2-3 hours away in Europe.  Obama did not mobilize them. Not even to evacuate the Wounded, why?????????????

   So Benghazi at the very least deserves to be investigated, But Democrats and Obama operatives have been trying to stonewall and stop any investigation since that day. 

  We even have Hillary Clinton on Tape saying.

"What difference does it make?"

What difference does it make??????????????

  I dare her to say that to the families of the families killed in the attack.  The reality is that if these persons were killed then people need to be held accountable.

  I mean a President, a sitting president had to resign because he tried to cover up the break in at the Watergate Hotel.

  No One even died there.    So why is it so bad to investigate the deaths of Americans, good honest Americans doing their Job for the Obama Administration and their Country?????????????

That brings me to what US Representative Cummings said today in trying to derail the Benghazi hearings and stop the investigation.

He said the following.

May 8, 2013 - Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, tells Benghazi witnesses that "death is a part of life."

"CUMMINGS: And, as I listen to your testimony I could not help but think of something that I said very recently -- two years ago now -- in a eulogy for a relative. I said that death is a part of life, so often we have to find a way to make life a part of death. And, I guess the reason why I'm saying that, going back to something Mr. Nordstrom said, he wanted, I guess all of you said this, he wanted to make sure we learn from this."

What Hog Huey.  So does that mean that all murders should not be prosecuted because they are a part of Life??????????????????????????????????????????????

Do all accidental deaths not deserve to have justice because they are a part of Life???????????????????

Should Jodi Arias have been found innocent today because Travis Alexanders murder was a part of life?????????????????????????

This disgusts me more than anything. 

  I know full well that the Obama Administration did not plan the attack.  Nor are they supporting Al Qaeda.

  But their incompetence both during the attack and after are nothing more than an embarrassment to this nation and honestly someone should pay for it.

That being said.  I doubt Obama will.  I have learned over the years that Dems and Liberals rarely if ever believe in Honor and doing the right thing.  Shoot Obama cannot even admit he made a mistake by claiming this was the responsibility of a Video.  So I truly doubt that Obama has the guts to admit he was wrong.

Says alot about Obama

Monday, May 6, 2013

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

     The NRA is having their latest convention.  They are standing up to the Bullies and Cowards on the left.  Obama and Joe Biden swear up and down that all Congressmen and women that stood up to Obama's and Biden's lies were going to get voted out of office. 

  It is up to us to make sure that all Congressmen and women that stood up to the Liberal bullying tactics and lies by Obama Biden and others do not go down in flames for standing up for what they believe in.

  Senators like Jeff Flake and others saw through the double talk and voted against the bill.  The reality is that even though the creators said that the Background check Bill did not create a national Firearms registry and in fact takes steps to prevent such a thing, does allow for a creation of a list of Americans that buy guns.  In doing so, that um is a Firearms registry!!!! Dum Dum Dum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   The Yes I know Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly stand there and demand every one vote on their emotions.  But the reality is that reaction based solely on emotion rarely if ever results in something good.

  I ask this question time and time again, but I want Mark Kelly, Giffords, Obama or Biden to actually come forward and explain how more background check laws would have prevented the Newtown Massacre?  Gabby Giffords Tucson Shooting, and or even the Aurora Colorado Shooting???????

The reality is that no back ground checks would have stopped any of them.  The Newtown Shooter killed his mom and took her guns.  The Tucson Shooter stole his guns back from his parents who had taken them away from him because they were scared of him but failed to get him mental help.

The Aurora Shooter bought his guns legally actually passing a background check already used in Colorado.

 And even going all the way back to the Columbine Massacre in 1999 the two columbine shooters went around laws saying they were to young to buy guns, buy have a girl who was over 18 buy the guns for them.

  As I have said here numerous times in the past There have been numerous massacres in China where Several Chinese men have killed dozens of children all with Knives.

Again do we outlaw Knives?

  Obama invited the parents of a Girl who was killed by a gun just weeks after marching in his 2013 inaugeral parade to his  SOTU address saying that her parents deserved a vote on Back ground checks.  But even then he was lying.  Why do I say this???  The girl lived in Chicago with one of the toughest Anti Gun Laws in the Nation and was still killed.

Anti Gun Legislation does not prevent violence.

Glenn Beck the Keynote Speaker at the 2013 NRA Convention brought up Charles Manson, who as an ex con could not buy guns used knives to hatch his plan of Helter Skelter.

Here is a link to Glenn Becks speech.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Where are American/Western Feminists and NOW????

    Constantly updated news keeps coming out of Boston in the wake of the Boston Marathon Bombings.  The wife of Boston Older Boston Bomber, (Note I never mention the cowards names who instigate the crimes because they wanted the fame and the notoriety) Katherine Russell a recent convert to Islam has started wearing scarves and traditional Muslim Head Dress after she converted but also allowed her husband to take advantage of her and use her for his own arrogant pursuits. 

   He had her working 70-80 hours a week while he sat at home jobless and apparently digging up fanatical Muslim doctrines on the Internet and learning how to make bombs.  There were multiple bombs found in her home.  That she had no idea were there.

    Her treatment by her cowardly husband is not new.  It is a common thing in Islam.  And is prompted by Sura 4:34

 Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.

  The Surah Specifically calls for physical violence against women.  It says that women are nothing more than property of men and nothing else and should be treated accordingly.

   My comments here however are not to point out the violence and cowardly bullying that Islamic men treat there women.  We have heard of tons and tons of reports of mistreatment of female Muslims by male Muslims.  But yet American and Western Feminists and Liberals stay silent!  Why?

    Such violence is highly documented.  Female Circumcision is highly practiced in Muslim nations as a way for Muslim men to control and destroy any pleasure a woman may get from sex.  It is highly unpleasant for the girl/ woman this is performed on and can even lead to death.

   Other stories such as the Muslim girls Pushed back into a burning School in Saudi Arabia, by a Saudi Religious Policeman, because the girls had no head dress on killing all of the girls.  

“Why do the human rights activists ignore their suffering as though they do not even exist? Why isn’t the cry of these millions of women heard, and why isn’t it answered by anyone, anywhere? Why? Why? Why?”[1]
            — Wajeha al-Huwaider

Wajeha Al-Huwaider is a prominent Saudi Discident

She has also noticed how Feminists and Socialists worldwide have fallen silent on this subject.  Shoot, I have even seen Socialist women wearing Bikini's and fake Bombs celebrate Islam's right to terrorize the rest of the world.

  The reality is that those nitwits wearing those bikini's would be subjected to beatings and even rape for daring to wear a bikini in Muslim Nations.  Women do not have rights in Islamic nations.

     Women are raped in Islamic Countries and then when they confront their accusers will be charged with adultery by Islamic courts and sentenced to death.

    Note as well that is is not illegal according to Islamic Law for non Muslim women to be raped by Islamic men.

Again Where are American and Western Feminists and NOW ( National Organization for Women)????????????????

Why are they silent.  Simple answer.  For them to stand against Islam and how it treats women would be for them to Stand with most American Conservatives and most Socialists are so arrogant and refuse that they may be wrong even in one area that they would rather sell their souls to the devil than to stand up against Islamic Atrocities against women.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Obama, Bumps and Glitches = hundreds of companies cutting 10's of thousands full time employees to Part Timers because of ObamaCare!

  Yesterday Obama gave a press conference where he said the following.

“even if we do everything perfectly, there’ll still be, you know, glitches and bumps.” 

    As the title suggests hundreds of Companies have announced that they are cutting back on the hours of 10's of thousands of full time employees basically destroying their American Dream all because the Arrogant President felt the need to push Obamacare on the United States.

      The reality is that Obamacare is the only success this President has had since he was elected into office in 2008, and as the press conference yesterday proved.  Obama is quite gutless. as well.  He cannot stand up and take the blame for anything. 

   He campaigned in 2008 about closing Gitmo but now, yesterday, he said that it was not up to him but instead Congress to shut down Gitmo.  Saying Congress would not let him close it down.

   Obama is mad that his lies about needing Gun Registration was seen as what it was, an attempt to push Nationwide Gun Registry went down in flames.  In fact it went down so hard and fast it made the Hindenburg look like a small flash fire.

He keeps passing the buck saying that he cannot get anything done because Congress is Republican Controlled.

     But get in mind Reagan got his agenda passed even though Congress was Dem Controlled at the time and Clinton got his agenda passed in his second term, despite having a Republican Controlled Congress.

    So is Obama stating he is worthless and cannot or will not fight for what he believes in? 

     If that is the case why did he run for President?  Surely ruining the lives of thousands of American Full timers lives just so he could have Obamacare is not the only reason why he ran for office.