
Thursday, June 27, 2013

I keep Hearing that the Republican Party needs to do this or that or else it will die.

     But if the Republican Party turns against what it originally believed in, just to win votes isn't already dead?

     Lately Cowardly Republican Congressmen are running to the TV and saying hey look.  We have to vote for immigration reform or else our party is dead.

    But if 12 Million illegals stay here despite breaking the law are they really going to vote Republican????????  Even if Republicans vote to keep them here?

   I am betting the Republican Party is dead even if Immigration reform is voted for by Republicans. 

   But it is not because Conservatives stand against illegal Aliens.  Its because Republicans have stopped listening to its conservative base.

    First its not because I am racist because I stand against illegal Aliens.  I do not care if that illegal Alien  is Mexican who crossed a border or a  Asian or Middle Easterner who over stayed his Visa.

    The reality is that Illegals often tend to break the law more frequently than those that come here legally.  Its kind of the same mind set as how a house renter tends to abuse the house harder than a home owner might and how Car Renters tend to trash cars harder in the weekend that they have that car from Enterprise Rent a Car than a car owner would in 5 years.

  Just days ago 4 illegals were found dead in the Arizona Desert trying to enter the US illegally.  On them they had Marijuana.  They were not trying to come here so they could mow our laws or pick lettuce as John McCain would like to claim.

  In reality they were here to Break the law. 

   That is the real reason why I stand against illegal Aliens.  I also stand against them because since they choose to live outside the law they do not have to follow the law.  I have mentioned it here before, but several years ago I was involved in an accident, where the girl who caused the accident, was here illegally.

   She did not have insurance, drove a car with bad tires, did not have any ID and yet could not be detained by DPS.  So she fled back to Mexico and left all four of those she hit to pay for the damages she caused.

    In addition illegals have criminals, IE Coyotes ( smugglers ) attacking them and killing them and holding them hostage, all because they know that illegals cannot run to the cops.

   So if the leaders of the Republican Party think we should sell out our beliefs all to keep the Republican Party from dieing.  I say too late.  The Republican Party is all Already DEAD!

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