
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Can Anyone give me an example of The US Government Successfully Handling a Business Enterprise??????????????????????

     In the History of the US the US Government has never successfully handled the undertaking of Social Enterprise or outright working and or running a Business enterprise.  But am very interested in anyone PROVING ME WRONG.

     The reality is that our founding fathers never wanted the US Government running business, they saw the failures intrisic with such European Ventures like this.   Yes our founding fathers put the US Post Office in the US Constitution but that was because we needed to provide for a National Postal Service.  They were not stupid they realized early on that a nation lives and succeeds only with a Postal Service.

    That being said the US Post Office is one of the biggest failures in terms of business.  They announced yesterday that they were doing away with Saturday delivery.  Saving $2 Billion , but they have already lost 10 billion just in the past few years alone. 

     Yes in part online bill paying has killed a portion of their business, but they also have lost business because of poor management and an extremely piss poor work ethic and equally bad work ethic.

    Just yesterday I had to mail a letter.  I have not had to do this in a long time so I have no stamps, I went to the post office to mail the letter.  When I got there, there were 20 people in line and 3 Postal employees standing behind the counter, and one idiot standing in the background with his arms folding doing absolutely nothing.  Or at least I thought it was 3 people and one deadbeat.  I soon found out the third  person was only there to grab failed delivery notices and walked off after that.  The guy with the folded arms stayed put with the two remaining guys helping the 20 people standing in line.

  Of course one of the 20 customers had a multitude of of packages to ship and none were taped or labelled.  Leaving the remaining people to the one remaining postal employee.  All the while more and more people walked in the door.

    I had to really, really, mail the letter so I stayed in line and finally got the letter mailed.  But it got me to thinking about all of the people out there that really believe that the US Government and specifically Obama can run US healthcare than privately run Insurance Companies.

    The Congressional Accounting Office already states that Obamacare is going to operate in a deficit from the word go, and Obamacare has not even gotten started yet.  It does not start until 2014.

    And this is but one of many examples of Government failure.Social Security has cost 10 times what it was originally forcast to cost.  In addition, SS funds collected from Taxpayers was supposed to be kept seperate from all other funds, but instead the US Congress Spent it.

     Secondly Amtrak was created in the early 1970's as a quasi federally owned passenger train company. When Rail executives convinced or duped Congress to take over Passenger train service as they were running from it because it was a dieing business. Needless to say Amtrak has NEVER Posted a profit.

     Thirdly FEMA, and its disastrous handling of Katrina, and despite the US media's ignoring the problems FEMA is having with Hurricane Sandy, all because they refuse to show Obama's faults.  The reality is FEMA and the US government is pathetically poor when it comes to moving quickly.

    20 some odd years ago the US Postal Service ran full page ads, bragging how they got 80% approval raitings by Postal Service Customers that were surveyed.   I had just attended a meeting days before where my boss was screaming mad that our Approval numbers dropped to 98% and threatened to fire us if the numbers did not approve. 

    It truly made me shake my head then and it still makes me shake my head now.  How is it that Liberals think that the federal government is good at and should be the ones running their lives??????????????????

    So again let me know.  When the US government made a success at anything they have started? 

   Government is necessary but that does not mean they should be running our lives and our businesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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