Emotions and the Liberal Mindset
3 Days ago the Congressional judiciary committee met to debate Gun
Control. Gabby Giffords made a brief appearance, speaking before
Congress very briefly. Saying:
“Speaking is difficult, but I must say something important. Violence is a
big problem. Too many children are dying. Too many children,” Giffords
Emotions are natural and a necessary tool in the human Psyche. Sorrow,
Frustration and Anger are all necessary to Human growth and
advancement. Anytime anyone tries to bury, hide or get rid of those
emotions it only drives a person insane.
However emotions Never Ever belong in a political debate.
History shows that emotions in political discourse often leads down a
path no one wants to go down and rarely if ever leads to an intelligent
and reasoned conclusion.
The Holocaust that killed millions of Jews, gypsies and
others in Europe was allowed to grow into what it was based in part on
misplaced Emotions. Broke, hungry and destitute Germans blamed a lot of
what occurred to them during and after WWI on the Jews living in Jewish
Ghettos in German Cities. Thus when Hitler came to power and started
to arrest and remove Jews from their society few complained. All
because they were thinking with hatred envy jealousy and Greed. All
The Russian Revolution in 1917 came about in part because of
emotion. Rich Aristocrats decided it was up to them to save the
lives and souls of the Down trodden Russian Serfs and in doing so
thrust those very same Serfs into a nation wide prison lasting 70
years. All based on Emotions.
Not all Emotional Decisions kill millions or destroy
nations. But they can and do affect legislation quite often. A while
back an equal rights group wanted Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn removed from
Library shelves because they both mentioned Slavery. Never mind that
they mentioned slavery in a very bad light and were both basically
preaching against slavery.
In the end nothing came of their movement. Smarter and cooler
heads prevailed. But it was blatantly obvious that they were thinking
from emotion and nothing more.
Again Emotions are great, Emotions are necessary but emotions
should not drive discussions around any legislation, especially
surrounding discussions around Gun Control and 2nd Amendment rights.
But throwing emotions into discussions surrounding welfare is also not
smart but a discussion for another day.
I truly believe that a discussion is waranted but emotions should not be apart of this.
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