
Friday, February 1, 2013

Immigration both legal and  Illegal: One is good for the US the other is bad.

   Our Nations history is tied intricately to immigration.   98% of all Americans, can trace their ancestry to someone immigrating here.  According to the US Census only 1.2% of all Americans are Native American.   
     All others can trace their ancestry to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.  My Dad's parents, my grandparents immigrated here.  I own a book on the history of Ellis Island that shows my Grandma's signature as she entered the US.

   So it truly sickens me when those that want to excuse and even justify illegal immigration try to scream racism.  While a small percentage of those that want only legal immigration are in fact racists, most, like me are not.  But then again while some democrats are anarchists most are not.

   For me and most people that want to keep legal immigration in tact goes back to keeping our nation and the freedoms it is built on in tact.  The history of Rome shows that as the Roman Empire grew and grew, it gave away citizenship to non Romans in order to help maintain an army and let it grow.  In doing this many persons who cared little or nothing ended living within the Roman Empire and ultimately helped weaken the empire, because as the empire crumbled they cared little to help save it.

  The reality is that many illegals are here for their own gain and care little if anything about the well being of the US, the nation they have crossed into illegally to make money, because many illegals are not looking to stay here,  they are looking to go back home when they are done with the US.

  25% of the US Prison population are illegal aliens, by comparison only 6.9% of  all US Citizens also are Criminals residing in US prisons.   A good percentage of those that come here illegally.  IE: Drug trafficking or dealing in stolen property, and even in Human Trafficking.  

    Phoenix residents and those that reside in Maricopa county, the county in which Phoenix sits happen to pay some of the highest car insurance rates in the country, because it is very easy to steal a car in phoenix and drive it a couple of hours south to Mexico, often doing it at night, while the victim is asleep, and crossing the border before the victim even realizes the car is stolen.

    Secondly  crime against illegals themselves is extremely high here in the south west.  Phoenix is known as the kidnapping capital of the world because of the amount of illegals being held and even killed by the Coyotes, (the guys that bring the illegals across the border) all to help extort more money from their families back in Mexico or other Central American Countries.  

   Phoenix has even had running gun battles on the I-10 Highway between rival Coyotes trying to steal illegals from each other.  These gun battles have put US Citizens and Phoenix residents in danger.  Some US citizens have even been caught in the middle and been wounded or killed. 

    A long time ago I was coming home on Christmas Even on the Highway and was the fifth car of 5 cars hit by a 76 Monte Carlo in disrepair that had blown a tire.  The driver was a girl in her 20's but spoke no English,  had no drivers license, or ANY ID of any kind, nor did she have insurance.   In addition to the automotive damage caused by her she also caused several injuries requiring hospitalization. 

  The Highway patrolman said that he could not detain her or hold her or do anything to make sure she stayed here in the US and payed for what she did.  And in fact she immediately bolted and disappeared.  Most likely across the border.  

   I luckily had uninsured motorist coverage on my insurance so my car was covered.  But as I found out my insurance went up because of an accident I did not cause. 

  Several years ago an illegal ran into a Methodist church demanding asylum because she was about to be deported back to Mexico by US Customs.  The US Media made a field day of the case, showcasing her son who was born here and how he was about to be separated from his mom. 

   Everyone was crying tears.......   But what they forgot to say was the reason why she was being deported, she had stolen someones identity and had destroyed their credit.  So in fact she got off light.

   The reality is that illegals come here and have nothing to hold them accountable.  

   Legal immigrants do.  Modern legal immigrants have to follow the same rules that my grandma and her family had to follow when they came over decades ago.  They must have a sponsor, must have a job lined up, must have a place to live, must learn English and must not commit ANY Crimes while here.

   I would agree to bumping the amount of legal immigrants we allow in the US but I would never EVER agree to getting rid of the currents rules, leading to citizenship.  Why???????????????????   Because those rules make a person earn their right to be here and once earned they rarely want to endanger that new US citizenship by committing crimes and the like.

    USB1070 was not created so that we could create a Nazi style society where jackbooted thugs walk around asking for papers of all brown skinned persons in the US.  It was to hold illegals accountable.

   Get this, as a White US Citizen of German descent its already illegal for me to leave my house without some form of ID and has been illegal for all US Citizens in Phoenix to do so for some time.  The reason why was to make it easier to identify me if I was found injured or dead and could not identify myself. 

   Yes it is a misdemeanor, but get this, so is being here illegal.  Illegals that find themselves in prison are there because they committed other more serious crimes and not just the crime of being here illegally.

  As always I appreciate and ask for any and all opposing views, but please do not come here and attack me for being racist unless you have factual information backing up your summation.  Thanks. 

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