
Friday, January 25, 2013

A Subjective and Politically Motivated Media?

     For years the US Media has been extremely subjective and Biased, going against every thing that journalism is supposed to stand for.  Liberalism snuck into journalism in the 1950's and 60's, using the fairness doctrine, passed into law by the US Congress in 1949.

     The fairness doctrine stated that if you an opinion piece on the air, then you would have to give time for the opposing view.  The Liberal media would run liberal opinion as news or lace news stories with Liberal opinion but then refuse to give Conservative views any time on the air ways stating that they had no time to offer opinions.

    For decades Liberals were able to control the US airwaves telling Americans what to believe and why to believe what they said.  

    Shoot Walter Cronkite stood on National TV stating that we had lost the war in Vietnam.  Something General Giap the Vietnamese Leader stated openly in his Memoirs that he exploited openly to help defeat the US in Vietnam.

     For many years the liberal media ran unchecked.  running lies making Conservatives and Republicans look like evil old guys wanting to rob everyone of their money.  But the reality is not what the Liberal US media wanted to show.

     It was not until under Ronald Reagan in 1987, that the FCC got rid of the Fairness Doctrine.  But that did not stop the Liberal media from continuing their games. 

    I remember after Republicans took control of the US Congress in 1994, they proposed lowering the % of increase in Social Security for the year.  Not cutting social security but lowering the amount of the increase.  CBS, ABC and CNN as well as the NY Times and other liberal newspapers ran the story as if the Republicans wanted to cut Seniors Social Security.  Starting the evening news with headlines of Republicans propose cutting Social Security and other headlines similar in theme.

      NBC refused to report the story as the other liberal media outlets did, but chose not to air the story at all.

  Of course this brought howls of protest from Senior Americans and of course the Republicans looked bad and mean and Bill Clinton even used the media quotes when he ran again in 1996 and summarily won.  

   What the FCC did in 1987 by getting rid of the Fairness doctrine was to actually bring real fairness to US Airwaves by allowing differing conservative views to show the lies of the liberal media.  Something the Fairness Doctrine never did.  Rush Limbaugh was one of the first to take advantage of this, others followed and then Fox News Came along.  All of these outlets keep getting ridiculed and rejected by Liberals as fake news and the like.  But the reality is that Fox News Network has never been caught trying to fake stories while ABC, CNN, NBC and CBS have.

    Shoot an ABC News VP sent a Memo out to ALL ABC staff stating that it was up to them to get John F'n Kerry elected.  And Dan Rather Embarrassed CBS news with the the fake Killian documents trying to embarrass George W Bush and ultimately get Bush to loose the election.

  But Fox News has not done that.  They just report the news.  Yes they have opinion shows on their network.  But allowing opinions to be expressed is different than trying to report opinion as news or using your personal opinion to drive you to falsify or fake a news story.  Again as it has been found that ABC, CNN, NBC and CBS have done.

     I remember when the Iraqi war started.  Fox News ran stories of Americans proud of their relatives serving in the US Military.  CNN ran many stories about US soldiers going AWOL.  While both stories are true, the way both networks ran their stories shows that their network heads and differing views of the war.

    You are probably asking why am I bringing this up now?  Months ago Hurricane Sandy destroyed many homes and left many in NY and NJ homeless, most are still homeless, living without electricity in homes in bad need of repair.  But yet the US media has been by and large silent.

    FEMA has fallen down on the job.  But yes US Media silence.  That was not the case in 2005, when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.  The US Media tore into FEMA, and Bush for their incompetence and their slowness.

  Whats the difference?   A Republican was in charge back then.  But Democrats are in charge now.

Shock  of ALL Shocks.......................................................NOT!

Keep one more thing in mind one of the things that Marx used to say needed to happen to allow communism to work was to control the media.

Well the US Liberal Media have definitely been trying their part.   

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