
Monday, January 21, 2013

The US Constitution and Our Founding Fathers

     President Obama today in his Inauguration speech complained that our founding fathers did not take into count things like the hungry and health care.  But the reality is that they did.  But they looked at Europe and the dieing decaying feudal systems that were destroying Europe, and realized that they did not want to follow in those European Countries footsteps and created the constitution allowing Americans to create their own destiny and not rely on the handouts of governments. 

    Keep in mind many of our founding fathers had either left Europe because they could not build their own futures in Europe, or were the off spring of those that left Europe for those reasons.  Many of our founding fathers were self made men.  Men who worked hard to get their way here in America.  Men like Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere.  men who started with nothing and worked their way to positions of money and stature.  With hard work.  Not with their hands out.  Revere was a silver smith and Benjamin Franklin left home as a teenager and started his own Newspaper.

   The US Constitution has provisions for for a national postal system, a national highway system ( Postal Roads) and even a provision for the arts.  Keep in mind this was 200 years ago well before postal systems and highways and even museums were a norm. 

   We take them for granted now.  But 200 years ago they were new and rather odd ideas.  Our nation was and always has been unique.  America was still a new continent, unknown to Europe and most of the rest of the world until 1492. 

  Our founding fathers recognized just how unique the United States of America was and created a Unique document to help govern such a unique nation.  The Constitution was not and is not a living breathing document.  It was intended to be a document set in stone showing every living breathing American born since its creation how to best lead the nation.  The fact that they created the Bill of rights  and the Amendment process shows that they recognized that the Constitution was not and never will be 100% perfect.  Not that the document was a living breathing item. 

   I have heard many state that the US Constitution is an out of date worthless document,  but those that think this are often the ones that hate the fact that the constitution stands in their way of destroying what this nation was built upon.  Which is self reliance and the pursuit of personal happiness.  

   No one wants to see people starve to death and yes health care is a concern of most Americans me included.  But note this nation did not and does not have masses dieing of starvation in the streets and never has.  Our nation has always had a great tradition of charity where private institutions help those that need help.  Again this is different than other nations, but again that is because our nation has always been different.

   Yes its true that many children in this nation even to this day live in poverty and even go hungry at night, but more often its because of the bad choices their parents make, than because the Constitution did not have a provision to feed all Americans.  Shoot even now with food stamps and other Government programs aimed at feeding Hungry Americans and its children we still have children going without, and we always will because many of these parents use those hand outs to buy drugs and alcohol and the like. 

   A week or so back  I read an article that most welfare checks are cashed at liquor stores and strip clubs.  States a lot. 

  History shows us that at one time in this nation police departments were unknown, and why were they unknown???

Because at one point Americans were taught self discipline.  But over the years that self reliance was replaced with people thinking they had no need to keep themselves and their actions in check.

  As that self discipline was told was unnecessary more and more people dropped that self discipline and self reliance and now more and more think it is up to others to take care of them, and not what they could do to help protect this nation and what it was founded upon.

  Note John F Kennedy once said

 "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."

Today too many Americans ask what can America give me and not the other way around.  The reality is that if more Americans demand things from our nation.  Our nation will cease to exist.

The scary thing is that President Obama the leader of this great land is the one most ignorant of this fact. 

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