Gun Control/ Gun Violence and Pro Gun 2nd Amendment Supporters
On a chilly early morning on April 19, 1775, Dozens of American Colonists, all of whom were also British Citizens stood against 700 British regulars at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. There was one reason and only one reason as to why the British troops were ordered to march from Boston to Lexington and Concord.
Can anyone guess why?????????????????????????
It was not over taxation. While taxation without representation got American Colonists angered in the beginning, the troops ill fated trip to Lexington and Concord was not ordered to get the colonists to pay taxes.
No! the British Regulars were ordered there and many died there as well as many American Colonists because the British Crown was afraid of ARMED Colonists. The British Regulars were sent there to SEIZE Colonists WEAPONS and AMMUNITION.
That is why when the US Constitution was written and ratified many years later the 2nd Amendment covered Americans right to own and Bear Arms.
Our founding fathers knew all to well something many liberals in the US today have forgotten. And that is that A Government looking to dominate its citizens, prefers a disarmed populous instead of one that is armed.
Again History shows us evidence of this time and time again. Lenin in one of his first acts after the Russian Revolution in 1917 outlawed the ownership of Guns by all Russians excepting for High Communist leaders. In the years after the Communists came to power Stalin killed millions of Russians that did not believe in the Communist Ideal all because they were disarmed.
After Hitler came to power in 1933, He also outlawed Guns. But not by all Germans he only outlawed ownership of Guns by Jews, Homosexuals,Gypsies and other minority groups that ended up being the subjects of a mass Holocaust that killed Millions.
Again justifying why Our Founding Fathers added the second Amendment to the Constitution. I do not try and hide behind an excuse, stating that our founding fathers knew we needed guns for Hunting, as some Gun Supporters do. That is Hog Huey pure and simple. Our Founding fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment not so we could hunt Deer, Elk or Bear. It was so that US Citizens could protect themselves from an OVER ZEALOUS Government.
Get this. Our President and Liberal members of Congress are showing signs of being extremely over zealous. Why else are they unwilling to process a bill through congress like normal???? And why is he so eager to issue a Presidential Decree???? It is because he is allowing his emotions to rule his thinking. Which get this. Is exactly what being Over Zealous is.
A National registration only gives more power to the criminals and nothing more. Case in point: The Journal News a NY Newspaper published a map showing the addresses of legal Gun owners in the Suburbs of NYC in the weeks after Sandy Hook. This information was used by local Jail and Prison inmates to intimidate their Guards stating, "your name is not on the list, we are coming for you when we get released" and the like. The reality is that a registration list will not stop the existence of illegal guns.
The reality and fact remain that many of the Mass shootings in recent history were masterminded by those that obtained the guns in an illegal manor and not through strait out legal purchases. The Sandy Hook Shooter used his mom's Guns after he killed her. The Columbine shooters did not own their guns legally, and in fact guns are not even the choice of all Mass Killers.
A Chinese man killed 22 students with a Knife.
If you read the article that was not the first knife/axe wielding man to commit a mass murder in china. An Asian country with some of the strongest anti gun laws in the World.
Just like China New York City and Washington DC have some of the toughest Anti Gun Laws in the US but yet both cities have high incidents of shootings by illegally obtained guns. Anti Gun Legislation does not work.
And even if it did work to keep guns out of criminals hands it would not stop murders. Murders have been committed since the beginning of time. Shoot the Book of Genesis records the first murder ever, when it documents the murder of Abel by Cain.
Knives and swords and machetes have been used to kill humans by other humans far longer than guns have. So where do we draw the line?? Do we outlaw Knives swords and Machetes?
911 saw hijackers use box cutters to hijack 4 planes and kill 3,000 people, in response Box Cutters were outlawed on planes after that. Guns had already been outlawed. So Box Cutters were outlawed after that. But that did not stop planes from being hijacked.
What did change was that after 911 Passengers started taking it into their own hands to subdue the hijackers instead of relying on the government and lazy Airport Security to keep them safe.
In 2002 a former VA Law Student went to the Appalachian school of Law and killed two professors and a student. On his way to shoot others he was confronted by two Law School students who had guns in their cars, caught him in a cross fire and shot him before he could kill others.
In 2007 a Virginia Tech Student went nuts and killed 35 students. There were no armed students to stop the massacre. The ironic thing is that just months before the VTech Shooting the Assistant Dean of V Tech gave a speech while the VA governor signed a bill outlawing all guns on VA campuses including in cars. The Assistant Dean said that the bill made everyone feel sager but in reality it made them even more in danger.
While I can understand why people want Gun control laws, and National Registrations. We already have a registration system. Of which the VA Tech Shooter legally registered to buy his guns and got approval despite being already deemed mentally unstable. Meaning the current system failed to stop him and failed to stop the Mass Shooting of 35 VA Tech victims.
The same is true of the Batman Movie shooter in Aurora CO in 2012. He was already deemed mentally unstable but still legally bought his guns. So how? I ask HOW? Would Obama's Presidential Decree prevent other insane people from having Guns?????
Please let me know what you think. Thanks. As always be polite and give facts to back up your claim.
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