
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Money and Wealth!

     Many Liberals in the US today think that every rich  person in the US stole the money they have or inherited it.  IE: they did not work for the money they have.  Which is a  lie, based on nothing more than Hog Huey and their own Laziness, Jealousy and hatred of those that have done the right things in their lives. 

      But lets assume for one moment that the idiotic liberals are right.  That every single Rich American has either stolen or inherited their Riches and did not earn one dime of it via hard work and dedication.  Why is it some Rich people live right and grow their money and let it work for them and grows for them while allowing them to live off of the interest while others blow their money????????????

    The news occasionally relays stories of one rich person or another loosing their riches and declaring bankruptcy.  Warren Sapp a former NFL Football player made over $100 million dollars while playing football, but then recently had to file bankruptcy because he is now dead broke.  Vince Young a Quarterback for the Tennessee Titans made 28 million playing for Tennessee but is also broke.  Many other Sports stars, Entertainers, Musicians, Bankers and others have all lost millions one way or another and become dead broke.   

   The reality is that Money is work.  Getting money is work.  and keeping that money is work.  Most people do not inherit the money they have.  Most Americans that have money have worked very hard to get it.  Some blow it but many others save their money and live within their means.  Even if that means they earn hundreds of thousands a year or even millions.  But even if they do inherit it.  The reality is that they have to work hard to keep it.

   Most of us have heard of the Lottery winners that have won millions and then promptly lost their winnings.  They did so because they failed to realize the age old adage.   Easy come easy go.  The reality is if you do not stop and think and work to keep your money even if its a lot you can easily blow it all. 

   Successful Money managers realize that  you can and must spend some of your money.  All of us do.  But that you have to set limits.  They recommend that if a person wins the lottery they blow a small portion of it and then put themselves on a salary and live off of the interest from there. 

   The reason why so many liberals refuse to accept that most people do earn their money and have to work hard to keep it is because it makes it easier to be jealous of those with money and alot easier to demand the federal government take their money via taxation.   In demanding more and more money from the Rich.  But Alas Liberals need to remember to learn history.

   A thousand years ago, a drunken band of Vikings showed up at the Gates of Paris and demanded Gold or else they would sack the city.  The Mayor scared of being Sacked ran to the Cities Rich got gold from them and gave it to the Vikings.  The Vikings were happy with their new found wealth and ran home to Scandinavia to tell other vikings of their fortune. 

   Shortly their after many other bands of Vikings showed up at the gates demanding Gold and the mayor kept demanding more from the Cities Rich until one day when a band of vikings showed up the Rich living in the city of Paris said they had no more gold to give and the Vikings angry at being told no, destroyed the city. 

   The reality is that the rich in America do not make enough to pay for our bad and out of control spending.  If we do not stop spending like drunken sailors our creditors will come to our gates and demand our money and if they do not get it, destroy the US as we know it.    Keep in mind one of our biggest creditors is also one of our enemies.  China. 

How much  longer before Liberals wake up and realize that the Rich in the US have run out of Gold to take?????  I hope they wake up soon to reality.  

As always please respond.  Even if you disagree, but please be respectful. 

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