
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Obama Leadership through Fear!

     Obama got into office based on and has held onto his office based on Fear.

  Not a Fear of Death and or imprisonment, in the way Hitler led Nazi Germany, or Stalin led the Soviet Union, nor the way Saddam Hussein and other Ruthless dictators have been shown to lead historically.

   But fear none the less.  Many Americans voted for Obama because Obama told them you vote Republican they will take away your Social Security, and take away your welfare and your food stamps.  He had them afraid that they would have their ENTITLEMENTS taken away.

   He told America that we have to spend trillions more in  or else he will not be able to repair the damage that Bush did to the economy.  Many Americans were and still are afraid that Bush and evil Republicans destroyed the Economy.

   He told Americans that a racist video, made by an American was responsible for the Attack on Benghazi that killed the American Ambassador to Libya and not the truth.  The truth was that the Obama administration fell down and did not offer proper protection to an American Ambassador in the employ of the US Government.  Now that the truth has come out Americans by and large do not care any more but they listened intently when Obama and Clinton and Rice and other Obama Administration stooges lied to them.

  Why??????  Because many Americans have bought into this lie of fear that Obama is selling.

  Obama is now out there stating that if the Government shuts down in the next few weeks unless the Republicans cave to his ludicrous idea of spending us into greater debt is the best thing for this nation, Millions of first responders will be laid off and our life as we know it will crumble into Anarchy.

   In reality, I think we should let the government start to shut down.  Our nation is not going to crumble into Anarchy.  Our nation Collects and spends trillions in taxpayer dollars.  If in two weeks Congress can not come  to agreement, that would mean that 85 Billion would have to be cut.  Its but a drop in the bucket, compared to the Trillions already spent.  Our nation would not fall into chaos or anarchy if 85 billion were cut.

But do think that allowing the 85 billion to be cut would teach America as a whole to live within their means.

   The reality is that Conservatives and those that want America to cut back on Spending are not spewing forth fear.  They are stating fact and reality.

  Fear is something that keeps little kids hiding under the covers at night afraid of monsters in the closet or under the bed.  Reality and truth while not fun and often not easy is something that Grown Adults realize they must face in order to grow.

  Lastly Obama invited the parents of a girl who had performed at his inauguration and was later killed in a senseless shooting, stating that they deserved a vote.  What he forgot to state, was that she was killed in Chicago, a city with the toughest Anti Gun laws in America and yet criminals still have guns there.  Again leadership through fear.  And the Gullible continue to buy what he spews.   

   I have posted time and time again that as Self reliance disappears in this nation the more we demand others take care of us.  SO my question is when  are the adults in America going to stand up and shout Obama down and tell him to shut up his mouth and stop spewing his stupidity?  Or is it to late?  And the children are allowing their fears to demand Obama and the Federal Government take over their lives and tell them how to live?


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Can Anyone give me an example of The US Government Successfully Handling a Business Enterprise??????????????????????

     In the History of the US the US Government has never successfully handled the undertaking of Social Enterprise or outright working and or running a Business enterprise.  But am very interested in anyone PROVING ME WRONG.

     The reality is that our founding fathers never wanted the US Government running business, they saw the failures intrisic with such European Ventures like this.   Yes our founding fathers put the US Post Office in the US Constitution but that was because we needed to provide for a National Postal Service.  They were not stupid they realized early on that a nation lives and succeeds only with a Postal Service.

    That being said the US Post Office is one of the biggest failures in terms of business.  They announced yesterday that they were doing away with Saturday delivery.  Saving $2 Billion , but they have already lost 10 billion just in the past few years alone. 

     Yes in part online bill paying has killed a portion of their business, but they also have lost business because of poor management and an extremely piss poor work ethic and equally bad work ethic.

    Just yesterday I had to mail a letter.  I have not had to do this in a long time so I have no stamps, I went to the post office to mail the letter.  When I got there, there were 20 people in line and 3 Postal employees standing behind the counter, and one idiot standing in the background with his arms folding doing absolutely nothing.  Or at least I thought it was 3 people and one deadbeat.  I soon found out the third  person was only there to grab failed delivery notices and walked off after that.  The guy with the folded arms stayed put with the two remaining guys helping the 20 people standing in line.

  Of course one of the 20 customers had a multitude of of packages to ship and none were taped or labelled.  Leaving the remaining people to the one remaining postal employee.  All the while more and more people walked in the door.

    I had to really, really, mail the letter so I stayed in line and finally got the letter mailed.  But it got me to thinking about all of the people out there that really believe that the US Government and specifically Obama can run US healthcare than privately run Insurance Companies.

    The Congressional Accounting Office already states that Obamacare is going to operate in a deficit from the word go, and Obamacare has not even gotten started yet.  It does not start until 2014.

    And this is but one of many examples of Government failure.Social Security has cost 10 times what it was originally forcast to cost.  In addition, SS funds collected from Taxpayers was supposed to be kept seperate from all other funds, but instead the US Congress Spent it.

     Secondly Amtrak was created in the early 1970's as a quasi federally owned passenger train company. When Rail executives convinced or duped Congress to take over Passenger train service as they were running from it because it was a dieing business. Needless to say Amtrak has NEVER Posted a profit.

     Thirdly FEMA, and its disastrous handling of Katrina, and despite the US media's ignoring the problems FEMA is having with Hurricane Sandy, all because they refuse to show Obama's faults.  The reality is FEMA and the US government is pathetically poor when it comes to moving quickly.

    20 some odd years ago the US Postal Service ran full page ads, bragging how they got 80% approval raitings by Postal Service Customers that were surveyed.   I had just attended a meeting days before where my boss was screaming mad that our Approval numbers dropped to 98% and threatened to fire us if the numbers did not approve. 

    It truly made me shake my head then and it still makes me shake my head now.  How is it that Liberals think that the federal government is good at and should be the ones running their lives??????????????????

    So again let me know.  When the US government made a success at anything they have started? 

   Government is necessary but that does not mean they should be running our lives and our businesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Emotions and the Liberal Mindset

     3 Days ago the Congressional judiciary committee met to debate Gun Control.  Gabby Giffords made a brief appearance, speaking before Congress very briefly.  Saying:

“Speaking is difficult, but I must say something important. Violence is a big problem. Too many children are dying. Too many children,” Giffords said.

     Anyone and everyone that has any shred of intelligence knows why Gabby Giffords was invited to speak at the Congressional hearing on Gun Control.  She was there to inject emotion into the process and nothing more.  She offered no real solutions to solve the argument between 2nd Amendment Followers and those that believe that outlawing guns will keep the US Safe.  Never mind that the 3 cities in the US with the highest gun related deaths also have the 3 most strict Gun laws in the US.

     Gabby Giffords was shot by an insane idiot in January 2011, point blank, and miraculously happened to survive.  Six of her staff members and the general public including one young girl did not.  I do not knock nor belittle what happened to her.  I also think she has every right to be emotional about what happened to her and what happened to the 1st Graders in New Town Connecticut.   

      Emotions are natural and a necessary tool in the human Psyche.  Sorrow, Frustration and Anger are all necessary to Human growth and advancement.  Anytime anyone tries to bury, hide or get rid of those emotions it only drives a person insane.

     However emotions Never Ever belong in a political debate.  History shows that emotions in political discourse often leads down a path no one wants to go down and rarely if ever leads to an intelligent and reasoned conclusion. 

     The Holocaust  that killed millions of Jews, gypsies and others in Europe was allowed to grow into what it was based in part on misplaced Emotions.  Broke, hungry and destitute Germans blamed a lot of what occurred to them during and after WWI on the Jews living in Jewish Ghettos in German Cities.  Thus when Hitler came to power and started to arrest and remove Jews from their society few complained.  All because they were thinking with hatred envy jealousy and Greed.   All Emotions.

     The Russian Revolution in 1917 came about in part because of emotion.   Rich Aristocrats decided it was up  to them to save the lives and souls of the Down trodden Russian  Serfs and in doing so thrust those very same Serfs into a nation wide prison lasting 70 years.  All based on Emotions.

    Not all Emotional Decisions kill  millions or destroy nations.  But they can and do affect legislation quite often.  A while back an equal rights group wanted Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn removed from Library shelves because they both mentioned Slavery.  Never mind that they mentioned slavery in a very bad light and were both basically preaching against slavery.

   In the end nothing came of their movement.  Smarter and cooler heads prevailed.  But it was blatantly obvious that they were thinking from emotion and nothing more.

    Again Emotions are great, Emotions are necessary but emotions should not drive discussions around any legislation, especially surrounding discussions around Gun Control and 2nd Amendment rights.  But throwing emotions into discussions surrounding welfare is also not smart but a discussion for another day. 

I truly believe that a discussion is waranted but emotions should  not be apart of this.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Immigration both legal and  Illegal: One is good for the US the other is bad.

   Our Nations history is tied intricately to immigration.   98% of all Americans, can trace their ancestry to someone immigrating here.  According to the US Census only 1.2% of all Americans are Native American.   
     All others can trace their ancestry to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.  My Dad's parents, my grandparents immigrated here.  I own a book on the history of Ellis Island that shows my Grandma's signature as she entered the US.

   So it truly sickens me when those that want to excuse and even justify illegal immigration try to scream racism.  While a small percentage of those that want only legal immigration are in fact racists, most, like me are not.  But then again while some democrats are anarchists most are not.

   For me and most people that want to keep legal immigration in tact goes back to keeping our nation and the freedoms it is built on in tact.  The history of Rome shows that as the Roman Empire grew and grew, it gave away citizenship to non Romans in order to help maintain an army and let it grow.  In doing this many persons who cared little or nothing ended living within the Roman Empire and ultimately helped weaken the empire, because as the empire crumbled they cared little to help save it.

  The reality is that many illegals are here for their own gain and care little if anything about the well being of the US, the nation they have crossed into illegally to make money, because many illegals are not looking to stay here,  they are looking to go back home when they are done with the US.

  25% of the US Prison population are illegal aliens, by comparison only 6.9% of  all US Citizens also are Criminals residing in US prisons.   A good percentage of those that come here illegally.  IE: Drug trafficking or dealing in stolen property, and even in Human Trafficking.  

    Phoenix residents and those that reside in Maricopa county, the county in which Phoenix sits happen to pay some of the highest car insurance rates in the country, because it is very easy to steal a car in phoenix and drive it a couple of hours south to Mexico, often doing it at night, while the victim is asleep, and crossing the border before the victim even realizes the car is stolen.

    Secondly  crime against illegals themselves is extremely high here in the south west.  Phoenix is known as the kidnapping capital of the world because of the amount of illegals being held and even killed by the Coyotes, (the guys that bring the illegals across the border) all to help extort more money from their families back in Mexico or other Central American Countries.  

   Phoenix has even had running gun battles on the I-10 Highway between rival Coyotes trying to steal illegals from each other.  These gun battles have put US Citizens and Phoenix residents in danger.  Some US citizens have even been caught in the middle and been wounded or killed. 

    A long time ago I was coming home on Christmas Even on the Highway and was the fifth car of 5 cars hit by a 76 Monte Carlo in disrepair that had blown a tire.  The driver was a girl in her 20's but spoke no English,  had no drivers license, or ANY ID of any kind, nor did she have insurance.   In addition to the automotive damage caused by her she also caused several injuries requiring hospitalization. 

  The Highway patrolman said that he could not detain her or hold her or do anything to make sure she stayed here in the US and payed for what she did.  And in fact she immediately bolted and disappeared.  Most likely across the border.  

   I luckily had uninsured motorist coverage on my insurance so my car was covered.  But as I found out my insurance went up because of an accident I did not cause. 

  Several years ago an illegal ran into a Methodist church demanding asylum because she was about to be deported back to Mexico by US Customs.  The US Media made a field day of the case, showcasing her son who was born here and how he was about to be separated from his mom. 

   Everyone was crying tears.......   But what they forgot to say was the reason why she was being deported, she had stolen someones identity and had destroyed their credit.  So in fact she got off light.

   The reality is that illegals come here and have nothing to hold them accountable.  

   Legal immigrants do.  Modern legal immigrants have to follow the same rules that my grandma and her family had to follow when they came over decades ago.  They must have a sponsor, must have a job lined up, must have a place to live, must learn English and must not commit ANY Crimes while here.

   I would agree to bumping the amount of legal immigrants we allow in the US but I would never EVER agree to getting rid of the currents rules, leading to citizenship.  Why???????????????????   Because those rules make a person earn their right to be here and once earned they rarely want to endanger that new US citizenship by committing crimes and the like.

    USB1070 was not created so that we could create a Nazi style society where jackbooted thugs walk around asking for papers of all brown skinned persons in the US.  It was to hold illegals accountable.

   Get this, as a White US Citizen of German descent its already illegal for me to leave my house without some form of ID and has been illegal for all US Citizens in Phoenix to do so for some time.  The reason why was to make it easier to identify me if I was found injured or dead and could not identify myself. 

   Yes it is a misdemeanor, but get this, so is being here illegal.  Illegals that find themselves in prison are there because they committed other more serious crimes and not just the crime of being here illegally.

  As always I appreciate and ask for any and all opposing views, but please do not come here and attack me for being racist unless you have factual information backing up your summation.  Thanks.