A Subjective and Politically Motivated Media?
For years the US Media has been extremely subjective and Biased, going against every thing that journalism is supposed to stand for. Liberalism snuck into journalism in the 1950's and 60's, using the fairness doctrine, passed into law by the US Congress in 1949.
The fairness doctrine stated that if you an opinion piece on the air, then you would have to give time for the opposing view. The Liberal media would run liberal opinion as news or lace news stories with Liberal opinion but then refuse to give Conservative views any time on the air ways stating that they had no time to offer opinions.
For decades Liberals were able to control the US airwaves telling Americans what to believe and why to believe what they said.
Shoot Walter Cronkite stood on National TV stating that we had lost the war in Vietnam. Something General Giap the Vietnamese Leader stated openly in his Memoirs that he exploited openly to help defeat the US in Vietnam.
For many years the liberal media ran unchecked. running lies making Conservatives and Republicans look like evil old guys wanting to rob everyone of their money. But the reality is not what the Liberal US media wanted to show.
It was not until under Ronald Reagan in 1987, that the FCC got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. But that did not stop the Liberal media from continuing their games.
I remember after Republicans took control of the US Congress in 1994, they proposed lowering the % of increase in Social Security for the year. Not cutting social security but lowering the amount of the increase. CBS, ABC and CNN as well as the NY Times and other liberal newspapers ran the story as if the Republicans wanted to cut Seniors Social Security. Starting the evening news with headlines of Republicans propose cutting Social Security and other headlines similar in theme.
NBC refused to report the story as the other liberal media outlets did, but chose not to air the story at all.
Of course this brought howls of protest from Senior Americans and of course the Republicans looked bad and mean and Bill Clinton even used the media quotes when he ran again in 1996 and summarily won.
What the FCC did in 1987 by getting rid of the Fairness doctrine was to actually bring real fairness to US Airwaves by allowing differing conservative views to show the lies of the liberal media. Something the Fairness Doctrine never did. Rush Limbaugh was one of the first to take advantage of this, others followed and then Fox News Came along. All of these outlets keep getting ridiculed and rejected by Liberals as fake news and the like. But the reality is that Fox News Network has never been caught trying to fake stories while ABC, CNN, NBC and CBS have.
Shoot an ABC News VP sent a Memo out to ALL ABC staff stating that it was up to them to get John F'n Kerry elected. And Dan Rather Embarrassed CBS news with the the fake Killian documents trying to embarrass George W Bush and ultimately get Bush to loose the election.
But Fox News has not done that. They just report the news. Yes they have opinion shows on their network. But allowing opinions to be expressed is different than trying to report opinion as news or using your personal opinion to drive you to falsify or fake a news story. Again as it has been found that ABC, CNN, NBC and CBS have done.
I remember when the Iraqi war started. Fox News ran stories of Americans proud of their relatives serving in the US Military. CNN ran many stories about US soldiers going AWOL. While both stories are true, the way both networks ran their stories shows that their network heads and differing views of the war.
You are probably asking why am I bringing this up now? Months ago Hurricane Sandy destroyed many homes and left many in NY and NJ homeless, most are still homeless, living without electricity in homes in bad need of repair. But yet the US media has been by and large silent.
FEMA has fallen down on the job. But yes US Media silence. That was not the case in 2005, when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. The US Media tore into FEMA, and Bush for their incompetence and their slowness.
Whats the difference? A Republican was in charge back then. But Democrats are in charge now.
Shock of ALL Shocks.......................................................NOT!
Keep one more thing in mind one of the things that Marx used to say needed to happen to allow communism to work was to control the media.
Well the US Liberal Media have definitely been trying their part.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
The US Constitution and Our Founding Fathers
President Obama today in his Inauguration speech complained that our founding fathers did not take into count things like the hungry and health care. But the reality is that they did. But they looked at Europe and the dieing decaying feudal systems that were destroying Europe, and realized that they did not want to follow in those European Countries footsteps and created the constitution allowing Americans to create their own destiny and not rely on the handouts of governments.
Keep in mind many of our founding fathers had either left Europe because they could not build their own futures in Europe, or were the off spring of those that left Europe for those reasons. Many of our founding fathers were self made men. Men who worked hard to get their way here in America. Men like Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere. men who started with nothing and worked their way to positions of money and stature. With hard work. Not with their hands out. Revere was a silver smith and Benjamin Franklin left home as a teenager and started his own Newspaper.
The US Constitution has provisions for for a national postal system, a national highway system ( Postal Roads) and even a provision for the arts. Keep in mind this was 200 years ago well before postal systems and highways and even museums were a norm.
We take them for granted now. But 200 years ago they were new and rather odd ideas. Our nation was and always has been unique. America was still a new continent, unknown to Europe and most of the rest of the world until 1492.
Our founding fathers recognized just how unique the United States of America was and created a Unique document to help govern such a unique nation. The Constitution was not and is not a living breathing document. It was intended to be a document set in stone showing every living breathing American born since its creation how to best lead the nation. The fact that they created the Bill of rights and the Amendment process shows that they recognized that the Constitution was not and never will be 100% perfect. Not that the document was a living breathing item.
I have heard many state that the US Constitution is an out of date worthless document, but those that think this are often the ones that hate the fact that the constitution stands in their way of destroying what this nation was built upon. Which is self reliance and the pursuit of personal happiness.
No one wants to see people starve to death and yes health care is a concern of most Americans me included. But note this nation did not and does not have masses dieing of starvation in the streets and never has. Our nation has always had a great tradition of charity where private institutions help those that need help. Again this is different than other nations, but again that is because our nation has always been different.
Yes its true that many children in this nation even to this day live in poverty and even go hungry at night, but more often its because of the bad choices their parents make, than because the Constitution did not have a provision to feed all Americans. Shoot even now with food stamps and other Government programs aimed at feeding Hungry Americans and its children we still have children going without, and we always will because many of these parents use those hand outs to buy drugs and alcohol and the like.
A week or so back I read an article that most welfare checks are cashed at liquor stores and strip clubs. States a lot.
History shows us that at one time in this nation police departments were unknown, and why were they unknown???
Because at one point Americans were taught self discipline. But over the years that self reliance was replaced with people thinking they had no need to keep themselves and their actions in check.
As that self discipline was told was unnecessary more and more people dropped that self discipline and self reliance and now more and more think it is up to others to take care of them, and not what they could do to help protect this nation and what it was founded upon.
Note John F Kennedy once said
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."
Today too many Americans ask what can America give me and not the other way around. The reality is that if more Americans demand things from our nation. Our nation will cease to exist.
The scary thing is that President Obama the leader of this great land is the one most ignorant of this fact.
President Obama today in his Inauguration speech complained that our founding fathers did not take into count things like the hungry and health care. But the reality is that they did. But they looked at Europe and the dieing decaying feudal systems that were destroying Europe, and realized that they did not want to follow in those European Countries footsteps and created the constitution allowing Americans to create their own destiny and not rely on the handouts of governments.
Keep in mind many of our founding fathers had either left Europe because they could not build their own futures in Europe, or were the off spring of those that left Europe for those reasons. Many of our founding fathers were self made men. Men who worked hard to get their way here in America. Men like Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere. men who started with nothing and worked their way to positions of money and stature. With hard work. Not with their hands out. Revere was a silver smith and Benjamin Franklin left home as a teenager and started his own Newspaper.
The US Constitution has provisions for for a national postal system, a national highway system ( Postal Roads) and even a provision for the arts. Keep in mind this was 200 years ago well before postal systems and highways and even museums were a norm.
We take them for granted now. But 200 years ago they were new and rather odd ideas. Our nation was and always has been unique. America was still a new continent, unknown to Europe and most of the rest of the world until 1492.
Our founding fathers recognized just how unique the United States of America was and created a Unique document to help govern such a unique nation. The Constitution was not and is not a living breathing document. It was intended to be a document set in stone showing every living breathing American born since its creation how to best lead the nation. The fact that they created the Bill of rights and the Amendment process shows that they recognized that the Constitution was not and never will be 100% perfect. Not that the document was a living breathing item.
I have heard many state that the US Constitution is an out of date worthless document, but those that think this are often the ones that hate the fact that the constitution stands in their way of destroying what this nation was built upon. Which is self reliance and the pursuit of personal happiness.
No one wants to see people starve to death and yes health care is a concern of most Americans me included. But note this nation did not and does not have masses dieing of starvation in the streets and never has. Our nation has always had a great tradition of charity where private institutions help those that need help. Again this is different than other nations, but again that is because our nation has always been different.
Yes its true that many children in this nation even to this day live in poverty and even go hungry at night, but more often its because of the bad choices their parents make, than because the Constitution did not have a provision to feed all Americans. Shoot even now with food stamps and other Government programs aimed at feeding Hungry Americans and its children we still have children going without, and we always will because many of these parents use those hand outs to buy drugs and alcohol and the like.
A week or so back I read an article that most welfare checks are cashed at liquor stores and strip clubs. States a lot.
History shows us that at one time in this nation police departments were unknown, and why were they unknown???
Because at one point Americans were taught self discipline. But over the years that self reliance was replaced with people thinking they had no need to keep themselves and their actions in check.
As that self discipline was told was unnecessary more and more people dropped that self discipline and self reliance and now more and more think it is up to others to take care of them, and not what they could do to help protect this nation and what it was founded upon.
Note John F Kennedy once said
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."
Today too many Americans ask what can America give me and not the other way around. The reality is that if more Americans demand things from our nation. Our nation will cease to exist.
The scary thing is that President Obama the leader of this great land is the one most ignorant of this fact.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Gun Control/ Gun Violence and Pro Gun 2nd Amendment Supporters
On a chilly early morning on April 19, 1775, Dozens of American Colonists, all of whom were also British Citizens stood against 700 British regulars at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. There was one reason and only one reason as to why the British troops were ordered to march from Boston to Lexington and Concord.
Can anyone guess why?????????????????????????
It was not over taxation. While taxation without representation got American Colonists angered in the beginning, the troops ill fated trip to Lexington and Concord was not ordered to get the colonists to pay taxes.
No! the British Regulars were ordered there and many died there as well as many American Colonists because the British Crown was afraid of ARMED Colonists. The British Regulars were sent there to SEIZE Colonists WEAPONS and AMMUNITION.
That is why when the US Constitution was written and ratified many years later the 2nd Amendment covered Americans right to own and Bear Arms.
Our founding fathers knew all to well something many liberals in the US today have forgotten. And that is that A Government looking to dominate its citizens, prefers a disarmed populous instead of one that is armed.
Again History shows us evidence of this time and time again. Lenin in one of his first acts after the Russian Revolution in 1917 outlawed the ownership of Guns by all Russians excepting for High Communist leaders. In the years after the Communists came to power Stalin killed millions of Russians that did not believe in the Communist Ideal all because they were disarmed.
After Hitler came to power in 1933, He also outlawed Guns. But not by all Germans he only outlawed ownership of Guns by Jews, Homosexuals,Gypsies and other minority groups that ended up being the subjects of a mass Holocaust that killed Millions.
Again justifying why Our Founding Fathers added the second Amendment to the Constitution. I do not try and hide behind an excuse, stating that our founding fathers knew we needed guns for Hunting, as some Gun Supporters do. That is Hog Huey pure and simple. Our Founding fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment not so we could hunt Deer, Elk or Bear. It was so that US Citizens could protect themselves from an OVER ZEALOUS Government.
Get this. Our President and Liberal members of Congress are showing signs of being extremely over zealous. Why else are they unwilling to process a bill through congress like normal???? And why is he so eager to issue a Presidential Decree???? It is because he is allowing his emotions to rule his thinking. Which get this. Is exactly what being Over Zealous is.
A National registration only gives more power to the criminals and nothing more. Case in point: The Journal News a NY Newspaper published a map showing the addresses of legal Gun owners in the Suburbs of NYC in the weeks after Sandy Hook. This information was used by local Jail and Prison inmates to intimidate their Guards stating, "your name is not on the list, we are coming for you when we get released" and the like. The reality is that a registration list will not stop the existence of illegal guns.
The reality and fact remain that many of the Mass shootings in recent history were masterminded by those that obtained the guns in an illegal manor and not through strait out legal purchases. The Sandy Hook Shooter used his mom's Guns after he killed her. The Columbine shooters did not own their guns legally, and in fact guns are not even the choice of all Mass Killers.
A Chinese man killed 22 students with a Knife.
If you read the article that was not the first knife/axe wielding man to commit a mass murder in china. An Asian country with some of the strongest anti gun laws in the World.
Just like China New York City and Washington DC have some of the toughest Anti Gun Laws in the US but yet both cities have high incidents of shootings by illegally obtained guns. Anti Gun Legislation does not work.
And even if it did work to keep guns out of criminals hands it would not stop murders. Murders have been committed since the beginning of time. Shoot the Book of Genesis records the first murder ever, when it documents the murder of Abel by Cain.
Knives and swords and machetes have been used to kill humans by other humans far longer than guns have. So where do we draw the line?? Do we outlaw Knives swords and Machetes?
911 saw hijackers use box cutters to hijack 4 planes and kill 3,000 people, in response Box Cutters were outlawed on planes after that. Guns had already been outlawed. So Box Cutters were outlawed after that. But that did not stop planes from being hijacked.
What did change was that after 911 Passengers started taking it into their own hands to subdue the hijackers instead of relying on the government and lazy Airport Security to keep them safe.
In 2002 a former VA Law Student went to the Appalachian school of Law and killed two professors and a student. On his way to shoot others he was confronted by two Law School students who had guns in their cars, caught him in a cross fire and shot him before he could kill others.
In 2007 a Virginia Tech Student went nuts and killed 35 students. There were no armed students to stop the massacre. The ironic thing is that just months before the VTech Shooting the Assistant Dean of V Tech gave a speech while the VA governor signed a bill outlawing all guns on VA campuses including in cars. The Assistant Dean said that the bill made everyone feel sager but in reality it made them even more in danger.
While I can understand why people want Gun control laws, and National Registrations. We already have a registration system. Of which the VA Tech Shooter legally registered to buy his guns and got approval despite being already deemed mentally unstable. Meaning the current system failed to stop him and failed to stop the Mass Shooting of 35 VA Tech victims.
The same is true of the Batman Movie shooter in Aurora CO in 2012. He was already deemed mentally unstable but still legally bought his guns. So how? I ask HOW? Would Obama's Presidential Decree prevent other insane people from having Guns?????
Please let me know what you think. Thanks. As always be polite and give facts to back up your claim.
On a chilly early morning on April 19, 1775, Dozens of American Colonists, all of whom were also British Citizens stood against 700 British regulars at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. There was one reason and only one reason as to why the British troops were ordered to march from Boston to Lexington and Concord.
Can anyone guess why?????????????????????????
It was not over taxation. While taxation without representation got American Colonists angered in the beginning, the troops ill fated trip to Lexington and Concord was not ordered to get the colonists to pay taxes.
No! the British Regulars were ordered there and many died there as well as many American Colonists because the British Crown was afraid of ARMED Colonists. The British Regulars were sent there to SEIZE Colonists WEAPONS and AMMUNITION.
That is why when the US Constitution was written and ratified many years later the 2nd Amendment covered Americans right to own and Bear Arms.
Our founding fathers knew all to well something many liberals in the US today have forgotten. And that is that A Government looking to dominate its citizens, prefers a disarmed populous instead of one that is armed.
Again History shows us evidence of this time and time again. Lenin in one of his first acts after the Russian Revolution in 1917 outlawed the ownership of Guns by all Russians excepting for High Communist leaders. In the years after the Communists came to power Stalin killed millions of Russians that did not believe in the Communist Ideal all because they were disarmed.
After Hitler came to power in 1933, He also outlawed Guns. But not by all Germans he only outlawed ownership of Guns by Jews, Homosexuals,Gypsies and other minority groups that ended up being the subjects of a mass Holocaust that killed Millions.
Again justifying why Our Founding Fathers added the second Amendment to the Constitution. I do not try and hide behind an excuse, stating that our founding fathers knew we needed guns for Hunting, as some Gun Supporters do. That is Hog Huey pure and simple. Our Founding fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment not so we could hunt Deer, Elk or Bear. It was so that US Citizens could protect themselves from an OVER ZEALOUS Government.
Get this. Our President and Liberal members of Congress are showing signs of being extremely over zealous. Why else are they unwilling to process a bill through congress like normal???? And why is he so eager to issue a Presidential Decree???? It is because he is allowing his emotions to rule his thinking. Which get this. Is exactly what being Over Zealous is.
A National registration only gives more power to the criminals and nothing more. Case in point: The Journal News a NY Newspaper published a map showing the addresses of legal Gun owners in the Suburbs of NYC in the weeks after Sandy Hook. This information was used by local Jail and Prison inmates to intimidate their Guards stating, "your name is not on the list, we are coming for you when we get released" and the like. The reality is that a registration list will not stop the existence of illegal guns.
The reality and fact remain that many of the Mass shootings in recent history were masterminded by those that obtained the guns in an illegal manor and not through strait out legal purchases. The Sandy Hook Shooter used his mom's Guns after he killed her. The Columbine shooters did not own their guns legally, and in fact guns are not even the choice of all Mass Killers.
A Chinese man killed 22 students with a Knife.
If you read the article that was not the first knife/axe wielding man to commit a mass murder in china. An Asian country with some of the strongest anti gun laws in the World.
Just like China New York City and Washington DC have some of the toughest Anti Gun Laws in the US but yet both cities have high incidents of shootings by illegally obtained guns. Anti Gun Legislation does not work.
And even if it did work to keep guns out of criminals hands it would not stop murders. Murders have been committed since the beginning of time. Shoot the Book of Genesis records the first murder ever, when it documents the murder of Abel by Cain.
Knives and swords and machetes have been used to kill humans by other humans far longer than guns have. So where do we draw the line?? Do we outlaw Knives swords and Machetes?
911 saw hijackers use box cutters to hijack 4 planes and kill 3,000 people, in response Box Cutters were outlawed on planes after that. Guns had already been outlawed. So Box Cutters were outlawed after that. But that did not stop planes from being hijacked.
What did change was that after 911 Passengers started taking it into their own hands to subdue the hijackers instead of relying on the government and lazy Airport Security to keep them safe.
In 2002 a former VA Law Student went to the Appalachian school of Law and killed two professors and a student. On his way to shoot others he was confronted by two Law School students who had guns in their cars, caught him in a cross fire and shot him before he could kill others.
In 2007 a Virginia Tech Student went nuts and killed 35 students. There were no armed students to stop the massacre. The ironic thing is that just months before the VTech Shooting the Assistant Dean of V Tech gave a speech while the VA governor signed a bill outlawing all guns on VA campuses including in cars. The Assistant Dean said that the bill made everyone feel sager but in reality it made them even more in danger.
While I can understand why people want Gun control laws, and National Registrations. We already have a registration system. Of which the VA Tech Shooter legally registered to buy his guns and got approval despite being already deemed mentally unstable. Meaning the current system failed to stop him and failed to stop the Mass Shooting of 35 VA Tech victims.
The same is true of the Batman Movie shooter in Aurora CO in 2012. He was already deemed mentally unstable but still legally bought his guns. So how? I ask HOW? Would Obama's Presidential Decree prevent other insane people from having Guns?????
Please let me know what you think. Thanks. As always be polite and give facts to back up your claim.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Money and Wealth!
Many Liberals in the US today think that every rich person in the US stole the money they have or inherited it. IE: they did not work for the money they have. Which is a lie, based on nothing more than Hog Huey and their own Laziness, Jealousy and hatred of those that have done the right things in their lives.
But lets assume for one moment that the idiotic liberals are right. That every single Rich American has either stolen or inherited their Riches and did not earn one dime of it via hard work and dedication. Why is it some Rich people live right and grow their money and let it work for them and grows for them while allowing them to live off of the interest while others blow their money????????????
The news occasionally relays stories of one rich person or another loosing their riches and declaring bankruptcy. Warren Sapp a former NFL Football player made over $100 million dollars while playing football, but then recently had to file bankruptcy because he is now dead broke. Vince Young a Quarterback for the Tennessee Titans made 28 million playing for Tennessee but is also broke. Many other Sports stars, Entertainers, Musicians, Bankers and others have all lost millions one way or another and become dead broke.
The reality is that Money is work. Getting money is work. and keeping that money is work. Most people do not inherit the money they have. Most Americans that have money have worked very hard to get it. Some blow it but many others save their money and live within their means. Even if that means they earn hundreds of thousands a year or even millions. But even if they do inherit it. The reality is that they have to work hard to keep it.
Most of us have heard of the Lottery winners that have won millions and then promptly lost their winnings. They did so because they failed to realize the age old adage. Easy come easy go. The reality is if you do not stop and think and work to keep your money even if its a lot you can easily blow it all.
Successful Money managers realize that you can and must spend some of your money. All of us do. But that you have to set limits. They recommend that if a person wins the lottery they blow a small portion of it and then put themselves on a salary and live off of the interest from there.
The reason why so many liberals refuse to accept that most people do earn their money and have to work hard to keep it is because it makes it easier to be jealous of those with money and alot easier to demand the federal government take their money via taxation. In demanding more and more money from the Rich. But Alas Liberals need to remember to learn history.
A thousand years ago, a drunken band of Vikings showed up at the Gates of Paris and demanded Gold or else they would sack the city. The Mayor scared of being Sacked ran to the Cities Rich got gold from them and gave it to the Vikings. The Vikings were happy with their new found wealth and ran home to Scandinavia to tell other vikings of their fortune.
Shortly their after many other bands of Vikings showed up at the gates demanding Gold and the mayor kept demanding more from the Cities Rich until one day when a band of vikings showed up the Rich living in the city of Paris said they had no more gold to give and the Vikings angry at being told no, destroyed the city.
The reality is that the rich in America do not make enough to pay for our bad and out of control spending. If we do not stop spending like drunken sailors our creditors will come to our gates and demand our money and if they do not get it, destroy the US as we know it. Keep in mind one of our biggest creditors is also one of our enemies. China.
How much longer before Liberals wake up and realize that the Rich in the US have run out of Gold to take????? I hope they wake up soon to reality.
As always please respond. Even if you disagree, but please be respectful.
Many Liberals in the US today think that every rich person in the US stole the money they have or inherited it. IE: they did not work for the money they have. Which is a lie, based on nothing more than Hog Huey and their own Laziness, Jealousy and hatred of those that have done the right things in their lives.
But lets assume for one moment that the idiotic liberals are right. That every single Rich American has either stolen or inherited their Riches and did not earn one dime of it via hard work and dedication. Why is it some Rich people live right and grow their money and let it work for them and grows for them while allowing them to live off of the interest while others blow their money????????????
The news occasionally relays stories of one rich person or another loosing their riches and declaring bankruptcy. Warren Sapp a former NFL Football player made over $100 million dollars while playing football, but then recently had to file bankruptcy because he is now dead broke. Vince Young a Quarterback for the Tennessee Titans made 28 million playing for Tennessee but is also broke. Many other Sports stars, Entertainers, Musicians, Bankers and others have all lost millions one way or another and become dead broke.
The reality is that Money is work. Getting money is work. and keeping that money is work. Most people do not inherit the money they have. Most Americans that have money have worked very hard to get it. Some blow it but many others save their money and live within their means. Even if that means they earn hundreds of thousands a year or even millions. But even if they do inherit it. The reality is that they have to work hard to keep it.
Most of us have heard of the Lottery winners that have won millions and then promptly lost their winnings. They did so because they failed to realize the age old adage. Easy come easy go. The reality is if you do not stop and think and work to keep your money even if its a lot you can easily blow it all.
Successful Money managers realize that you can and must spend some of your money. All of us do. But that you have to set limits. They recommend that if a person wins the lottery they blow a small portion of it and then put themselves on a salary and live off of the interest from there.
The reason why so many liberals refuse to accept that most people do earn their money and have to work hard to keep it is because it makes it easier to be jealous of those with money and alot easier to demand the federal government take their money via taxation. In demanding more and more money from the Rich. But Alas Liberals need to remember to learn history.
A thousand years ago, a drunken band of Vikings showed up at the Gates of Paris and demanded Gold or else they would sack the city. The Mayor scared of being Sacked ran to the Cities Rich got gold from them and gave it to the Vikings. The Vikings were happy with their new found wealth and ran home to Scandinavia to tell other vikings of their fortune.
Shortly their after many other bands of Vikings showed up at the gates demanding Gold and the mayor kept demanding more from the Cities Rich until one day when a band of vikings showed up the Rich living in the city of Paris said they had no more gold to give and the Vikings angry at being told no, destroyed the city.
The reality is that the rich in America do not make enough to pay for our bad and out of control spending. If we do not stop spending like drunken sailors our creditors will come to our gates and demand our money and if they do not get it, destroy the US as we know it. Keep in mind one of our biggest creditors is also one of our enemies. China.
How much longer before Liberals wake up and realize that the Rich in the US have run out of Gold to take????? I hope they wake up soon to reality.
As always please respond. Even if you disagree, but please be respectful.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Unions! They were a necessary at a point in US history. Not exactly a good necessity, but a necessity in cleaning up work place conditions, laws, and abuse. Now however Unions have become a big political and economic machine continually demanding more dues from their members and using Congress to keep them protected by passing laws blocking Right to work provisions.
We now have Longshoremen making 6 figures and other unions not far behind. GM Before declaring bankruptcy was paying the lowest position on their assembly lines $65,000, with jobs paying more as their skill level rose such as engine installers making up to $150K+ a year.. The persons making that $65,0000 are those that put on and tighten lug nuts. An 8th grader could do that. The same position at Japanese Car factories here in the US make $40,000 a year. This drove GM and Chrysler to Bankruptcy and Ford close but not over the cliff.
The unions help negotiate high contracts so that they can turn around and demand higher and higher dues from their members to not only pay for high Union salaries with often range between $300K- 1 Million a year, but also to pay for helping getting liberal politicians, who are loyal to the union cause elected into office and thus, making sure those politicians keep them protected by passing Union Protection laws and standing firm against any form of right to work and other reform laws.
The big question is if Unions are only in it to protect their union members then why are they so afraid of competition?
The answer to that question is the members themselves pay their dues for protection not from evil employers but from themselves and their own lazy work ethic.
Modern Unions have become the hiding place of the lazy. Back in the 1990's I worked for Hilton as a Food and Beverage Manager. One summer I went to San Francisco working for Hilton to help out while they were busy. Here in AZ, a right to work state, the manager makes up the schedule for breakfast, lunch and choosing the workers they want to work the shifts. Usually the manger chooses those that work the best and act and dress the most professionally.
In San Francisco however the manager work create a schedule saying he needed say 20 servers for Breakfast on Monday morning. On Friday mornings all of the Servers would gather and starting with those with the most senority they would choose the shifts they wanted. Often times those in San Francisco with the most senority were also the worst workers, being very lazy, rude and even sloppy. They did not care. They were protected by their Union.
The Restaurant Industry has always been well known for rewarding those that work hard and earn the respect of the restaurants patrons. It is one of the few industries in which a person can start as a dish washer and end up at the top running the entire company still, today even while that has ended in most other industries.
Unions however change that. Again to protect the lazy. It has little to do with Protecting ones self from evil corporations and their owners now.
Back while I was going to college, I worked for a Big Grocery chain as a Night Stocker. I worked from 10pm-6 AM stocking shelves. The store was 24 hours and we had customers shopping 24 hours a day. One night just before Thanksgiving a lady came up to me at 5:30 AM looking for one of the frozen turkeys that the store had on sale in the paper for .19 cents a lb I got a stock cart went into the Butcher shop walk in freezer got one turkey for her and several other turkeys to load the empty bin. The bin was normally loaded by the Butchers. Who had their own Union. The customer was very happy, and on her way out told the manager, who was just coming in just before 6 AM. As I was punching out, the store manager came up to me very happy with the customer service I had performed. I went home happy with the job I had done.
I came to work the next night to a note from a Union Shop Steward, telling me to wait till she came in. I waited 1 hour and 20 minutes for her finally decide to come in. And when she came in she had a write up for me, punishing me for getting the customer that turkey. She said I was wrong in doing what I did and was taking a job away from a Butcher. I refused to sign it. She immediately ran to the Store manager trying to get me fired. He refused to do so. So she got, fellow employees, people who I thought were friends to intimate me, they busted my locker and stole my personal property and keyed and defaced my car.
I finally quit, in part because of the intimidation, but mainly because I got another job. The store, Smitty's Grocery declared bankruptcy about a year later and closed its doors shortly there after. I have told this story to many Union and non union workers since then. The Union workers usually agree with the Shop Steward and the treatment I got from fellow employees. Non Union workers usually agree with the store manager and think I did a great act of customer service.
The reality is that Unions are afraid of hard work and hard workers, they hate advancement and progress. They like the status quo and laziness.
If you disagree with me that is fine. I welcome disagreement, please let me know how you disagree. But please do not be rude. Give your examples of why you disagree. Yes I know this nation grew stronger while unions existed. Our nation got through WWII with Unions. But I would suggest that shows how hard the US worker can work and wants to work and not because of Unions.
We now have Longshoremen making 6 figures and other unions not far behind. GM Before declaring bankruptcy was paying the lowest position on their assembly lines $65,000, with jobs paying more as their skill level rose such as engine installers making up to $150K+ a year.. The persons making that $65,0000 are those that put on and tighten lug nuts. An 8th grader could do that. The same position at Japanese Car factories here in the US make $40,000 a year. This drove GM and Chrysler to Bankruptcy and Ford close but not over the cliff.
The unions help negotiate high contracts so that they can turn around and demand higher and higher dues from their members to not only pay for high Union salaries with often range between $300K- 1 Million a year, but also to pay for helping getting liberal politicians, who are loyal to the union cause elected into office and thus, making sure those politicians keep them protected by passing Union Protection laws and standing firm against any form of right to work and other reform laws.
The big question is if Unions are only in it to protect their union members then why are they so afraid of competition?
The answer to that question is the members themselves pay their dues for protection not from evil employers but from themselves and their own lazy work ethic.
Modern Unions have become the hiding place of the lazy. Back in the 1990's I worked for Hilton as a Food and Beverage Manager. One summer I went to San Francisco working for Hilton to help out while they were busy. Here in AZ, a right to work state, the manager makes up the schedule for breakfast, lunch and choosing the workers they want to work the shifts. Usually the manger chooses those that work the best and act and dress the most professionally.
In San Francisco however the manager work create a schedule saying he needed say 20 servers for Breakfast on Monday morning. On Friday mornings all of the Servers would gather and starting with those with the most senority they would choose the shifts they wanted. Often times those in San Francisco with the most senority were also the worst workers, being very lazy, rude and even sloppy. They did not care. They were protected by their Union.
The Restaurant Industry has always been well known for rewarding those that work hard and earn the respect of the restaurants patrons. It is one of the few industries in which a person can start as a dish washer and end up at the top running the entire company still, today even while that has ended in most other industries.
Unions however change that. Again to protect the lazy. It has little to do with Protecting ones self from evil corporations and their owners now.
Back while I was going to college, I worked for a Big Grocery chain as a Night Stocker. I worked from 10pm-6 AM stocking shelves. The store was 24 hours and we had customers shopping 24 hours a day. One night just before Thanksgiving a lady came up to me at 5:30 AM looking for one of the frozen turkeys that the store had on sale in the paper for .19 cents a lb I got a stock cart went into the Butcher shop walk in freezer got one turkey for her and several other turkeys to load the empty bin. The bin was normally loaded by the Butchers. Who had their own Union. The customer was very happy, and on her way out told the manager, who was just coming in just before 6 AM. As I was punching out, the store manager came up to me very happy with the customer service I had performed. I went home happy with the job I had done.
I came to work the next night to a note from a Union Shop Steward, telling me to wait till she came in. I waited 1 hour and 20 minutes for her finally decide to come in. And when she came in she had a write up for me, punishing me for getting the customer that turkey. She said I was wrong in doing what I did and was taking a job away from a Butcher. I refused to sign it. She immediately ran to the Store manager trying to get me fired. He refused to do so. So she got, fellow employees, people who I thought were friends to intimate me, they busted my locker and stole my personal property and keyed and defaced my car.
I finally quit, in part because of the intimidation, but mainly because I got another job. The store, Smitty's Grocery declared bankruptcy about a year later and closed its doors shortly there after. I have told this story to many Union and non union workers since then. The Union workers usually agree with the Shop Steward and the treatment I got from fellow employees. Non Union workers usually agree with the store manager and think I did a great act of customer service.
The reality is that Unions are afraid of hard work and hard workers, they hate advancement and progress. They like the status quo and laziness.
If you disagree with me that is fine. I welcome disagreement, please let me know how you disagree. But please do not be rude. Give your examples of why you disagree. Yes I know this nation grew stronger while unions existed. Our nation got through WWII with Unions. But I would suggest that shows how hard the US worker can work and wants to work and not because of Unions.
Friday, January 4, 2013
I have started this blog because I am truly frustrated. It would seem more and more Americans are loosing touch with reality, and forgetting the basic principles of debt management. You cannot get rid of a deficit without cutting spending. Obama does not want anything to do with cutting spending. It is blatantly obvious.
The cries to increase the taxes on the rich are ignorant at best. The Rich in America do not make enough to be able to tax them enough to pay off the US Debt even if we were to tax them at a tax rate of 80-90%. In addition I am tired of Plenty of Liberals screaming that the rich have to pay their fair share when the top 10% pay 70% of all taxes.
Many Americans got their first paycheck today for 2013 and found out that they were taking home less today than they were just two weeks ago. Members of the Democratic Underground Posted that they were stunned that their paychecks were smaller, but in their naive brilliance came to the conclusion that Bush had enacted the payroll tax deduction, and while Obama did not want to raise taxes on the middle class had no choice but to let the Payroll tax deduction expire. But the REALITY is that Obama is the one that enacted the payroll tax deduction, in 2011 in hopes of sparking the economy.
So Obama lied. All Americans not just the Richest Among us awoke to a tax hike in 2013. Shock of all shocks meaning Obama lied.
In addition to Obama's lying about not taxing any one but the rich. Obama does not want to cut spending. His followers do not want to cut spending as well. Hannity has an economics professor on his show, that is a backer and supporter of Obama. He is an economics professor but sees no need to cut spending. He himself states that taxing the rich will get us out of the hole. But the reality is that it wont. Again if you taxed every "Rich" American at an 80% tax rate it still would not be enough to pay all of our debt off.
Liberals hate it when Conservatives accuse them of class warfare but that is exactly what they are doing. When a person says somebody like Romney is evil because they are rich and should be turned upside down and have all their money taken from them it is INDEED class warfare. There are people in the US that believe that the rich are thieves and only got there by robbing others. For some reason according to many liberals you could not be rich and work hard to get there. But the reality is getting rich and staying rich are exercises in hard work and self discipline. Nothing less nothing more.
I would like it if some one could explain me how we can spend ourselves out of debt, or how we can tax the Rich enough to get us out of debt or how Bush Caused the Payroll tax deduction that Obama supported and that was passed into law in 2011.
Please, I welcome debate. Do not be rude and please do not be vague such as stating well its all the Rich peoples fault or saying Rich people do not work hard to get where they are. I want true debate and real examples. Thanks.
Next discussion will be about Unions. I hope you respond and participate in my discussions.
The cries to increase the taxes on the rich are ignorant at best. The Rich in America do not make enough to be able to tax them enough to pay off the US Debt even if we were to tax them at a tax rate of 80-90%. In addition I am tired of Plenty of Liberals screaming that the rich have to pay their fair share when the top 10% pay 70% of all taxes.
Many Americans got their first paycheck today for 2013 and found out that they were taking home less today than they were just two weeks ago. Members of the Democratic Underground Posted that they were stunned that their paychecks were smaller, but in their naive brilliance came to the conclusion that Bush had enacted the payroll tax deduction, and while Obama did not want to raise taxes on the middle class had no choice but to let the Payroll tax deduction expire. But the REALITY is that Obama is the one that enacted the payroll tax deduction, in 2011 in hopes of sparking the economy.
So Obama lied. All Americans not just the Richest Among us awoke to a tax hike in 2013. Shock of all shocks meaning Obama lied.
In addition to Obama's lying about not taxing any one but the rich. Obama does not want to cut spending. His followers do not want to cut spending as well. Hannity has an economics professor on his show, that is a backer and supporter of Obama. He is an economics professor but sees no need to cut spending. He himself states that taxing the rich will get us out of the hole. But the reality is that it wont. Again if you taxed every "Rich" American at an 80% tax rate it still would not be enough to pay all of our debt off.
Liberals hate it when Conservatives accuse them of class warfare but that is exactly what they are doing. When a person says somebody like Romney is evil because they are rich and should be turned upside down and have all their money taken from them it is INDEED class warfare. There are people in the US that believe that the rich are thieves and only got there by robbing others. For some reason according to many liberals you could not be rich and work hard to get there. But the reality is getting rich and staying rich are exercises in hard work and self discipline. Nothing less nothing more.
I would like it if some one could explain me how we can spend ourselves out of debt, or how we can tax the Rich enough to get us out of debt or how Bush Caused the Payroll tax deduction that Obama supported and that was passed into law in 2011.
Please, I welcome debate. Do not be rude and please do not be vague such as stating well its all the Rich peoples fault or saying Rich people do not work hard to get where they are. I want true debate and real examples. Thanks.
Next discussion will be about Unions. I hope you respond and participate in my discussions.
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