Yesterday Fast Food workers across the nation held a walk out, a "Strike" demanding $15 an hour jobs. Some complained that they could not raise their kids and supply for their families on their minimum $7 an hour jobs.
Which is correct, these workers are absolutely right, part time fast food jobs were never meant for Moms and dads raising kids to make careers out of working for McDonalds, Jack in the Box and or even Star Bucks, of which some of those who walked off yesterday were employed by.
Fast food jobs were intended for 16-22 year olds to work while going to school and preparing themselves for real careers in the future.
The reality is that Many Americans can only afford eating at fast food restaurants because those restaurants offer cheap discounted $1 menus. If those restaurants were forced to pay $15 an hour they would have no choice but to pass the raise in costs. Yes wages are costs to a restaurant. They would have to raise those costs onto the customers, many of whom would have to stop eating at those restaurants.
When customers stop eating at a restaurant that restaurant has no choice but to close its doors. When a restaurant closes its doors, EVERYONE. And I Mean EVERYONE, who was making money off that restaurant, including the lowest employee making $7 an hour to the managers and GM's and even the restaurant owner all stop making money and that hurts city, state and nation in General.
In Wausau, Wis., Wendy's worker DuWayne Lewis planned to join fellow workers in an afternoon walkout.
With seven children, including one in college, money is tight for Lewis, who makes $7.25 an hour.
can't live off this, but it's all I've got," Lewis said. "I need to
work. But it's hard to pay the bills and put food on the table with this
kind of pay. I've got seven girls to take care of."
No one is saying that Fast Food workers are lazy.
Most are not. But the reality is that You cannot work at a lower end job that most everyone can do and expect to make great money.
Floor sweepers get paid minimum wage because they do something everyone can do. If you paid the lowest of the low jobs higher wages then EVERYTHING goes up. Just as Everything is now more expensive than it was just a few years ago when they last raised minimum wage.
The reality is that our founding fathers created a Nation where EVERYONE No matter their social standing when born could engage in their own individual pursuit of happiness. But the founding fathers never said that meant putting a gun to the heads of others and paying those who refused to do what was necessary in their lives to improve their lives to live happily in a dead end job.
If DuWayne Lewis and others working $7 an hour the only real option for them would be to go out get some form of education whether it be at a trade school or even an Accredited University and find a better paying job.
Or go out on their own and start their own business and hope it will turn into a success.
The irony is that it is far easier for Fast Food Workers to qualify for Educational funding at their current wages than if they were to be making $15 an hour.
But then that is the point. They really do not want to leave their jobs. Making more would mean they do not have to.
The reality is that anything worth while in life is never easy.
I am not saying that Fast Food workers are Lazy. Or even that what they are doing is Easy. But I am saying that it is often easier to stay doing the same thing over and over and over again than taking a risk and reaping the rewards after taking that risk.
Including higher wages.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Phony Scandals?
In the past several Months multiple Scandals have popped up their ugly head, There have been multiples of them. But three main ones what appear to be direct ties to the top in Washington, if not Obama himself. Obama himself has repeatedly called these scandals as phony. But are they really phony??
Here is the Merriam Webster dictionary definition of Phony.
Here is the Merriam Webster dictionary definition of Phony.
adjective \ˈfō-nē\
Definition of PHONY
: not genuine or real: as
a (1) : intended to deceive or mislead (2) : intended to defraud : counterfeit
b : arousing suspicion : probably dishonest <something phony about the story>
c : having no basis in fact : fictitious <phony publicity stories>
d : false, sham <a phony name>
e : making a false show: as (1) : hypocritical (2) : specious <has a phony poetic elegance — New Republic>
Now for the three scandals.
1. Benghazi: Many in the Liberal Press have bent themselves into Pretzels trying to call Benghazi a non Scandal. And to a degree they are right and in a way they are very very VERY wrong.
The attack on Benghazi itself was not Obama's fault. I am not blaming Muslims attacking an American Embassy on 911 on Obama. I am blaming Obama for the attempt to mislead Americans by claiming that the attacks came as a part of protests over an American Film that insulted Islam.
The reality is that the Attacks were planned and in fact succeeded due to ineptness on the part of the Obama Administration all the way up to people in the White House itself. The attack had been going on for 8 hours before the American Ambassador was killed. We had American Troops within 3 hours of Lybia chomping at the bit to go. But the Obama administration including Obama himself froze. There is evidence he knew.
And then they immediately went out trying to mislead deceive and defraud the American Populous. Funny how the definitions of Merriam Webster actually fit what Obama and his Minions were doing and not what those who want to bring his administration to justice are doing.
2. IRS and the Tea Party: This may be the only one of the three that is not a real scandal. As Rush Limbaugh states, Obama did not have to tell anyone of his minions to do this. I think they did this on there own because they thought this was a good thing. Trust me, many on the left think Tea Parties are evil. The funny thing though is that if Republicans had investigated Leftist groups under Bush Dem's and Liberals would be screaming for GWB's head.
And no despite liberal screams that GWB did have the IRS investigate liberals. He did not. He had the IRS investigate the NAACP's openly running very liberal and very political attack ads. Two totally different things.
The Tea Party's were attacked because they were Conservative. Not because they ran ads.
This is a very dangerous thing and deserved to be investigated. But I doubt that Obama would ever be implicated.
3. AP Wiretaps and Phone record Seizures: This one has direct links to Obama and is extremely serious. I know Liberal reporters are mad about this one but only because it hits close to home. The reality is that this should concern all Americans and not just reporters.
The reality is that the Obama Administration led by Eric Holder has led a massive charge against American Citizens right to privacy. Attacking reporters is only one part of it. I have reported here many times the fact that many thousands of drones are being used now and more will be brought online in the future to listen in on Americans and there private lives.
You think oh well that wont affect me I do not talk ill of America or its president. Well what if those drones are used to tax smokers smoking in there own home or for drinking sugary sodas. Keep in mind that Obama care is all about attacking those and "taxing" those that supposedly engage in bad habbits like Obesity and smoking and other acts.
The fact that Obama would approve of such acts only states what type of frame of mind he has and that is that he does not care what freedoms he tramples in his quest to increase Liberal power over Americans.
Many Presidents have been implicated in Scandals in the past. FDR was implicated in the USS Rueben James scandal where he sent a US Destroyer into the Atlantic unmarked hoping that the ship would be attacked by German Uboats drawing us into WWII. It was and sailors died. They found evidence that FDR approved of the act himself. But by the time it got to Congress to consider impeachment, the US was already in WWII and it seemed pointless to impeach him for something that we ultimately did anyway.
Nixon had Watergate. And while I think that the coverup of the stupid burglary was stupid even it does not come close to the acts the Obama administration has done in Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the AP scandal and the reason why is no one died as a result of Watergate and no one lost rights or were purposely attacked by a Presidential Admin because of their political leanings.
Shoot even Clinton and his Monicagate scandal was rather pointless even though he actually did break a law by lieing under oath. The reason why he was ultimately disbarred. But again Clintons actions did not result in someone getting killed or rights of a political group being taken away.
The president is wrong. These scandals are not phony. And if he would stand up and address the scandals instead of running from them maybe DC could get back to work. but in the end I really do not want DC going back to work.
Because every time they pass new legislation it only costs me, the taxpayer more money.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
I am Back!
Hello, I took about 6 weeks off, to move and reorganize.
Along time ago, I saw a poll that said that the three most stressful things in your life were death, taxes and moving in that order. I definitely agree with that assessment.
I took one heck of a 6 weeks off. The Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman Verdict, Obama calling the IRS scandal a fake scandal despite the IRS admitting to targeting Conservative Groups. It was one heck of a 6 weeks.
I apologize to all of those that were following me on a regular basis. I had a growing international audience and hope to regain your confidence as well. I am not going anywhere anytime soon.
Trayvon Martin's Mom visited the Valley of the Sun, (Phoenix) a few days ago. She is either choosing to ignore why George Zimmerman was found innocent or refuses to admit that her son was the agressor in the situation.
Trayvon Martins Mom wants states to alter and or get rid of the stand your ground laws many states, including Arizona have. But the reality is that George Zimmerman was not found innocent based on the existance of the stand your ground laws.
Fulton spoke to a crowd of around 100 people at Memorial Hall in Steele Indian School Park. It was part of a forum on racial profiling and a U.S. tour to decry the "Stand Your Ground" gun law that found her son's death justified.
"I never believed that the jury would not see that it was a murder," she says.
Fulton and the family's lawyer, Benjamin Crump, say they are using the loss to champion their latest effort to change Stand Your Ground laws in the U.S. with the "Trayvon Amendment," which, Crump says, would make it so that "if you confront someone, and if you instigate [a fight], you can't get away with murder."
The reality is that it was Trayvon that Confronted and who instigated a fight and that is why George Zimmerman was found innocent.
I understand that Trayvon's Mom may find it hard to accept but her son is as responsible for the outcome of that night several years ago as Zimmerman was.
Was George Zimmerman being over zealous? Yes, but Trayvon could have handled the situation differently. He did not and in the end it was Trayvon and his family that is paying for his mistake.
But now his mom wants to take away your and my freedoms and safety all based on her sons bad decisions and her refusal to see that.
As always I welcome your responses. Thanks.
Along time ago, I saw a poll that said that the three most stressful things in your life were death, taxes and moving in that order. I definitely agree with that assessment.
I took one heck of a 6 weeks off. The Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman Verdict, Obama calling the IRS scandal a fake scandal despite the IRS admitting to targeting Conservative Groups. It was one heck of a 6 weeks.
I apologize to all of those that were following me on a regular basis. I had a growing international audience and hope to regain your confidence as well. I am not going anywhere anytime soon.
Trayvon Martin's Mom visited the Valley of the Sun, (Phoenix) a few days ago. She is either choosing to ignore why George Zimmerman was found innocent or refuses to admit that her son was the agressor in the situation.
Trayvon Martins Mom wants states to alter and or get rid of the stand your ground laws many states, including Arizona have. But the reality is that George Zimmerman was not found innocent based on the existance of the stand your ground laws.
Fulton spoke to a crowd of around 100 people at Memorial Hall in Steele Indian School Park. It was part of a forum on racial profiling and a U.S. tour to decry the "Stand Your Ground" gun law that found her son's death justified.
"I never believed that the jury would not see that it was a murder," she says.
Fulton and the family's lawyer, Benjamin Crump, say they are using the loss to champion their latest effort to change Stand Your Ground laws in the U.S. with the "Trayvon Amendment," which, Crump says, would make it so that "if you confront someone, and if you instigate [a fight], you can't get away with murder."
The reality is that it was Trayvon that Confronted and who instigated a fight and that is why George Zimmerman was found innocent.
I understand that Trayvon's Mom may find it hard to accept but her son is as responsible for the outcome of that night several years ago as Zimmerman was.
Was George Zimmerman being over zealous? Yes, but Trayvon could have handled the situation differently. He did not and in the end it was Trayvon and his family that is paying for his mistake.
But now his mom wants to take away your and my freedoms and safety all based on her sons bad decisions and her refusal to see that.
As always I welcome your responses. Thanks.
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